Aion Beta

The beta on the 17th is a closed beta for pre-orders only. Open beta (only for pre-orders I think even then) is sometime in late August, I think. The client took about a 6gb download for me when I got the NA beta one, and 7+gb for the Chinese one that I am playing on at the moment.

Ah well, guess I'll wait till they got trial periods and hope they are 14 days or so.
I already preordered Aion from Amazon but are there any hardcore MMO players that play in the beta that can reccommend the game to a primary solo player? I don't have any friends that play MMO games so I would be playing mostly by myself. Also how easy would it be to group up with other players?

Eh, the Chinese guy who was the first person to hit 45 in cAion pretty much soloed his way up there. Although keep in mind that he had an OOP chanter and level 50 is the cap when Aion goes live over here. So far I've soloed my way up till level 20 without any issues in the beta, but some of the quests definitely demand you have a party. I haven't hit a point in the game that I MUST complete a quest in order to advance yet (class change doesn't count)..... yet.
still waiting on a comment about the actual gameplay in PvP form.

it does not look fluent and the characters seem awfully stiff.

i'm guessing no one has commented on this cuz all of u are PvEers?

if the PvP aspect sux there isn't a reason to play it.
still waiting on a comment about the actual gameplay in PvP form.

it does not look fluent and the characters seem awfully stiff.

i'm guessing no one has commented on this cuz all of u are PvEers?

if the PvP aspect sux there isn't a reason to play it.

The rumor is the Beta will let us hit 40 this weekend. If that is the case I should be able to do some PvP and will report on it here.
still waiting on a comment about the actual gameplay in PvP form.

it does not look fluent and the characters seem awfully stiff.

i'm guessing no one has commented on this cuz all of u are PvEers?

if the PvP aspect sux there isn't a reason to play it.

Most people haven't been able to play the pvp portion of the game because the previous events were capped at lv 20 and the abyss was not open for players.

It will be this time.

I don't think that the character animations are stiff at all.
still waiting on a comment about the actual gameplay in PvP form.

it does not look fluent and the characters seem awfully stiff.

i'm guessing no one has commented on this cuz all of u are PvEers?

if the PvP aspect sux there isn't a reason to play it.

It's kinda hard to comment on the PvP aspect of the game when the main PvP zone isn't open yet....

The rumor is the Beta will let us hit 40 this weekend. If that is the case I should be able to do some PvP and will report on it here.

Level cap is 25 which is high enough for the Abyss. It's on the official site.
It's kinda hard to comment on the PvP aspect of the game when the main PvP zone isn't open yet....

Level cap is 25 which is high enough for the Abyss. It's on the official site.

Cool thanks man. Been busy at work so I only have time to hit this site up:D
Got my beta code from Amazon. For those that don't know already, the next closed beta is starting this Friday. This will let me decide whether or not I will want to drop down the money to buy the game.
Got my beta code from Amazon. For those that don't know already, the next closed beta is starting this Friday. This will let me decide whether or not I will want to drop down the money to buy the game.

Same here
I am interested enough to have preordered to I can try it out. Amazon has yet to send me my code though and I preordered over a week ago.
I think with amazon you can get it from there site. Somone told me it was in the digital download section or something. Check the site again.
By the way, tip to all the newcomers - you can change channels in the newbie areas, so if you feel really overpopulated by people hogging all the quest mobs, etc. You can change your channel within the server and a new environment loads around you.
By the way, tip to all the newcomers - you can change channels in the newbie areas, so if you feel really overpopulated by people hogging all the quest mobs, etc. You can change your channel within the server and a new environment loads around you.

So its like guild wars in that aspect just not limited to towns/cities?
Its more like how Tabula Rasa was if you played that. But there are some area's that do not have more than 1 chan from what I hear.
I actually bought a beta key, then a friend gave me one. I have the "preorder box with key card" thats sells at newegg for 5 bucks Id me willing to give someone for a 3.00 donation.. I will email You the beta key number and then mail it. That way you can play this weekend. [email protected]
Golden Tiger's post caught my eye. My responses:

  • [*]1) Death penalties are too harsh at high Abyss Point ranks (20+ kills lost for a single death!).

    Mmmm. I'm not going to lie, this is a big negative for me.

    [*]2) Ressurrection brings you to where you died, not to the rezzer, leaving you in danger, while debuffing your stats, snaring you, and leaving you at low health to die again in a flash.

    A basic design flaw. I fully expect it to be fixed before launch.

    [*]3) There's no reward for healing ala WAR/WOW/DAOC. You're better off to just damage an enemy if you're after points, rather than heal an ally.

    Bad, bad, bad! I hate it when games do this! Playing the tank or support class is usually less fun (or, if it is, it's fun but almost completely ineffective solo). So there's usually a glut of "pew pew" DPS types out there, all looking for a tank or heals (this is 3 MMOs experience talking, here).

    Making support guys struggle to get XP to level with compounds the problem.

    [*]4) Bag space? I don't know if it expands later, but it seems small so far at 27 slots.

    Agreed. Though I see there are ways to increase it others have mentioned.

    [*]5) Ignore feature: it seems to not work on some people, but does on others. I'm not really sure why.

    Probably just a coding issue.

    [*]6) No dual targeting: you can't have a target to heal and one to attack without switching back and forth.

    "Wtf?" I notice a recurring theme of missing kind of basic MMO staples so far. It's like trying to sell me a car that doesn't come with standard A/C or power windows. We're past that shit now.

    [*]7) Forced grouping for some required questlines to advance your character (such as picking your final class).

    I play MMOs to group, but I appreciate game designers keeping an eye on soloers leveling after the main pack.
To semisonic9

1) MMO without some sort of death penalty in PVP is dumb. Penalty means people will be far more organized and be smart about things unlike warhammer where people just charge without thinking because there is no penalty.
2) agreed
3) agreed
4) bag expands up to 108 slots through quests/money
To semisonic9

1) MMO without some sort of death penalty in PVP is dumb. Penalty means people will be far more organized and be smart about things unlike warhammer where people just charge without thinking because there is no penalty.

But 20+ kills worth of points lost in one death? Seems harsh.

Golden Tiger's post caught my eye.

Well then, please don't play. The game will be better off without whining carebears like goldentiger, and if you're of the same mindset then it's probably for the best. Of course, a bulk of the info he posted is inaccurate...
But 20+ kills worth of points lost in one death? Seems harsh.


You only lose a large sum of points when you die with a lot of AP. In fact, until you're ranked within the top 100 of the server, a single death can be recovered by killing a single person in the same ranking as you.

I honestly hate what WoW has done to the perception of leveling in MMOs. Hitting the level cap within weeks of character creation is not the norm, whatever happened to taking years to build up your character....?
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You only lose a large sum of points when you die with a lot of AP. In fact, until you're ranked within the top 100 of the server, a single death can be recovered by killing a single person in the same ranking as you.

I honestly hate what WoW has done to the perception of leveling in MMOs. Hitting the level cap within weeks of character creation is not the norm, whatever happened to taking years to build up your character....?

Unfortunately, it died with WoW.
Holy crap, I dont want to have to play this for years to hit the max level... I was thinking more like a week. JK... but man, years? Nah... but I would go for 6 months of Hardcore playing.. maybe a year for someone like me that only plays a couple hours a week.
Have anything to back that up?

Sure come to Korea go to a PC Bang.

I hardly ever see ads on tv any more for this game. If it was super popular it would have its own show on the gaming channel. Wow and starcraft and a whole slew of Nexon games have it but not Aion. Plus You know shit is popular when they sell the game for like 6 thousand won in Family mart or GS Mart. Plus I don't see any of their Time cards there.

3.5 million subscribers I doubt it. Lots of Koreans sign up but never play the games. I am a teacher and kids tell me what games they like and I ask.
BTW there are 49 million people in this country and TONS of them play games, its not like North America, its actually considered cool to be a computer game player here.
Sure come to Korea go to a PC Bang.

I hardly ever see ads on tv any more for this game. If it was super popular it would have its own show on the gaming channel. Wow and starcraft and a whole slew of Nexon games have it but not Aion. Plus You know shit is popular when they sell the game for like 6 thousand won in Family mart or GS Mart. Plus I don't see any of their Time cards there.

3.5 million subscribers I doubt it. Lots of Koreans sign up but never play the games. I am a teacher and kids tell me what games they like and I ask.
BTW there are 49 million people in this country and TONS of them play games, its not like North America, its actually considered cool to be a computer game player here.

Well there a many more reputable sources than "Wrech00 on hardforums" showing aion is the second most subscribed MMO worldwide. And that's before launching in the EU/NA/Japan. With WoW losing over half it's overall subs from China, I wouldn't be surprised if Aion becomes the most played MMO worldwide by years end...granted in a cheap fashion, but nevertheless...
Holy crap, I dont want to have to play this for years to hit the max level... I was thinking more like a week. JK... but man, years? Nah... but I would go for 6 months of Hardcore playing.. maybe a year for someone like me that only plays a couple hours a week.

Don't read FUD. In the Korea/China versions, which are more hardcore, it took someone about 120-140hrs to go from 1-45.

Considering they're westernizing the game, expanding it to 50, and giving a lot more quests, it shouldn't feel more of a grind.

But: What's the dang rush?

140-200 hrs is pretty short for an MMO, imo. If you spent 4 hrs a week, you'd be done easily in less than a year. 1 hr a day? 4-6 months. Granted, that's dedicating all time to leveling, which doesn't happen, but still.. I don't want there to be all maxxed out chars in months to half a year from launch.

Granted, its all stipulation at this point, you should wait after the game launches and we'll have real answers before making your judgment.
Don't read FUD. In the Korea/China versions, which are more hardcore, it took someone about 120-140hrs to go from 1-45.

Considering they're westernizing the game, expanding it to 50, and giving a lot more quests, it shouldn't feel more of a grind.

But: What's the dang rush?

140-200 hrs is pretty short for an MMO, imo. If you spent 4 hrs a week, you'd be done easily in less than a year. 1 hr a day? 4-6 months. Granted, that's dedicating all time to leveling, which doesn't happen, but still.. I don't want there to be all maxxed out chars in months to half a year from launch.

Granted, its all stipulation at this point, you should wait after the game launches and we'll have real answers before making your judgment.

hitting level caps won't be hard
but grinding for top abyss gear will take while
Well then, please don't play. The game will be better off without whining carebears like goldentiger, and if you're of the same mindset then it's probably for the best. Of course, a bulk of the info he posted is inaccurate...

What's inaccurate about it? The packs expand later on, and perhaps I should have qualified 10-20+ kills worth of points lost for a single death as "at the high end", but that's about it. Even with the expanded packs it's incredibly constrictive. Just saying it's "inaccurate" doesn't mean it is. P.S. I've played MMO's since EQ1's launch, I'm hardly a "carebear" because I don't like severe losses for death ;).

To the guy saying you can level to 50 in 140 hours, that's true if you have an out of party healer/buffer like the Chinese guy did, with full knowledge of exactly where to go and what to kill every step of the way in the most optimal fashion possible. Of course, you can do the same in WAR, WOW, DAOC, etc. pretty much too ;). That's fairly meaningless. Aion is a very grind-heavy Korean-style MMO, even with the proposed "westernizations" that are mainly at level 50 (adding any dungeons to do etc.) for the NA/EU launch.

There will be a next big MMO I'm sure, but I don't think it's going to be Aion. With the death penalties, heavy grind, and extremely unpolished interface and gameplay (despite it being fun) most will try it a few hours and then take a look for something else :(. I played for around 30 hours and there's just too much stuff to list that people expect of modern MMO's that isn't there as basic features.
To the guy saying you can level to 50 in 140 hours, that's true if you have an out of party healer/buffer like the Chinese guy did, with full knowledge of exactly where to go and what to kill every step of the way in the most optimal fashion possible. Of course, you can do the same in WAR, WOW, DAOC, etc. pretty much too ;). That's fairly meaningless. Aion is a very grind-heavy Korean-style MMO, even with the proposed "westernizations" that are mainly at level 50 (adding any dungeons to do etc.) for the NA/EU launch.

Right - I do believe that it will take an average MMO player, about 6-7 months, if not more to cap levels at 50. More hardcore, probably a lot less, between 4-5 months. I responded with that frame since ReconSniper believed it would take years to max level, which I highly doubt. Tbh, any timeline for when it takes to max the game is irrelevant since we're all still not sure up until a few weeks post launch. In any case, some guy was able to hit 45 in 5 game days /played, even considering he had extreme circumstances helping him. The point was to debuke that it'd take years to max out a character and But, we can safely guess that it won't take years (plural) to max the game.
Right - I do believe that it will take an average MMO player, about 6-7 months, if not more to cap levels at 50. More hardcore, probably a lot less, between 4-5 months. I responded with that frame since ReconSniper believed it would take years to max level, which I highly doubt. Tbh, any timeline for when it takes to max the game is irrelevant since we're all still not sure up until a few weeks post launch. In any case, some guy was able to hit 45 in 5 game days /played, even considering he had extreme circumstances helping him. The point was to debuke that it'd take years to max out a character and But, we can safely guess that it won't take years (plural) to max the game.

Gotcha, and yeah definitely not :).
But 20+ kills worth of points lost in one death? Seems harsh.


Shit 20 kills? You should have seen the old school FFXI death penalties. 10% of a level. That really hurts when you have raids where wiping and reraising is part of the strategy :(