1gb ddr pc 3200 $45 bucks

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cant say anything about Evga boards but I'm extremely happy with this ram.
I got confirmation from Abit tech support that high density memory does not work with the AN8 board.
Grrr, I cant figure out if my MSI K8T Neo FSR supports high-density chips... Nothing in the manual about it.
so_cal_forever said:
Grrr, I cant figure out if my MSI K8T Neo FSR supports high-density chips... Nothing in the manual about it.

I'm pretty sure most Via chipsets work with this RAM. That is a Via chipset right?
Alright, I bit on one stick for now since it's all I can afford. If it works, I'll definatly pick up another. The Neo FSR is however one of the pickiest boards when it comes to memory...
considering the price, it's a small risk I say. Besides, if it doesn't work, there's plenty of peeps willing to buy if off ya.
Ok, got the 4 sticks I ordered. Came in just a few days, packaged well in a padded envelope, USPS with delivery confirmation, but no signature required :-(

Anyways, as I said in my previous post, I intend on putting these into a new PC I have not built yet. Since I couldn't let a new toy sit around unused, I decided to stick them into my old rig.

It's an abit IT7 mobo with the Intel 845E chipset. It has 3 sockets, so I slapped 3 in. Posts with 1.5gb ram, so it's recognizing these as half gig like others here have seen. I tinkered around with the voltage and timings in the bios, and nothing helped. I took a glance at my mobo manual to see if it in fact said memory like this would not work, and it says that even though my mobo has 3 sockets, it has a max memory capacity of 2gb. So, I got excited thinking if I took one out, it would register as 2gb instead, but no such luck.

I just wanted to give that update to those who were thinking this might be an easy performance boost for an old rig - no guarantee it'll work in old mobos with Intel chipsets either.

They're not good quality, but for those who are curious, I have a pic of the front and back of these:


Can't see it, but here's what is says on the chips themselves:


Chips are single-high (not stacked), 8 on each side of the stick. All the chips on all 4 of the sticks are identical, no mixed brands which is nice at least. I was afraid they might be mixed junk at such a great price.

Hope that info helps somewhat. This thread will probably be old and crusty before I get around to building my new PC, so I wanted to contribute what I could now.
what makes these chips less compatible than others? aren't all 1GB sticks 16 chips? If I send somebody a $130 mo will somebody order them and send them to me? I don't got paypal :( heat under this username
sabrewolf732 said:
what makes these chips less compatible than others? aren't all 1GB sticks 16 chips? If I send somebody a $130 mo will somebody order them and send them to me? I don't got paypal :( heat under this username

The difference is that these are high-density, which is not compatible with older chipsets like NF2.

About having someone order for you, I'll do it for you.

My Heatware: 11-0-0
My eBay: 24-0-0

Also, I have references from 3 of the 6 FS/FT mods.


Just received mine today (Monday), ordered last Thursday. I was a bit concerned about the packaging -- I expected a bubble envelope, but a little more sturdy one. This came in a very thin, flimsy plastic envelope with the two modules bearing the full force of any flexing -- there was no stiff paper envelope or anything else to absorb any handling abuse. Hope they survived, I won't know until I get 'em home tonight.

Looking at the modules, I did a bit of Google research. I received the ones with the Advanced Modules chips. They appear to be Advanced Modules sticks, as they look identical and have the same type of PCB part# that I see on Advanced Modules' website. However they don't even list 1GB DDR modules. I assume these are an OEM module without their retail sticker on them.

So then I searched for other folks selling them. I found a few, such as MicroTech ($79.99) and PCTek Online. Note that PCTek has them for $58 + $8 shipping, which turns out to be only a few bucks more than the eBay guy, however they only warrantee them for 6 months. One thing all of these sites have in common is their claim that they are compatible "only with VIA chipsets, not compatible with Intel and Nvidia chipsets" even though it seems they do in fact work with some of the later Nvidia chipsets.

However NOWHERE can I find CL2.5 rated AM modules like these are claimed to be -- every AM module I'm finding is rated CL3. Which isn't surprising for 1GB modules, especially at that price, since higher capacity ram usually means higher latency unless you buy the REAL pricey stuff. But since folks have had success running them at 2.5 I will withhold judgement until I've had a chance to test 'em thoroughly in my K8T800 mobo.
Got mine today, ordered on Thursday, so pretty fast shipping. I'll test it on my evga sli n4 motherboard once the cpu arrives.
Okay, got home and installed it. It does work in my Asus K8V SE Deluxe (VIA K8T800), however as I suspected it is not registering as CL2 RAM at 400Mhz, it is CL3 like all other Advanced Modules brand PC3200 sticks that I could find. Apparently the Samsung sticks he sells are 2.5 from the CPU-Z screenies posted earlier. Here's my CPU-Z shots:


I'm going to run memtest86+ overnight to see how it tests at default speeds, then will look at bumping the timings.

I'm a bit ticked off that he's advertising these as CL2.5 when they're not -- I'm thinking that I'm going to message him and ask that he swap them with some Samsungs, if he has any left.

Edit: Okay, things have gone downhill a bit. The RAM started out working fine, however within an hour or so I've had one spontaneous reboot and one BSOD. Not good. I had already e-mailed the guy about swapping for the Samsung modules, we'll see what happens. Don't know if this means bad RAM or just not fully compatible with my mobo.
Upon further review, this board seems fine with 1 stick of this stuff, but might not like 2.

As I said, the sticks initially booted up fine, I was working for about an hour and then got a spontaneous reboot. About 5 minutes later I got a BSOD. I know it wasn't heat as I have a well-vented case with 4 case fans, the temps looked normal, plus the side panel was still off. So I booted up memtest86+. I was running at stock timings (3-3-3-8) and voltage (2.5v). I got 2 errors on Test 4 and 2046 on Test 5. So I bumped the voltage up to 2.6v. This dropped the errors down to 48 on Test 5 only. So I bumped to 2.7v. Test 5 wouldn't complete and locked up memtest at around 92% of the test, consistently. So I went to 2.8v and got 2048 errors, again on Test 5. So I then decided to separate the sticks by one slot, to test them in slots 1 & 3. According to the mobo manual, 1 & 3 is a valid combo for DDR400, but not 2 & 3 so that was avoided. That time I got about 4M errors before I stopped it.

So then I started testing one stick at a time, but Test 5 completed on both sticks individually. I'm wondering if my mobo is compatible but it just can't push that much memory at stock timings. That or I need finer granularity of voltage (like 2.65 or something). I was a bit ticked off to discover that apparently that last BIOS update for my board has dumbed down the memory setting screen -- now instead of individual timing settings, I just have a few high-level settings! Damn Asus, I'm going to have to back-flash to get that back and play with some timings.

In the meantime I'm going to chance it at 2.6v since that had the fewest errors (40-48 on Test 5). I'm hoping I can score some Samsungs in exchange from the seller, though.
Nettwerk said:
Try dram idle timer at 256
trc = 7
trfc = 16
I don't know what dram idle timer is -- I don't have anything in the timing section that takes a value that high. I have a DDR Clock Delay setting that takes values from 1-6 CLK's. I also have a 2T Command setting that sets to Auto, Enabled, or Disabled that I haven't touched yet.

I'll try the TRC and TRFC values you mentioned though. I had to flash back two BIOS versions to get my memory settings back. Since I generally ran at stock timings before I didn't notice when they disappeared. I'm surprised Asus would take that away in recent BIOS versions. Any other ideas are welcome too!

Anyone try 2 of these on a DFI UT nf3 250 GB?

BTW I hope to recieve my 2 sticks tomorrow and I will try then in my Gigabyte board 1st (GA-K8NS nf3 250gb).
Malatov said:
I don't know what dram idle timer is -- I don't have anything in the timing section that takes a value that high. I have a DDR Clock Delay setting that takes values from 1-6 CLK's. I also have a 2T Command setting that sets to Auto, Enabled, or Disabled that I haven't touched yet.

I'll try the TRC and TRFC values you mentioned though. I had to flash back two BIOS versions to get my memory settings back. Since I generally ran at stock timings before I didn't notice when they disappeared. I'm surprised Asus would take that away in recent BIOS versions. Any other ideas are welcome too!

No dice. My TRFC only goes to 15, so I tried that along with 7 for TRC. The PC wouldn't even boot, I had to clear CMOS. :(

I'm going to leave memtest running overnight with the memory speed set to DDR333 (2.5-3-3-7) and 2.6v just to see if it's any better. I retested the modules individually and confirmed that by themselves the sticks didn't have any errors so it would seem they are not bad. It's just the combination of the two that seems to not be reliable in my mobo. So if I can't get the seller to exchange them for Samsungs, I may offer them up for sale here if anybody is interested.
those pics of the ram he sent you are different than the ram I got. He must have different batches so that might explain some of the diverse outcomes we're seeing.

Here are some pics of the ram in my case--too lazy to take them out lol.

if you must have the info on the chips, next time I reboot, I'll take them out.
Got mine today...

I got totally different chips than what your showing...

the also have a "apida" label on them


Tested in all my systems (K8T Neo FSR, PT880, A7N8X) and did not boot. I think i got a bad chip... going to contact him about it.
again, i wonder if its the fact that the ram he I purchased is just plain defferent than yours.
I emailed this guy, I ordered at 9:30 AM Thursday (meaning he should have shipped then), but he didnt ship till friday night. I live In PA and he is in Ohio, so I should have them by now. LOL especially paying $23 total for shipping and the so-called insurance.

Anyway, DFI says the 250gb can run high-density, so we shall see.
Just to follow up on my saga, I left memtest running overnight at DDR333 2.5-3-3-7. No errors at all. Also no errors on individual sticks running at stock DDR400 3-3-3-8. So the memory would not appear to be bad, per se, but both together will not run at DDR400 in my K8V SE Deluxe. I'm going to press the seller for an exchange of real CL2.5 modules since that is what he advertised and these are plainly CL3 sticks. If I get no joy from him though, I'll offer 'em up for sale here for $57 each shipped Priority Mail with Delivery Confirmation, in better packaging than the original seller, to somebody with a less sensitive board than mine.
anybody tried 2 of these on a Asus A8V Deluxe. LMK cause i'm probably going to order tomorrow. Thanks.
Ryan711 said:
anybody tried 2 of these on a Asus A8V Deluxe. LMK cause i'm probably going to order tomorrow. Thanks.

I got my x2 in my A8v deluxe and burning in with some 3200 ram right now ready for these to arrive. He shipped mine monday so I might get them tomorrow. I think someone already said they work just fine in the mobo already.
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