A64 OC Data

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how much did it cost, that'll tell you. the winchester's should be much more than newcastles right now.
GodSpeed said:
Can someone please answer my question above? Thanks :)
GS, can you type what you read on top of the CPU, the line starting with "ADA3500"?
GodSpeed said:

that BI indicates that it's a D0 revision core, which means a winchester
i also find the EPAW curious because of it's similarity to the SPAW, which a majority of really nicely overclocking winchesters come from.
(cf)Eclipse said:
that BI indicates that it's a D0 revision core, which means a winchester
So, that's a good thing right? :p

*grumbles about needing to find the perfect ram for this baby*
GodSpeed said:
If it seriously wasn't worth it, please tell me so I can return the chip and get a cheaper one that I can OC better, saving money is always good :)

Uhhh so you bought it and now want to know if it was worth it? How does that work? :confused: SHouldn't you do the footwork BEFORE purchasing? :)
Dallows said:
or maybe I'm wrong, in either case that's a nice price.
not trying to bust your balls, but you're wrong. it is winchester.

and yeah, your chip should be decent godspeed... though you don't need any special ram for a64's. anything that can do 2-2-2-5 at 200mhz will work. there is little benefit to having more ram bandwidth on a dual channel setup, and if your ram can't run at a speed you want the htt at, just use a ram divider. check the link in my sig to make sure you're getting the ram at the speeds you want though.
scott77 said:
Blah blah, assumtions
Some of us have full time study/work and are starting a home business, I don't get much time on my hands... However I do work on one of the best tech related streets in Toronto so I get good pricing on items and a full week to return anything I buy at said stores on the strip for a full refund. It's worth the chance :cool:

(cf)Eclipse said:
Blah blah, good writting
Thanks for the help everyone, esp Eclipse! :)
If your still looking for ram, I suggest G.Skills 1GBLE. I have been preaching this ram alot latly, because I am really impressed with G.Skill, both the company and their products. If that doesnt sell you, I have never seen ram overclock as high as the G.Skill can. Its pretty amazing stuff. Bit pricey at $260 for 1GB, but its still cheaper than some lesser performing TCCD from the big name companies.

And, that chip should overclock pretty good, and you got a very nice price on it. I woudlnt bother with getting a 3200+ to save $20...you will spend that much in gas and shipping sendind it back. If you play your cards right though, that chip should be good for 2.6-2.8ghz.
Viper87227 said:
blah blah good plug

I was thinking of G. Skills, OCZ and Corsair... I require 1Gb so, I guess I'll find out which one is the cheapest in Canada.
i agree with viper, if you require a seriously high overclock on your ram, go with the g.skill pc4400 glbe.. however the much cheaper (last i checked, only 230 for 1gb) and still very nice ram, get some crucial ballistix pc3200

i have two sticks myself (note sig) and i get get them to 240mhz at 2.65v and 2.5-2-2-10 timings before the memory controller on my clawhammer craps out. i'll have to try some tests at 2.3ghz with the ram at 230 and 192mhz.. see how much it really goes effect performance. expect a write-up on it.. ahhh, probably within the month :D

btw- i'm glad i could help you out ;)
okay, so I've read up on some of this overclocking business, but I'm still mad confused by a few things. They way I have my system right now:

CPU - 2419mhz
mulitplier - 11x
HTT - 220mhz
Volts - 1.5-1.56ish

under memory in cpu-z reads
CAS# Latency - 2.0 clocks
RAS# to CAS# Delay 3 clocks
RAS# Precharge 2 clocks
Cycle Time(Tras) 5 clocks

and under SPD both chips read

That's what it's supposed to be, but the bios has it set differently? why? the memory is this stuff


Cpu was running about 50C - 55C during the prime95 torture for 19 minutes then got a fatal error about "rounding was 0.5, expected less than 0.4" and it stopped.

So I don't really understand the whole multiplier thing at all for some reason. If someone could help me that'd be great, system is in the sig. thanks.
okay, I changed the volts to 1.6v but I think I got a lower score for my ram in sandra.
First off, in regards to your last post... Changing the CPU voltage (vcore) from 1.5v to 1.6v shouldn't affect memory scores at all, so that was more than likely a run abnormality, how much lower was the score?

As for the questions on your previous post, here goes... First the RAM, not all mobos read the SPD on dimms correctly or use those settings when they're set to Auto as far as I can tell. My Ballistix's SPD reads 2-2-2-8 and if I set all my RAM timings to Auto in BIOS CPU-Z shows them at 2-2-2-7.

Just play with them and see what works for you though, if you have the HTT at 220mhz and you're running the RAM at 1:1 (or DDR400) then you'll have to loosen them some anyway. Start by making a Memtest86 CD and test at 2-2-2-5. You may want to try raising the vdimm first to 2.7 or 2.8... Though with my A8V raising the vdimm didn't lead to increased stability no matter what so I left it on Auto.

After that you can go ahead and raise TRCD to 3 or CAS to 2.5, again, testing with Memtest86 to make sure it's stable. Memtest86 1.50 is very simple to run and you don't even need a floppy... They have an ISO on the site to make a bootable CD for it.

One thing I should've mentioned by now is that while testing your memory with Memtest you may want to lower your CPU multi to take it out of the equation. After you're done testing the RAM is stable (no Memtest86 errors) at whatever HTT/timing combination you want you can move on to the processor.

From the temps you quoted they sound kinda high but not extreme, are you running stock cooling? What are the ambient temps, how about room temps where the comp is? First thing you should do is check your HT multi, doesn't sound like you changed it so you'll want to lower it from 5 to 4.

This multi (HT) determines the speed of the link between the NB and the CPU, you want to keep it under 1,000 (220x4 = 880). Don't confuse it with the HTT (or FSB) which you've said you're running at 220mhz atm. I could go on and on about how the RAM dividers work, etc but this FAQ is probably easier to understand, it's specific to the A8V:

CPU - Newcastle 3000+ DH7-CG @ 2.2ghz/220ht 1.5v
CPU - cooling xp90 / zalman zm-f2 fan
Motherboard - VNF3-250
Mem- 3200 consair valve ram@220mhz 2.7v 2.5 3 3 3 10
PS- Antec True430 430w
Vid - 5900 Geforce
HD- raptor 74gb

Pretty rock solid at the specs above, but it seems to quit at anything above 2.2ghz. I suspect thats its the board since anything above 2.2 is unstable no matter the settings. I can't even get it to 2.25 at 1.7v with the mem set at 166mhz.
which sata ports is that raptor on? if it's on one or two, put it on three or four.
and try putting the agp speed to 67mhz.

lastly, try dropping the cpu, ht and ram divider, what's the highest speed your board can go?
(cf)Eclipse said:
which sata ports is that raptor on? if it's on one or two, put it on three or four.
and try putting the agp speed to 67mhz.

lastly, try dropping the cpu, ht and ram divider, what's the highest speed your board can go?

I'm having issues overclocking, and what your saying is fimilair to me.

I have 3 sata drives. 2 hard drives and one DVD Rom.

I have the 2 drives on 3 and 4 and the dvd rom on 1. My agp speed is 67.

I got my Mulitplier at 9 and tried 8. The HTT is 4 and all the RAM is left default ATM. I raise the FSB past 210 and it during boot up it says, "searching for Array" I'm not running any raid arrays and did not use that Floppy disk that msi gave me.

I've got 3 sticks of BH5 pc3500, and it will only work with 2 sticks. (kinda confused on this as well, why can't it take 3 sticks?)

any suggestions will help. Preferably some links :)

Thank you,

Yo MaMMa
MaMMa said:
I'm having issues overclocking, and what your saying is fimilair to me.

I have 3 sata drives. 2 hard drives and one DVD Rom.

I have the 2 drives on 3 and 4 and the dvd rom on 1. My agp speed is 67.

I got my Mulitplier at 9 and tried 8. The HTT is 4 and all the RAM is left default ATM. I raise the FSB past 210 and it during boot up it says, "searching for Array" I'm not running any raid arrays and did not use that Floppy disk that msi gave me.

I've got 3 sticks of BH5 pc3500, and it will only work with 2 sticks. (kinda confused on this as well, why can't it take 3 sticks?)

any suggestions will help. Preferably some links :)

Thank you,

Yo MaMMa

Have you tried unplugging the SATA DVD drive? It could be causing detection problems, being out of whack,and it wont let your system boot...best I can think of. Also, with your ram, what voltage and timings are you supplying. I am sure you know this, but BH-5 only overclocks good with lots of voltage. On your issue with booting 3 sticks... I don't know exactly why it works this way, but the more sticks your have the less overclock you get. To my knowledge you can't have 3 double sided sticks of ram at DDR400 ATM....but i could be wrong, maybe its four. Either way, 2 sticks is better. You keep dual channel (even though it doesnt do much) and don't have ram your not using (unless your into multimedia of course, I am saying this from a gaming standpoint). I wish I could better answer your ram question, but like I said I am not 100% sure why it works like that and don't want to give you the wrong answer...i just know it won;t work.

I would be curious to know how the SATA thing goes though. Like i said, try it with nothing on 1 & 2. If that fixes is, your best bet would be to get a SATA PCI adapter card. Should run you about $15 for a cheapo (have the Sybia one myself) and that should allow you to have 4 locked sata ports. If that doest fixx it, try eliminating another drive. Assuming you have a Windows drive and a Storage drive....run just the windows drive and see if you can boot past that. Your case if gunna be one of trial and error, just keep trying different configurations until you get it right.
Viper87227 said:
Have you tried unplugging the SATA DVD drive? It could be causing detection problems, being out of whack,and it wont let your system boot...best I can think of. Also, with your ram, what voltage and timings are you supplying. I am sure you know this, but BH-5 only overclocks good with lots of voltage. On your issue with booting 3 sticks... I don't know exactly why it works this way, but the more sticks your have the less overclock you get. To my knowledge you can't have 3 double sided sticks of ram at DDR400 ATM....but i could be wrong, maybe its four. Either way, 2 sticks is better. You keep dual channel (even though it doesnt do much) and don't have ram your not using (unless your into multimedia of course, I am saying this from a gaming standpoint). I wish I could better answer your ram question, but like I said I am not 100% sure why it works like that and don't want to give you the wrong answer...i just know it won;t work.

I would be curious to know how the SATA thing goes though. Like i said, try it with nothing on 1 & 2. If that fixes is, your best bet would be to get a SATA PCI adapter card. Should run you about $15 for a cheapo (have the Sybia one myself) and that should allow you to have 4 locked sata ports. If that doest fixx it, try eliminating another drive. Assuming you have a Windows drive and a Storage drive....run just the windows drive and see if you can boot past that. Your case if gunna be one of trial and error, just keep trying different configurations until you get it right.

SOunds like a plan, I'll try that, however, I think this is extremely lame. If this works and I have to get another PCI card, I'm going to run into some issues. I have 2 sound cards, one for music one for gaming. then one pci slot is taking up from my NV5 silencer. Another slot is taken from that MSI LED diagnostic crap, I guess I can take that out. So far my experience with A64 is not doing well.

Damn this is going to be an issue. I'm a neat freak in my case, another card for SATA cables, its gonna be hard to hide these cables now.
there are also known issues with getting above around 220mhz or so with a raid array, no matter what sata ports you use.
(cf)Eclipse said:
there are also known issues with getting above around 220mhz or so with a raid array, no matter what sata ports you use.

Damn talk about lame. SO if you have SATA drives kiss a good overclock goodbye?
(cf)Eclipse said:
there are also known issues with getting above around 220mhz or so with a raid array, no matter what sata ports you use.
That makes no sense... If you were to use raid that's not supplied by nForce, but by an external IC (Marvell SATA PHY for me) it shouldn't cause problems... it's supposed to run off it's own, isolated high-frequency clock generator, so completely isolated from the main buses in that sense.
yeah, but think about it. the raid is capable of spreading both controllers, and ide. i'm sure once you go into raid mode, there are issues on the chipset that prohibit too much of a clock speed change. i can't prove it, not having a raid myself. the only way to detirmine it to disable raid in the bios and see if that helps.
My system and overclock

AMD 64 Winchester 3000+ @2610MHz (290 x 9)

AMD 64 Winchester 3000+
MSI K8N Neo2 Platinum BIOS rev 1.4
OCZ EL Platinum Rev.2 2x512
LIAN LI PC-65b case
SUNON 92mm Fan 3400RPM@39dB
MSI 6600GT 560MHz/1180MHz
WESTERN DIGITAL 74Gb Raptor 2x (No Raid)


HTT = 290 MHz
HT = 3x
CPU multi = 9x
Divider = 166
Ram Settings = 2.5-3-3-7 1T
Vcore = 1.60v
Vdimm = 2.85v
Vgpu = 1.50v
Idle Temps = 38-40C
Load Temps = 55-57C
MSI 6600GT overclock = 3D 560MHz / Mem 1180MHz
I'm a bit late on this, but according to my computer-store buddies, no-one is selling G.Skill in Canada. You could order it off ZipZoomFly or something, but be prepared to take a largish hit at the border for taxes, customs, etc.
New A64 to replace the 3200+ I accidentally killed. The cpu is still new so I am still fooling, but I have already had it hit an unstable 2810mhz @ 1.69v.

AMD 64 DTR 3000+ @2700mhz (300 x 9)

AMD 64 DTR 3000+ CAAZC 0501 DPMW
PQI PC3200 Turbo 2x512 (TCCD)
Chieftech Dragon
Whitewater Block, D4 pump, D-tek Pro Core
YS-Tech 120mm Fan (105 cfm)
Chaintech AA6800 (16p/6vp)
2x80GB Hitachi SATA (Raid 0)

Basic Settings:

HTT = 300
HT = 3x
CPU multi = 9x
Memory Divider = 9/10
Ram Settings = 2.5-3-3-10 1T
Vcore = 1.6v
Vdimm = 2.7v
Idle Temps = 26C
Load Temps = 33-34C
Please tell me you can hit 2.8GHz prime stable with a mobile Castle. If you can't, then you just sux at OCing...
iddqd said:
Please tell me you can hit 2.8GHz prime stable with a mobile Castle. If you can't, then you just sux at OCing...
I'm working on it. 2.8ghz stable would be sick. I seem to have hit a wall with the HTT much over 300. Wish I had a 10x cpu multiplier to work with. I am using 2x512MB ram modules, so that may be hindering my overclock some while running 1T. We'll see.......I'll fool some more with it later tonight.
yeah, not all chips are the same though. if you ask me, the high end of 2.7ghz is quite respectable for a clawhammer that was sold at 1.8ghz
(cf)Eclipse said:
yeah, not all chips are the same though. if you ask me, the high end of 2.7ghz is quite respectable for a clawhammer that was sold at 1.8ghz

Agreed, I was really only hoping to at least hit 2.5ghz since it is a clawhammer, so anything beyond that is gravy. A 800-900mhz OC is not to shabby. This one does not seem to respond to voltage like my other A64's. My very old CO 3000+ would do 2.52ghz at 1.78v stable and my CG 3200+ did 2.6ghz at 1.72v and with this one, I can do 2.69ghz stable at 1.56v. Run SuperPi 32M, Prime95 for several hours, game, but seriously anything beyond that I get random crashes and BSODs. Adding cpu voltage up to 1.8v, changing the HT multi, memory dividers, One dimm, two dimms, multitude of timing changes, chipset voltage make no difference so far. 336x8 and 299x9 are both stable but 300x9 is not even with .2v more voltage. It is really weird. I hope to figure it out though.
strange. sounds like my old 3200+ taken to the extreme
i can do 2.3ghz with 1.55v, but i need 1.65v to do 2.35, and 1.75-1.8v for 2.4ghz. kinda silly to run it anything over 2.3 if i need that much voltage

and have you tried 337*8? i would assume so, but still. it is kinda odd that it just cuts out like that
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