A64 OC Data

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3.42Ghz....3.4 benched
v_lestat said:
if its a 3200+ which is 2.0ghz 250mhz is the max your gunna get,,, that makes it 2.5ghz not many people go over 2.5ghz with the 3200+

2.5ghz seems to be a limit for alot of the socket 754 chips so dont feel bad. even the some of the 3400+ chips wont go over 2.5ghz.

the socket 939 chips on the other hand they go higher.

but if you dont want the lanparty let me know i might buy it from you hehehe...

What voltage are you running your clawhammer at?
v_lestat said:
if its a 3200+ which is 2.0ghz 250mhz is the max your gunna get,,, that makes it 2.5ghz not many people go over 2.5ghz with the 3200+

2.5ghz seems to be a limit for alot of the socket 754 chips so dont feel bad. even the some of the 3400+ chips wont go over 2.5ghz.

the socket 939 chips on the other hand they go higher.

but if you dont want the lanparty let me know i might buy it from you hehehe...
My ClawHammer does 2.6GHz at 1.93vcore, so I wouldn't know about that ;).

But the new week 32 (or over) 3700+ CH do 2.8GHz on stock cooling.
Circuitbreaker8 said:
^^ Do you have watercooling or vapo? I thought you wernt supposed to go over 1.7v with A64s?
Just air for now :). I run it at 1.83 all the time.
You have to watch your temps... If it goes over high 78-85 during full load, then you probably shouldn't do that voltage :) I'd say up to 1.75vcore is definetly safe for air cooling :).
Hm...i'm @ 1.7v ( 2.5Ghz ) temps are around 36* idle/ 49* load ( i think ) Also, what chipset voltage should I use?
Up to 1.7 is safe on DFI's stock cooler. Over, you would need something better, so it won't overheat :)
v_lestat said:
that info is not possible.
if its a 3000+ then
#1 - the mulitplier is infact 9 not 10. or is it 8 ?
#2 - a FSB setting of 250mhz does NOT make 2.5ghz - my 3200+ CG runs 250mhz at 2.5ghz. there for your 3000+ is only running,, what ?? 2.3ghz ??

so recheck which chip you have cuz if its a 10x multiplier then you have a 3200+ not a 3000+

i have a 3000+ running at 255x10
Athlon 64 3000+ @ 2.5ghz w/ an Abit KV8 Pro
1GB Corsair DDR400@DDR420

ddr 400 runnig 420 isnt 2,5ghz but i suppose you mean you CAN run it at 255.

whats stopping you from going higher ? ram or cpu ?

and that statement i made that you quoted, i was corrected since i have the clawhammer ie mobile chip the 3200+ is 2ghz i didnot know that the 3000+ desktop chip was 2ghz.
man you dug that up from the grave and didnt even bother too lookat the reply from myself and another guy where he corrected me....

id venture to say 255 is your MAX overclock and even then maybe its not stable ... ????
iddqd said:
Yeah, for the chipset!
oh, stupid me, i didn't realize you guys were talking about the chipset voltage.. hehehe. i can't change the chipset voltage, so... i wouldn't know :D
With my chaintech board, I got my winnie running at 2.5, cause its a crappy week 35, and I got my geil ultra pc4000 running at 227 or so, resulting in a 34 second 1m.
stelleg151 said:
With my chaintech board, I got my winnie running at 2.5, cause its a crappy week 35, and I got my geil ultra pc4000 running at 227 or so, resulting in a 34 second 1m.

i have no idea what you just said, how bout try english this time.
stelleg151 said:
With my chaintech board, I got my winnie running at 2.5, cause its a crappy week 35, and I got my geil ultra pc4000 running at 227 or so, resulting in a 34 second 1m.
winchester(?) week 35 at 2.5Ghz with pc4000mem at 227Mhz. 34 seconds on superpi 1m. ;)
Anyone buy a winny 3200 from newegg lately? Id like to know what kind of batch theyre shipping. Or if you can point me in the direction with the freshest chips that would be nice :D , thanks guys.
Mine is a week 44 retail from zipzoomfly and it really doesn't overclock that well. I can hit 2.5GHz @ 1.55V, but it's not stable. I can run through a 3dmark test or two at that speed and thats about it. I don't seem to be having too much luck with it so far. I can hit 250MHz FSB with a 1:1 ratio if I move to a 9x multiplier, but that's a lil' disappointing when I bought the 3200+ for the 10X multi. :(
Right now I'm @ 10x230 with 1:1 and 1.5Volts. Cool and stable so far. So it looks like the sweet spot with this one is between 2.3 and 2.5 GHz.

I'm guessing newegg has about the same week of 3200+'s selling as zipzoomfly.
(cf)Eclipse said:
oh, stupid me, i didn't realize you guys were talking about the chipset voltage.. hehehe. i can't change the chipset voltage, so... i wouldn't know :D
You don't know what you're missing. There's all kinds of fun to be had adjusting VCC from 1.6V all the way to 1.9V.
heh, well i can do 315mhz htt possibly higher) and ~1050-1100mhz ht link stable without adjusting anything at all on my neo, so i'm content for now :D

250MHz FSB 1:1

Stable running 100% CPU using CPU Burn-in for 10hours with the ol' Q3 Quaver Demo looping @ 1600x1200.

Prime 95 stable for less than a minute, but I don't care cause it doesn't lock up at all.

Max temp reported by the motherboard is 134F.

I'm happy as can be.
Before 2.3GHz was as high as I could get Prime stable, but I say screw Prime; I'm running at 2.5GHz.
yeah, i used to say "screw prime" until i started getting random lockups and crashes while i was gaming.
what's funny though, i can get to 2.3 with 1.6v prime stable, but i can be stable for the most part in windows at 2.5ghz with 1.65v. doesn't game worth a damn there though, and no amount of voltage will make it so i can :D

and one thing i want you guys to have a look at. i really shoulda put it in this forum, not memory, but oh well. i figure i'll just link it here
Well i just got my new winchester 3200 from newegg today. Its a


Anyone know what these letters mean?
those letters are mostly meaningless other than i can see that it's a week 48 chip from 2004.
I have no idea what BHD means, but there are steppings that start with CA and CB. CA is usually better than CB, though there are exceptions.
Socrilles17 said:
Heres an entry


with epox 9NDA3J

at 2.7 ghz on stock cooling (300*9)

Is that prime stable? Also, how many volts? So far my week 48 can do 250x10 @ 1.45v prime stable on water. I think 2.7ghz will be a dream for me.
centvalny said:
3.42Ghz....3.4 benched

Sweet :D

What clocks do you get Prime95 stable?

I've got a Vapo XEII, and I was thinking about going for an FX55 with it... I was hoping to hit 3.2Ghz stable at a 'sensible' voltage - what do you recon the chances are?

I've got a 3000+ winchester now, but that does 283fsb on my shitty asus AV8, and then fails to POST at any higher. dropping memory divider, CPU multiplier, raising vcore etc. doesn't help, so it's the board that's holding me back. Same speed on stock as on the vap(!).
Arseface said:
Sweet :D
What clocks do you get Prime95 stable?
I've got a Vapo XEII, and I was thinking about going for an FX55 with it... I was hoping to hit 3.2Ghz stable at a 'sensible' voltage - what do you recon the chances are?
I wont bother with prime95 and alike, since from 3.38 to 3.42Ghz (with 1.75V) range is just for benching and gaming. It also depends on ambient room temp. When its freezin vapo can reached -63C idle with heaters on 30%.
son of a biscuit!!

not thats a sweet OC!!

what brand and type of ram is holding strong at 298mhz ??
centvalny said:
I wont bother with prime95 and alike, since from 3.38 to 3.42Ghz (with 1.75V) range is just for benching and gaming. It also depends on ambient room temp. When its freezin vapo can reached -63C idle with heaters on 30%.

What clocks do you usually put it at for gaming etc?

Also, how much difference do you think the Vapochill XEII vs. LS is likely to make?
Arseface said:
What clocks do you usually put it at for gaming etc?

Also, how much difference do you think the Vapochill XEII vs. LS is likely to make?
3.3Ghz 24/7 and 3.35 to 3.38 depend on what game. Heres the comparison chart....http://www.asetek.com/filarkiv/products/XE2/Performance-Graph.jpg
fx 55 rated 86W idle stock at 2.6Ghz. I ran Aquamark3 at 3.39Ghz and put a big heat load to Vapo LS evaporator temp. which bottomed at -49C (from -58C idle and cold winter room ambient temp)
HybridHB said:
Well i just got my new winchester 3200 from newegg today. Its a


Anyone know what these letters mean?

In the overclocking section, PureBoohYah got his 3200+ to 2.9GHz with a thermalright heatsink, it was unstable though.

HybridHB, do you have a 3200+ or a 3000+ CPU?

Edit: I just found some interesting things that I'd like to share about those codes that are printed on-op of the CPU heatspreader. Ok.

1.) Not all Socket 939 CPUs are a winchester
2.) Not all Socket 939 CPUs are on a 90nm process
3.) Look for the code that's above the year/week number, for example "ADA3200DIK4BI"
-the 3200 is the speed of the chip
-DIK4BI means that it's a winchestor
4.) If you see something like "ADA3200DEP4AW" then it's not a winchestor. The DEP4AW means that it's a Newcastle (or a Sledgehammer, not too sure :() on a 130nm Process. It also doesn't have the D0 stepping.

Reference: http://www.xbitlabs.com/articles/cpu/display/athlon64-90nm_3.html
How can I tell if I get a newcastle or a winchester, I got this new 3500 from zipzoomfly and its a newcastle, I am not happy at all, what should I do???
Umm, it's pretty common knowledge that not all s939s are Winchesters... Socket 939 precedes the Winchester core after all... Winchester was just a production process evolution which was first tested with the 3000/3200/3500... Clawhammers were phased out more than a few months ago and if they didn't tell you they were selling you a Winchester there's no foul done... It's not like there's a noticeable performance difference between same-rating WCs and NCs... WCs just OC slightly better.
right now I am running at 2.5ghz with this chip, should I sell it and get a .09 chip or what?? I really want to go for 250x10 i might be able to do that but right now all i can get stable is 11x230
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