1gb ddr pc 3200 $45 bucks

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I've tried this with an 865 board (asus p4p800), and it does not work.

Has anyone gotten this ram to work with the i865PE chipset?

Any one else get the memory obviously late? His auction promises shipping same day if payment recieved before noon. He ships USPS which means I am now on day 5 and he ships from the neighboring state.

I paid the outrageous shipping fee, yet he cant ship as promised (even with his shipping promises as weak as they are).
Rev. said:
Any one else get the memory obviously late? His auction promises shipping same day if payment recieved before noon. He ships USPS which means I am now on day 5 and he ships from the neighboring state.

I paid the outrageous shipping fee, yet he cant ship as promised (even with his shipping promises as weak as they are).

Rev, have you cantacted him for the shipping information? It could easily be lost in shipment.
Yes, I did via email. This guy takes awhile to respond (still hasnt) and the mailman was here today as well. It would be totally his error if the address is wrong, seeing it was a paypal verified transaction.

I paid the outrageous shipping fees without complaint, he just could not have shipped it when he claimed to.
I'm trying to get him to respond back to me about completing an RMA process for my chip... its been 2 days so far waiting for a response
If anybody has a stick that will not work with their motherboard, let me know I'll buy it for $50.
The guy replied, said to let him know if they dont arrive "shortly", whatever that means. They didnt come today. I am wondering if they were lost in transit. :(
I'm thinking he's assuming it'll get to you because he sent it lol. And he probably has not had an issue to date--though delivery times may vary. Lets see tomorrow.
I know it, and normally it wouldn't be an issue. But it is now, the guy charges way too much shipping, promises a deadline to ship, and is too blunt about it to ship whenever he pleases.
I finally got a response today on my issues. He sent me an RMA# and said that my motherboard isn't high-density compatible, and requires 64x8 modules. Which I'm kinda doubtful of since both sticks run fine at DDR333 and single sticks run fine at DDR400 -- if my board wasn't high-density compatible, I would think it either wouldn't recognize all the RAM or it wouldn't boot, like others here have reported. So I'm off to do a little more research to see if I can confirm whether the K8V SE Deluxe works with 128x4 or not.

He also repeated the same list of compatible Via chipsets that was in the auction ad, but I find it hard to believe the ancient KT266 chipset is high-density compatible when the Athlon64 K8T800 chipset is not. Since I do have a Linux box running a KT266 mobo I think maybe I'll run memtest overnight on THAT one and see what it says. Of course it's not a DDR400 mobo so I'm sure it'll work like it did on my main rig when I clocked it back to DDR333.

He wants me to ship the RAM back for refund/upgrade and says "We'll notify you when we receive it for testing, then email you with your options." Hmmm. Not sure I like the sound of that. Refund most certainly means I'm out the rediculous shipping charges that are an obvious ploy to get around higher eBay fees for him. "Upgrade" sounds suspiciously like he might want to charge extra. Either way I'm not terribly crazy about it. Especially since they could easily pull a scam and say I sent back the RAM damaged and I get stuck with nothing (well, I'd dispute the charge, but still...).

Thnk I should send it back, or just sell it here or on eBay for $55 each?
Finally got mine. 2 x 1 GB fired right up in the Gigabyte but @ 3-4-4-8 timings 400 mhz. I will have to test in my DFI if I hope to alter timings.

Ohhh almost forgot...Samsung modules
Malatov said:
I finally got a response today on my issues. He sent me an RMA# and said that my motherboard isn't high-density compatible, and requires 64x8 modules. Which I'm kinda doubtful of since both sticks run fine at DDR333 and single sticks run fine at DDR400 -- if my board wasn't high-density compatible, I would think it either wouldn't recognize all the RAM or it wouldn't boot, like others here have reported. So I'm off to do a little more research to see if I can confirm whether the K8V SE Deluxe works with 128x4 or not.

He also repeated the same list of compatible Via chipsets that was in the auction ad, but I find it hard to believe the ancient KT266 chipset is high-density compatible when the Athlon64 K8T800 chipset is not. Since I do have a Linux box running a KT266 mobo I think maybe I'll run memtest overnight on THAT one and see what it says. Of course it's not a DDR400 mobo so I'm sure it'll work like it did on my main rig when I clocked it back to DDR333.

He wants me to ship the RAM back for refund/upgrade and says "We'll notify you when we receive it for testing, then email you with your options." Hmmm. Not sure I like the sound of that. Refund most certainly means I'm out the rediculous shipping charges that are an obvious ploy to get around higher eBay fees for him. "Upgrade" sounds suspiciously like he might want to charge extra. Either way I'm not terribly crazy about it. Especially since they could easily pull a scam and say I sent back the RAM damaged and I get stuck with nothing (well, I'd dispute the charge, but still...).

Thnk I should send it back, or just sell it here or on eBay for $55 each?

I think you should sell them to me. If someone would tell me they work in Asus A8N sli!!
Rev. said:
Finally got mine. 2 x 1 GB fired right up in the Gigabyte but @ 3-4-4-8 timings 400 mhz. I will have to test in my DFI if I hope to alter timings.

Ohhh almost forgot...Samsung modules

Samsung UCCC?
all i have to say is WOW. I build custom systems and sell them through flyers around my neighborhood (in most months i usually make almost about as much at this as i do working at a computer store, rofl). Bought 4gbs from him, *note to self, find out details on lifetime warranty, it didn't come with any paper work, or warranty info* and check out what its default timings were on my gigabyte k8ns:


IN DUAL CHANNEL! :eek: :D :eek:

He does put it in your butt with the shipping (45$ shipping on my 4 sticks!?) but it would be my guess he has a sliver sized margin on the ram itself and makes money on the time he spends going through all the orders and doing the shipping, which i feel is justifiable. especially when it runs 2-3-3-8 in dual channel.

Just as a side note to all you system builders out there, I usually put a system together for around 400$ and sell it for 6-700$... what about you? please pm me some of ur stats if you dont mind :p
Got mine today. The shipping method is questionable, but the product came safely. Booted right up at 2.5-4-4-9 2T DDR400. Gonna run some memtest and everything...

BTW, I received the AM stick.

Edit - Alrighty, passed memtest just fine. Thinking about getting another stick...
I got mine today lol.. works great in Asus A8V deluxe and at 1T 2.5-3-3-7 DDR400 2.6v

2-3-3-6 is next :D

I cant get it much past ddr400 speeds though even at 2.8v but still very good for the money :)

And mine are the short sticks with the square ram modules
Sweet! ATM I am priming @ 210 2-3-3-8 2.6v

I will go for 11 x 228 soon.
228 is a no go so far. But she is a priming at 210 x 12 2-3-2-8 and 2.7vdimm :cool:
Having problems with much OCing, but 2-3-2-8 @ 400 mhz seems acceptable MUHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! :D
He's offering me a refund (minus s/h likely, which I told him I wouldn't do) or replacement with 64x8 CL3's. I decided to take him up on the replacement, since the price is still extremely good even for CL3's (and the ones he shipped were CL3's anyway). I'll drop back a half clock on latency but I'll double my RAM which will let some things run better. Plus maybe I'll get lucky and actually be able to push it at CL2.5 anyway.

The guy seems pretty good to work with, so if he comes through he'll still get positive eBay feedback from me, and possibly future orders.
This stuff seems to work decent on a ASrock-SATA2 Uli1695 MB. I have it running effectively at 218 2-3-3-6-1T timings (267 FSB, 166 div) in dual channel. Not the highest, but I havent really tried much else. I haven't gone through stress tests yet, although I did play CS:S for a few hours at 1920*1200 resolution without any crashes. I liked it soo much that I bought 2 more tonight, specifically asking for the sticks with bga ram. I am planning on trying it in my DFI UltraD and my DFI NF3 250 GB.

*Update* It got 1 error after ~ 6 hours and it happened on test 7. I tried running just test 7 and I get an error in the same memory location. Test 5 and 8 are okay, which seems to be the ones that usually are more strenuous. I then tried 3-3-3-8 on test 7 and it still failed. I will try switching slots and mess more with timings. I think they should be good. I will also try them on my other boards, and if they fail, I will try them individually. If that doesn't work, I will cook them in my DFI NF4 UltraD =).
Since the 1 stick I got is great, ordered another. Just pray it's also an Advanced Modules stick as well.
Bought 2 of these got them yesterday. They were pc3200 and they were advanced modulers. Come up as 2 gigs each also in cpu-z which is where I got all the info on them. Says they are made by samsung also?

Anyway, I tested them in a friends Aopen AK77-8N and they did work. When he saw what I paid he bought 2 as well.

They were shipped again in a small padded envelope, no insurance, and I received them 5 days after I paid for them. Hope this helps some of you out. Good luck!
Well, I was able to play with thme more over the weekend and have decided to try and cancel my order for the additional 2. The 2 I have now would boot and run, but after testing, I noticed I consistently get errors on test 7 at any speed and voltage down to 100 MHz . I have tried them in a Uli 1695, NF3, and NF4 boards. They can run alone, but together memtest will generate the test 7 errors. They cant even run together error free in a single channel board. I am wondering for those that seem to be memtest stable, try setting the low area of memory to a number, and then have the high be 1M from the low. Then run all the tests. My computer would lock up on #8 and restart. This is with 2T, bank interleave off, and 3-4-4-9 timings even. I am trying to return them, since I have no need for 1 GB sticks that don't run together. I hope others are having better luck.
got an RMA also from the guy, seems pretty fair...

anyways, he says that expect a response in 8-48 hours if your e-mailing him about anything. I shipped my memory off, and hopefully will get a response in the next week. Hopefully i get those options too (that malatov got)

Malatov: is he charging anything extra? (i.e. shipping? or exchange?)
Shodin10k said:
Malatov: is he charging anything extra? (i.e. shipping? or exchange?)
Not that I know of yet. If he does I'll be quite pissed. He didn't mention any upcharge though so I'm crossing my fingers...
From what I have read in this thread, yes it should run, but it might have issues with two dimms.
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