Aion Beta

I tried the NA beta briefly and have played the Chinese one a good bit now. They're the exact same game though at this time.

i've been playing chinese aion for bit now and i have lvl35 templar north china aspel

p.s just found that cleric gets pull rez ( resurrect on resser ) at lvl37
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i've been playing chinese aion for bit now and i have lvl35 templar north china aspel

p.s just found that cleric gets pull rez ( resurrect on resser ) at lvl37

Didn't see that when I looked, good to know that there's at least that.
If I was in the beta 2 weeks ago does that mean I have access to this one? I got it through Fileplanet but I just tried logging in and it wouldn't work. Maybe it was only for that one weekend.
Only preorder codes can log in for all beta's, otherwise they're for a single weekend only.

So I logged in excited to see all the improvements over the Chinese client since I was being told repeatedly at AionSource that my impressions from the Chinese client were irrelevant/lies due to it being outdated, only to find that... the NA client is *OLDER* and missing tons of features the Chinese one had even such as spell hotbar lock and graphic settings, etc. (not to mention some quests and other content) :(. What a disappointment... I was hoping to see a more polished Aion.
did you really expect the NA version of an asian MMO to be up-to-date?

its always going to be behind, which is one of the reasons I won't pay for it
did you really expect the NA version of an asian MMO to be up-to-date?

its always going to be behind, which is one of the reasons I won't pay for it

I didn't, but everyone kept saying it was on the same version, so despite my doubts I figured someone had to have a clue what they were talking about :). The "always going to be behind" thing was one of my worries about Aion, too.
picked up the beta code today at best buy. 8.5 hours left on the download, zzzzzzzzzzz
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It's pretty good so far I made it to level 8 on a mage before going to work and level 4 on a priest. Game seems well polished, there's some problems my friend mentioned he rolled a warrior or w/e the tank is. It appears that people who do more DPS on the mob get the exp/loot, not the person who hits it first. This makes it worse for tanks and healer.

You also get titles in game which add to stats my character is Annimal Lover Geewiz. Pretty gay title but +20MP.
I have been downloading Aion for days and it wont finish grrr lol

So those of you who have played WoW, How does this compare?

Honestly... (we all hate WoW yet still play it so be fair plz) thx
ok how do I invert the mouse controls in aion? this is driving me insane.
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ok how do I invert the mouse controls in aion? this is driving me insane.
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Don't think you can yet. It's been suggested to the developers of the NA version though so it'll probably make it in some time in the future.
Don't think you can yet. It's been suggested to the developers of the NA version though so it'll probably make it in some time in the future.

wow, that is ridiuclous. I am going to cancel my preorders if that does not get fixed :O
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wow, that is ridiuclous. I am going to cancel my preorders if that does not get fixed :O
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They've stated that an inverted mouse option will be in for release, as well as Aion releasing in version 1.5, which is the most up to date version of the game in Korea.
I've played this up to lvl 9. It was pretty fun, i like the mechanics and how it works differently than other MMO's i've played. Combat with a warrior has these combo attacks where you can do a level 1 combo attack and then that unlocks all the level 2 combo attacks so you have to pick what type of attack you want to do once you get up to higher level attacks since if you do the wrong one then you have to build up the combo again to be able to do an attack. It's pretty cool.
I have been downloading Aion for days and it wont finish grrr lol

So those of you who have played WoW, How does this compare?

Honestly... (we all hate WoW yet still play it so be fair plz) thx

I hated WoW but found it better than this (I tried CN Aion which is a newer version for about 40 hours of play, and the NA "beta" for an hour) by far (and man, I really did not like WoW... I felt it was way too easy and simple a game). I currently play WAR, but I'd sooner go back to WoW than Aion, myself.
From my limited experience now with Aion, I have to either say I'll eventually relapse back to WoW (been clean 3+ years :| ) or a different paytoplay asian MMO. I was hopeful for Aion but so far it still lacks any sort of hook or polish for me (and especially what was noted before, NA client outdated :\ ).
From my limited experience now with Aion, I have to either say I'll eventually relapse back to WoW (been clean 3+ years :| ) or a different paytoplay asian MMO. I was hopeful for Aion but so far it still lacks any sort of hook or polish for me (and especially what was noted before, NA client outdated :\ ).

Lacks polish? :eek: I would say the game just oozes polish, much more so than WoW does.

Also check out this awesome error message I got. Game still runs fine though:



Anyway I will not ever go back to WoW just because Blizzard is making the game too casual friendly while turning the game into a big loot pinata now. I am hoping for a bit more of a challenge with Aion when the endgame gets implemented. I really like LOTRO as well, however I miss PVP :(
When it's launched it will be the latest client, 1.5 or something. For some reason the CB is a previous version :/ In general I think it's much more polished that wow was during its beta period. But then again wow had not been out for a while in a different country prior to beta testing. It's an enjoyable game I think but it needs more cowbell.
I like Aion because it feels different and doesn't fall into the typical fantasy setting.

The quests for the most part are well written and in a conversational style, and quite a few of them are funny or have funny parts.

I have a lv 24 Chanter on c-aion at the moment and I'm going to be sad if I have to hang her up after the 1.2 patch (english translation pack will no longer work).

A lot of the quests are similar to other games, but a few of them offer alternate completion paths. I've spent a lot of time working on my armor crafting and find it rewarding and enjoyable, in addition to it giving me some excellent gear.

I'm trying to limit my play in the US beta since I know that the characters will be deleted, though.
From my limited experience now with Aion, I have to either say I'll eventually relapse back to WoW (been clean 3+ years :| ) or a different paytoplay asian MMO. I was hopeful for Aion but so far it still lacks any sort of hook or polish for me (and especially what was noted before, NA client outdated :\ ).

Im not sure what game you are playing. Aion runs very smooth and have not seen any issue's with it so far. Compared to WAR its a blast. Its also nice that you don't get stuck on every branch and stone on the ground like you did in WAR.
I am loving Ain in the beta. I actually have the guy who refuses to give up on WoW hooked which is good. From what I have seen a good duo or full group would great assist you in leveling but is not nessisary.
Im not sure what game you are playing. Aion runs very smooth and have not seen any issue's with it so far. Compared to WAR its a blast. Its also nice that you don't get stuck on every branch and stone on the ground like you did in WAR.

This, I get as good or better framerates in Aion as I do in wow. Maybe it's because the engine utilizes SLI more.
I'm really interested in checking this game out, so if anyone has a beta key they aren't planning on using please send it my way!
I'm really interested in checking this game out, so if anyone has a beta key they aren't planning on using please send it my way!

preoreder from amazon. its cost nothing to preorder and they should mail you a key before the next event. you can just cancel your preorder before it ships if you do not want to buy it there.
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This, I get as good or better framerates in Aion as I do in wow. Maybe it's because the engine utilizes SLI more.

looks like a good engine for this type of game. looks better that wow and I am getting a solid 60+ fps with all settings at max and 8x aa enabled in the game menu with just a 8800gt.
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looks like a good engine for this type of game. looks better that wow and I am getting a solid 60+ fps with all settings at max and 8x aa enabled in the game menu with just a 8800gt.
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yeah, I'm surprised that no one else licensed the CryEngine 1 for anything.. it is a beautiful engine and it runs very well on today's hardware and has 1 mile views built into it.. what they've done with it seems perfect for a mmorpg.
I'm trying to limit my play in the US beta since I know that the characters will be deleted, though.

Same for me. I just got the beta and played last weekend but I'm going to stop playing it now I think. Want to play it when it actually launches cuz i do like it. What is the high level play of this game like? Anyone know what it has for raids etc.?
This sort of reminds me of FFXI, does it have the same feel?

Yes, it does actually. It's a mix of FFXI, WoW, and LOTRO. Luckily it got the LOTRO interface and not FFXIs. It's what FFXI could have been without the interface it was crippled with. The graphics and character design blow away WoW and FFXI. The silly critters in Aion will make you think of FFXI and it has a similar flow of combat that FFXI did (where the mobs stop and cast/use abilities) plus the combat damage font reminds me of FFXI. The flow and questing aspect is more like WoW and LOTRO.
I just got on and played it this weekend. As soon as I created a character and logged in I said :it looks like WOW with better graphics. After a few hours of play it "felt" a lot like Age of Conan. The user interface is pretty much a dead on clone for WOW...

I am a die hard City of Heroes player and despite all the pvp nerfs - I have yet to find an mmo that has the "coolness" factor of COH. It lacks a lot of end game content but the pvp is awesome - fastest I have ever experienced and most enjoyable to play.
Got my Sorc to 23 this weekend. Wanted to get into the Abyss, but I was way too tired haha. Rushing through 16-23 through all the elite quests back to back eventually took a toll (mixing both RL + MMO in one weekend -_-). I did spend a lot of time doing the Krall quests on the Elyos side (I believe its the Black Claw's for Asmodians), and they were pretty darn fun due to the teamwork required in order to complete it.

I agree with Mnem that a solid core group of 3-4 can easily accomplish what 6-man teams need. IMO, to think about doing those elite quests, its basic, but all you really is a tank,healer,CC. The tank's role is obvious: holding agro, plate and HP centric. Templars and Glads (even with a polearm) work just fine. healer can either be chanter or cleric, and I've met some people who only want clerics but chanters do the job great IMO. I also believe CC is almost critical if you're attempting to do the lvl 17-22 elite quests area, b/c there will be a LOT of instances where you will be fighting 2-3 elite mobs at the same time. The sorcs' sleep/tree ability to control the fight and direct all attention to one mob, while chain CC'ing the other 1-3 elite mobs, can define a successful fight or wipe. Granted, the CC's can be resisted, so probably good to either have backups or other tanks/healers. Overall, there were a few buggy quests but a fun experience nonetheless. I completed the entire series with 5-6 man groups and if the group's competent, you wouldn't run into many wipes. With PUGs running efficiently for the most part (with some retards from time to time), a guild group would clean up fast.

Spent some time PvPing/Dueling when I was 22, and the melee classes are starting to come out of their shell. Their getting some nice spells for closing the gap between range classes. I also agree that combat is pretty reactionary, where the assassins are timing their stuns appropriately and putting up their max dodge spells when i'm attempting to CC. Same case for the templars with their shield bash technique and interrupts. Granted, this is all ground PvP and air PvP is a different breed in itself. Pretty neat stuff so far, hope to report more on group PvP when I get into Abyss next beta wave.

I'm probably stopping once I get to 25 or at least several hours into the Abyss, and won't play the Open Beta. I like what I see thus far; don't want to invest more time into a char that will get wiped in a month or so. Plus, it'll build anticipation for release :)
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Can I still get in on the beta? :confused:

I think there are two closed beta sessions left, and open beta is after that.

You can either:

1 - Preorder the game, and get the preorder code to play the closed betas. (I put a $5 deposit on the game @ Gamestop)

2 - Wait for Open Beta (Probably another month or so).

Pick your poison