Alien Isolation.... Any good?


Supreme [H]ardness
Feb 3, 2004
I've never played an Alien game, but love the movie series.

The reviews for this game are actually decent compared to other recent one,AKA Colonial Marines.

Is this worth picking up?

It's only $20 for the deluxe edition(PS4) at Target.

How did you guys like this?
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Once the fear/fun of running from the alien wears off, its an incredibly generic game.
They do a good job of building up that fear and trying to keep it for as long as possible but halfway through the game you start getting weapons you can kill it with. Then you're not so afraid anymore but the whole Alien atmosphere stays throughout, and this game is very high on atmosphere. The sound design is topnotch, and it really looks like an 80's movie. If you are fan of stealth horror games it's a must-buy imo.
It's 4-5 hrs worth of ideas stretched out WAY too long. Would have been an excellent 30$ budget horror title, but as is it wears thin after a while. If you're a fan of horror games get it during a steam sale or something, but don't go out of the way to get it.
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So it sounds like this game is pretty good but wait for a steam sale? I was interested the other day. I enjoyed Alien vs Predator a lot and was sadly let down with Aliens Colonial Marines.
Like cthulhuiscool said yeah a steam sale, he's right it's not really worth the full 60 USD price as half the game is just padding. You'll be blown away for a while though.
Took the bite for $20 with a couple of DLCs included.
Seems pretty cool so far.
The saving on this game is a tad ridiculous.

But the dark and lonely atmosphere of this is actually pretty intense.
That first encounter with the Alien, LOL. The music and the scene just go so well together.
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If you're a fan of old school 70s and 80s sci-fi horror then it's a must buy. The game is incredibly atmospheric and really puts you in the the original setting with it's old humming CRT monitors and constant clicking and beeping of technology.
As a huge Alien fan I loved this game. Captures the feel and atmosphere perfectly. One of the best games I've played in awhile.
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Glad to hear such positive feedback. I'll put this one on the radar.
Best game in 2014 for me. Best horror game in recent years as well. Buy the collection version when you feel like it (discount or not) and reserve 15-20 hours for the main game and few more for the DLC stuff.

And don´t try to complete the game in long sessions, the stress will wear you out. Few hours at a time is better.
its even better if you can get your hands on a DK2 - the game works well in VR
its even better if you can get your hands on a DK2 - the game works well in VR

That's why I originally picked it up. Pretty awesome experience in VR!
I experienced some issues looking at and interacting with computer terminals though. Later when things are after you, it could be a game breaking issue. Never researched to find out if it was a widespread bug, or just something "special" about my setup.

See if your local Library has one to check out. Some doing the makerspace thing are doing just that.
It's an excellent game. It can get a little tedious at some points, but there are parts like that with any game. Overall I can't really fault it on much. It occasionally stressed me out a little bit, so I would take a break for a day or so. (there's a lot of hiding involved)

It's not very much like the other available Alien(s) based games, as it's not really an action shooter. It's more survival horror. It does what it does very well. The atmosphere is amazing, the sound and music are spot on. The graphics are very nice, and it does a lot to bring the feel of the original move across, but with a completely new plot.

If you like the original movie, and are open to not just blasting away at everything, then definitely pick it up. I think I paid $40 or so, and it was worth every cent of that. If it's $60 right now, maybe hold off for the next sale. It's still almost worth that though, so...
Play it on hard otherwise I'd bet it's not as good. ;)
One of these days I'll go through the DLC but the core game is great.
That's why I originally picked it up. Pretty awesome experience in VR!
I experienced some issues looking at and interacting with computer terminals though. Later when things are after you, it could be a game breaking issue. Never researched to find out if it was a widespread bug, or just something "special" about my setup.

See if your local Library has one to check out. Some doing the makerspace thing are doing just that.

it was just a VR issue, since VR wasn't officially supported - I made it through the issue but for everything else it was pretty amazing :)
Game is much better when you realize you can use the flamethrower to tell the alien to fuck off.
Absolutely loved this game. I'm a huge Alien fan, and this game didn't disappoint. The atmosphere is fantastic, and the game is overall very tense. It's pretty much necessary to wear headphones while playing this game so you can get the full effect of the sound.

The game was long, but for a SP campaign I though that was fine...15-25 hours, depending on the difficulty and your play style. I'd rather it be fairly long than a crappy short game (I'm really surprised at how many people say it's too long...). I paid full price for it, and I don't regret it at all. The DLC's that let you play through parts of the first movie are fantastic as well, since the full original cast did the voice work for them.

I wouldn't necessarily consider the game "survival horror"...more like "survival terror", since "horror" is more 'scary' games to me...and this game is playing more on the tense/stress factors. No cheesy jump scares (which is great) - just atmospheric intensity. Even when you're not being actively hunted by the Xenomorph, it definitely still feels like you are (especially with all the bumps/groans the ship makes). Oh, and yes, the Save system is intentionally designed that way - otherwise it wouldn't give a feeling of helplessness/intensity that it normally would if you could just quick save at any point. Even while saving you're not safe until you're actually in the Save selection screen...the deliberate slowness just adds to the stress and is well done IMO.
Game is much better when you realize you can use the flamethrower to tell the alien to fuck off.

In my playthrough, the Xeno eventually got more "resistant" to the flamethrower later on as I used it more and more. It started to run through the flames and I had to hold it for longer, and would knock me over (or if I was unlucky, kill me outright).
In my playthrough, the Xeno eventually got more "resistant" to the flamethrower later on as I used it more and more. It started to run through the flames and I had to hold it for longer, and would knock me over (or if I was unlucky, kill me outright).

That's a great aspect of the game. You really felt as if the alien was measuring you up, and trying to find your weaknesses.

Easily game of the year for me in 2014. Don't believe it doesn't worth full price. If you're an alien fan and you treat the alien with the respect it deserves then you won't be disappointed.
It seems to me that most people disappointed in the game expected an action game. And they refuse to get the atmosphere get to them, then sure the game can feel empty and boring. But if you take every step in the game like you're walking on eggs even before the first encounter with the alien, like I did, then you won't be disappointed. Frustrated maybe at some points, but not disappointed.
That's a great aspect of the game. You really felt as if the alien was measuring you up, and trying to find your weaknesses.
Yeah; and the fact that it does somewhat "learn" from your behaviors. E.g., if you use a lot of lockers / cabinets to hide in, then it will spend more time roaming around lockers if it thinks you're in them. Same with the vent systems...I didn't really use the vents much until closer to the end (because they're scary as hell anyway lol), and when I finally started to use 'em was definitely a shock the first time I saw the Xeno rushing at me through from the other end lol.

Easily game of the year for me in 2014. Don't believe it doesn't worth full price. If you're an alien fan and you treat the alien with the respect it deserves then you won't be disappointed.
It seems to me that most people disappointed in the game expected an action game. And they refuse to get the atmosphere get to them, then sure the game can feel empty and boring. But if you take every step in the game like you're walking on eggs even before the first encounter with the alien, like I did, then you won't be disappointed. Frustrated maybe at some points, but not disappointed.

Definitely agree - pretty sure people went into it thinking it was going to be an action game like every other Alien game, and they were put off by the fact that you can't kill the Xeno and that it's a survival horror (terror?) game.

There's a reason that it won so many sound awards.
Either the best mod ever or the worst mod ever: somebody removed the Alien so you can explore the ship to your heart's content. Probably something you'd want to do after you've beat the game.
I didn't want to say this earlier, but I feel it is my duty to leave this comment regardless of the outcome. Alien isolation creeps the F out of me. I can't play it. I jump, get scared, and turn it off.
I loved it. Scared the crap out of me a few times. Alien AI is pretty good but can suck at times. Also it runs and looks terrific.
Really amazing game, i hope they will make a game based on the second alien movie that would be so awesome.
I didn't want to say this earlier, but I feel it is my duty to leave this comment regardless of the outcome. Alien isolation creeps the F out of me. I can't play it. I jump, get scared, and turn it off.
:D I didn't really ever jump, just got really stressed out and had to stop after an hour or 2...then after a break I'd pick it up again and continue on. Though the one time I did jump, was in the DLC mission where you navigate through the air ducts like in the first movie... Xeno came out from one of the side-ducts right next to me and scared the bejesus out of me...even my wife sitting next to me jumped.

Really amazing game, i hope they will make a game based on the second alien movie that would be so awesome.

That's what pretty much every Alien game has already been based off of :p.
Great game. Check out that oculus rift alien demo though, now that is some scary fucking shit.
A must play if you're a fan of Ridley Scott's 1979 masterpiece.
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Superb game. I found it takes all the right cues from Bioshock, Dead Space, Condemned, and Amnesia... and importantly, System Shock 2.

Would recommend getting the DLCs if you can as it let's you play out sequences from Alien, including voice work by the original actors.
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Just started it on Steamlink last night. Looks great, but I got that damn Bridge Briefing bug on the first level... Will try again tonight.
i just got this and ill say.. Almost wish i had gotten the ps3 version to play on my big tv. Steam stream to my media pc lags too much and i dont get the surroumd sound for some reason if that even works

not very far in. I suck as these kinds of games.
rewatch the first Alien movie first...then play the excellent game and the best Alien game ever made...although I was one of the few who did like the Aliens vs Predator 2010 game
rewatch the first Alien movie first...then play the excellent game and the best Alien game ever made...although I was one of the few who did like the Aliens vs Predator 2010 game

I liked the AVP series as well, especially the 2010 title. Haven't tried Isolation yet but I've heard mostly all positive.
I enjoyed AvP (2010) quite a bit...I wish they had put more effort into balancing the MP, it was actually quite fun. Graphically still holds up pretty good as well, I think it was one of the first DX11 titles.

I picked up Isolation on the Steam sale...not sure when I will play it, but it seemed worth the money.
I got bored of Isolation pretty quickly. The game was just too tedious to me.