A64 OC Data

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alright, some before and after benches, before is first obviously.





Any ideas on how I can make it more stable at or above 2.4ghz? Other than additional cooling, lol.

This is done with the same oc as before but on a windows xp fresh install no service pack 2. Any idea what the P-Rating in the CBID is?
Viper87227 said:
If your getting new ram, might at reccomend the G.Skill PC4400LE. Its proven good up to 300mhz 2.5-4-4-8. Very impressive ram, I love it.

thanks for the tip homes. i am a OCZ man myself but yea at the time of purchase down the road i think i decided that g.skill would be the only other company i would go with.
OK, ya’ll here is what I have done so far. Do I dare go higher?

Asus A8V rev. 2.0 bios 10009.xx
Athlon 3000+ 939 w/ stock HSF
1gig PQI PC3200 400 MHz
Cheap ATI Radeon 7200
Antec Truepower 430w

CPU - 276MHz X 9 @ 1.5 volts = 2403 (voltage fluctuates between 1.488 & 1.502)
MEM - 218MHz @ 333 2.5 3 3 7 (CPU/11) Auto voltage, Auto Divider
HTT - 800MHz
AGP/PCI - 33/66 locked
CPU Temps - 30c - 32c idle, 40c - 44c under load (prime95)

I ran it for 8hrs on prime95 zero errors.

How does this look to ya'll?
Rwparrot said:
OK, ya’ll here is what I have done so far. Do I dare go higher?

Asus A8V rev. 2.0 bios 10009.xx
Athlon 3000+ 939 w/ stock HSF
1gig PQI PC3200 400 MHz
Cheap ATI Radeon 7200
Antec Truepower 430w

CPU - 276MHz X 9 @ 1.5 volts = 2403 (voltage fluctuates between 1.488 & 1.502)
MEM - 218MHz @ 333 2.5 3 3 7 (CPU/11) Auto voltage, Auto Divider
HTT - 800MHz
AGP/PCI - 33/66 locked
CPU Temps - 30c - 32c idle, 40c - 44c under load (prime95)

I ran it for 8hrs on prime95 zero errors.

How does this look to ya'll?
Might want to A) run Memtest86 as well. I had actually ran two very intensive Prime95+other apps tests and neither uncovered a memory timing issue (my board/RAM combo was cranky at TRAS 8 and spat out errors, locked in some games as well) that Memtest86 uncovered within 20 min, it's so fast to run one or two full passes that there's no excuse for not doing it if you really wanna be absolutely certain you're stable.

B) Did you mean 267MHz instead of 276? 'Cuz otherwise you're at 2,484, not 2,403... In either case you might wanna lower the HT (particulary if you're running at 276) since you're going aboe 1,000MHz. Common wisdom says the A64's don't like that... Then again, there's been a few cases where the opposite has been true (low HT seemed unstable and a higher one enabled a higher stable OC despite going over 1k). Try and lower it and if it's still stable I'd leave it on the lower setting, won't affect performance.

Looks stellar otherwise, the voltage fluctuation is a little odd (in my case with an Antec 480 it fluctuates about as much but upwards, not downwards) but those readings aren't always accurate within windows anyway.
Interesting, Impulse -- i will have to play with tRas on my box. I am getting memory problems once i exceed 244mhz FSB on my A8V rev 2.0 board 1009 final (.07?)..no matter what i do (underclocked ram to 180mhz, loosened timings all out to 2.5-3-2-5... if i set my HTT to 800 at 244mhz my box randomly reboots itself... but if i go to 255fsb for example i'm over 1000ht and i get memory errors though my box is prime stable on small FFT's for hours at 255fsb. Voltages look perfect from my 500w zippy/emacs :( If i use any memory related tests (blend) i get an error within 2 minutes and gaming is unstable as all hell, though. I can't figure out of it's my board or the CPU :( I am tempted to blame the board in light of the instability at 800htt @ 244fsb when it's fine at 1000htt at 244.... :( Right now i'm stuck at 244x9=2196...not bad but i really want to hit 2.3 :/

Do you know if the onboard IDE on the a8v is locked? I'm thinking it may not be and that could be the problem at higher than 244fsb...i'm using the red promise ports for my 2 sata drives but my boot drive is on the non-red ide.
Hmm, I'm not positive on the on-board IDE... I know the on-board SATA isn't locked and other A8V owners recommend using the Promise SATA (which I am). Might wanna hit ocforums.com (big big FAQ on the A8V there, on the AMD mobo section, as well as a long thread with user results and whatnot) to check on that.

The memory stuff is pretty random, I never got errors on Small FTTs, Blend, nor Large FTTs @2.3; but Memtest came up with a few errors at low TRAS. I also can't do 2.4 at all (it not only won't Prime but it won't even last for more than 20 min. in Windows without freezing) yet 2.3 is perfectly stable.

I actually ran Large FTTs on the board all night recently with the multi at 8 and it didn't crash once so I guess in that case my proc's the one to blame, not the board.
Memory Remains said:

1.75vcore HTx3 pc2700(had to rma my 3200) at 266 186mhz..the rest you can basically see.

WOW 1.75 vcore ?? wow man watch your voltages man your gunna burn that chip up.

wish i could go over 2.5ghz but even this CG core wont break 2.55ghz without crashing or not booting. damn amd lol. only 500mhz overclock,,, poo

currently mine with the 3200+ Clawhammer CG
dfi lanparty UT

CPU = 1.6v - 2.475ghz - 9x multi
RAM = 275mhz 3.0v (200mhz ie pc3200) 3-3-3-10 could probably go 2.5 but havent tried
HTT = 3x
nvdiai sata controller on this baord is fuxored, its very unstable, but it IS locked, i think the controller is just crap. so i use a promise fasttrak S150 TX2

a few reviews have said supposedly this ram will hit well over 300 but even on my 2 other pent 4 systems i was never able to hold over 275 stable. so i stop at 275.
v_lestat said:
WOW 1.75 vcore ?? wow man watch your voltages man your gunna burn that chip up.

wish i could go over 2.5ghz but even this CG core wont break 2.55ghz without crashing or not booting. damn amd lol. only 500mhz overclock,,, poo

currently mine with the 3200+ Clawhammer CG
dfi lanparty UT

CPU = 1.6v - 2.475ghz - 9x multi
RAM = 275mhz 3.0v (200mhz ie pc3200) 3-3-3-10 could probably go 2.5 but havent tried
HTT = 3x
nvdiai sata controller on this baord is fuxored, its very unstable, but it IS locked, i think the controller is just crap. so i use a promise fasttrak S150 TX2

a few reviews have said supposedly this ram will hit well over 300 but even on my 2 other pent 4 systems i was never able to hold over 275 stable. so i stop at 275.
What? 1.75 is nothing... I run mine at 1.83 all the time.
well see it gets MAYBE 50c at load when at 1.75 and even then it's not nearly stable enough to get it to full load....i always have it at 2.4ghz and my temps are in my sig for that...and i usually don't go over 1.55-1.575vcore at 2.4Ghz..
Ooooh I love my new ram. Priming at 300x9 (2.7 :eek: ) 1.55v, 1:1 2.5-3-3-7. 700mhz, 35% overclock, not to shabby. Right now, im at 34c under load. I sitll have pleanty of room for my voltage, oooh I dont know what I'd do if I could hit 310x9.
Impulse said:
That's umm... Not very healthy for the proc, to say the 'least.
agreed. i don't like letting my chip get over 60º :eek:
but then again, this is coming from someone who removed the ihs just to drop load temps some ;)
(cf)Eclipse said:
agreed. i don't like letting my chip get over 60º :eek:
but then again, this is coming from someone who removed the ihs just to drop load temps some ;)
Why not? These chips don't die untill high 80's. Some are actually rated for 90°C max operating temperature by AMD... those are the mobiles, of course, but w/e.
Dallows said:

Intergrated heat spreader The metal plate over Intel P4's and the new AMD A64's. It was absent on the Atholon XP's so that's what it looks like with out it. It's there to protect the core.
Dallows said:
ohhh, if you remove it you get better temps? Why is that?
Simple physics, less stuff thru which heat has to travel over to the main cooling element (the heatsink). The IHS is just a copper plate on top of the actual core.

It's there for protection purposes more than anything else, I didn't think it was removable on A64s but I guess it is. I know on latter P4s they started putting it on differently than with the first ones and if removed it'd break the core.

P.S. Just because the parts are rated for a certain speed doesn't mean that A) they'll last a lifetime (or even a year) at that speed or close to it B) that it'll perform flawlessly at any speeds under it. It may seem stable but not really be fully stable.
I see, well a couple of those programs like cpu-z and cpuid and soft sandra say the running speed is 2200mhz and the max is 2400mhz, so what's that about?
Dallows said:
I see, well a couple of those programs like cpu-z and cpuid and soft sandra say the running speed is 2200mhz and the max is 2400mhz, so what's that about?
hmm, I think they might be talking about the 939pin socket itself, those supported speeds, whatever.
I don't understand what you're trying to ask or what you're talking about at all... Could you explain it in more detail maybe? Like pointing out the specific piece of info in CPU-Z that you're talking about or w/e...

I can't find the other spot or program where I found it, but I just think I was wrong. So never mind it. All it said was my current cpu speed (2200mhz/2.2ghz) and then a max speed (2400mhz/2.4ghz).
Hmm, well, there it says supported, not max. And yea, that was probably the max "supported" speed by the board at the time of the last update to Sandra (only A64 faster than 2.4GHz is the FX-55 which is 2.6, the 4000+ is 2.4GHz and everything else is either 2.4GHz with less cache than the 4000+ or slower speed).

Hadn't used Sandra in a while so wasn't really sure what you were reffering to, I don't think CPU-Z has a similar info field anywhere but I could be wrong, can't open it up right now since my main machine is running some Memtest86 tests so Windows is inaccesible.
no, I checked cpu-z again and couldn't find it. I saw something similar somewhere, but I'm sure you're right in what you say, it's the max right now of the chips, but not necessarily of my chip or something.
Impulse said:
P.S. Just because the parts are rated for a certain speed doesn't mean that A) they'll last a lifetime (or even a year) at that speed or close to it B) that it'll perform flawlessly at any speeds under it. It may seem stable but not really be fully stable.
First of all, I wasn't talking about speed, I was talking about temperature.

a) - Nothing is eternal. A year is nothing, though... typically, an overclocked CPU (with adequate cooling) will last anywhere from 3 to 4 years under those constant conditions. At the end, it will start to gradually lose its overclock, so you'll just have to go back to stock. Video cards are a different story (many of them have such a short life span anyway, that reducing it by 50% means reducing it to 3 months), but we are in AMD processors forum here.

b) Why won't it perform flawlessly at the speeds that it's rated for? After all, AMD has done tests to determine which cores will perform flawlessly, and which won't. That's how speed binning works. Same thing for temperatures, cores that can operate at higher temperatures are binned for mobiles; they can safely operate at 90°C-100°C (depends on rating), or under. If it can't, you got a bad chip, and you have enough just cause to RMA its ass. Stable? Why shouldn't it be stable at its rated spec? You make no sense..
iddqd said:
b) Why won't it perform flawlessly at the speeds that it's rated for? After all, AMD has done tests to determine which cores will perform flawlessly, and which won't. That's how speed binning works. Same thing for temperatures, cores that can operate at higher temperatures are binned for mobiles; they can safely operate at 90°C-100°C (depends on rating), or under. If it can't, you got a bad chip, and you have enough just cause to RMA its ass. Stable? Why shouldn't it be stable at its rated spec? You make no sense..
I meant to say temperature (not speed) in that post and got sidetracked reading something else... And yes, just because it's rated to whitstand 80C doesn't mean it'll run flawlessly at that speed 24/7, at all. It's a maximum rating for a reason... Not even sure what the CGs were rated for but C0s were 70C max. Winchesters are even lower.

Speed is a different matter and if it's rated for 2.2GHz it should by all means do it (as long as it's not running scorching hot). Keep running your chip at 80C against all conventional wisdom though, what do I care...

Ok guys, question for you all:

I just got an AMD 64 3500+, and a brand spanking new MSI K8N Neo4 Mobo that takes DDR2 ram.... With a non-stock air system, what sort of overclock should I expect out of it? Also what's the best price/ocable DDR2 ram out there?

Special thanks to whoever helps me :)

... wooo

If it seriously wasn't worth it, please tell me so I can return the chip and get a cheaper one that I can OC better, saving money is always good :)
GodSpeed said:
Ok guys, question for you all:

I just got an AMD 64 3500+, and a brand spanking new MSI K8N Neo4 Mobo that takes DDR2 ram.... With a non-stock air system, what sort of overclock should I expect out of it? Also what's the best price/ocable DDR2 ram out there?

Special thanks to whoever helps me :)
... wooo

If it seriously wasn't worth it, please tell me so I can return the chip and get a cheaper one that I can OC better, saving money is always good :)

I hope you didnt order DDR2 ram, coz that board doenst take it. No AMD board does. Onboard mem controller means DDR for the entire life of s939. Also, is that a winchester or a newcastle, that will affect how well it overclocks. Either way, I would send it back and get a 3200+. It will outperform and out-overlock a newcastle 3500+, and run pretty close if not equal to a winchester 3500+, yet its alot cheeaper.
Some sound advice up above, if you plan to OC you can save some cash with the 3200, it's not likely to have any less headroom than 3500...

BTW Viper I'm confused about your sig... Athlon64 3200+ @ 2.6 (275x9) 1.61v ?

275 x 9 = 2,475 :confused:
How does this setup look?
It is completely stable w/ 22 hours Prime95 and 12 hrs Memtest.

Asus A8V rev 2.0 bois 1010.xx beta
Athlon 64 3000+ (939) @ 267x9=2403 (1.50 v) :D
Stock cooling, Max Temp at Load - 44C
PQI Turbo PC3200 Dual Ch. 1024mb (2x512) @ CPU/11 = 218.5 MHz (2.5 3 3 7)
HTT @ 4x = 1068.02 ( 3x not stable, no boot)
AGP/PCI Locked @ 33/66 MHz
Antec Truepower 430w

Should I be concerned w/ HTL 1068 ?? :confused:

Viper87227 said:
Either way, I would send it back and get a 3200+. It will outperform and out-overlock a newcastle 3500+, and run pretty close if not equal to a winchester 3500+, yet its alot cheeaper.

How do I find out if it's a winchester or newcastle, thanks for mentioning the DDR issue, lucky for me I didn't order any.

The motherboard says it will only support:
• Supports Socket 939 for AMD® Athlon™ 64FX/64 processor
• Supports 3500+, 3800+ Athlon 64FX 53, FX55 or higher CPU

So should I REALLY return it? :p
Impulse said:
I meant to say temperature (not speed) in that post and got sidetracked reading something else... And yes, just because it's rated to whitstand 80C doesn't mean it'll run flawlessly at that speed 24/7, at all. It's a maximum rating for a reason... Not even sure what the CGs were rated for but C0s were 70C max. Winchesters are even lower.

Speed is a different matter and if it's rated for 2.2GHz it should by all means do it (as long as it's not running scorching hot). Keep running your chip at 80C against all conventional wisdom though, what do I care...

79°C at full load. Most of the time, the CPU does nothing, however, so I don't see how that would pose a problem. And to further that, most of the time, my computer is actually turned off, so the CPU is sitting happily at ambient.
Ehg...your chip is still in the box. No way to tell on the outside I dont think. Where did you get it, and how much did you pay?
Viper87227 said:
Ehg...your chip is still in the box. No way to tell on the outside I dont think. Where did you get it, and how much did you pay?
Tell me the stepping, and I'll tell you whether it's a Castle, or Winchester.
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