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    Intel Core i7 Full System Drawing @ [H]

    Sure...I'd love the system!
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    cpu scaling on the 5800 series

    That's just what I'm asking....How important is the CPU for these high end cards? At what point should I consider replacing the CPU instead of the GPU? I guess its time to go dig for CPU scaling articles. **Actually did some digging and found this older article...
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    cpu scaling on the 5800 series

    So this is all just nice speculation right? No one has an article actually showing CPU scaling for the 5800 series yet right? For example what would be the difference of running let's say Empire Total War, Dawn of War II or Fallout 3 at 1920x1200 with an I7/PhenomII/Core2Duo or the 5800...
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    cpu scaling on the 5800 series

    Anyone have any impressions or links to reviews where they examine CPU scaling with the 5870 or the 5850? I have a e7400 Core2Duo OC'd to 3ghz. I know its not the best CPU out there but hey I was on a budget. How much performance would I be leaving on the table if I just took out my 4850 and...
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    ATI Radeon HD 3870 X2 Drawing

    I'd love one. Happy to pay the shipping to Japan. :)
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    Linux for Playstation 3

    What I'm curious about is the hard drive support. If I'm running Yellow Dog would I be able to plug in an external hard drive into a PS3 USB port? (supported fine in most Linux distros) If you were going to use it as a true replacement for your home comp you would really want to be able to...
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    PSU software simulation

    I am no programmer but I know enough to say this probably would be a huge project... I wish there was a piece of software that could examine your system and report back approximately how much of a power drain your system would make under absolute full load. With dual cores, dual GPU's...
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    Ati Pr...

    Well I'll probably get banned just for posting in this thread but what the heck. Has anyone seen the front page news where Kyle is obviously out looking for news to discredit ATI and people keep telling him there is actually product out there? rofl
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    prerelease benchmarks r520

    To me this is just comical to the extreme. Let's sum this up shall we? 1. Guy with a hardware site has a major axe to grind with ATI. (see emails posted previously) 2. He threatens in email to do something to drop their stock price. 3. He posts a 'review' where he never actually touched the...
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    Looking for a good leather executive chair..

    Just to let you guys know, there is more to a chair than softness of the cushions. May I suggest reading a few of these documents.
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    NV40 Yields

    I sure am pulling numbers out of my ass. I was only giving an example. I don't have the first clue what the yields are. I was trying to state that Nvidia has a more complicated chip to mass produce and are leaving themselves little fallback room if they don't get good yields. Guess you missed...
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    NV40 Yields

    You know when I read that I really laughed my ass off. What company that agreed to manufacturer (and sell) Nvidia cards would publicly complain of a lack of chips? Wouldn't that be counter-intuitive to actually selling the product? I'm going to be the best (name your brand) car dealership in...
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    NV40 Yields

    I agree Nvidia will regain some market share but my guess is that their profit margin is a hell of a lot lower than ATI. For example ATI orders a single wafer of silicon from TSMC. Let's say there are 1000 GPU/VPU's on the wafer. It comes out and 200of them qualify as full 16pipe X800XT's...
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    NV40 Yields

    Nvidia is up to their waist in unsellable silicon is my guess. Little comparison. Nvidia's top part has 16 pipes and a gazillion transistors. ATI's top part has 16 pipes and half a gazillion transistors. BUT... ATI's backup (X800) that gets them $399 is a twelve pipe part. Nvidia's...
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    Which is better? RGB cables or 15pin cable

    This is the spec sheet. Mine is the 42" PDH3000. It uses the ALIS screen (Fujitsu??) so it lists the native screen size as 1024x1024
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    Which is better? RGB cables or 15pin cable

    I actually just dug out my manual and it is says the TV is capable of 1125i resolution. I know 1920x1080 is 1080i but what is 1125i?
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    Which is better? RGB cables or 15pin cable

    Thanks, I did some testing today and I found out a few things. My plasma looks best with VGA adapter at 1024x768. I can pump it up to 1920x1080 (1080i) but it doesn't look that great with the VGA hookups. I'm going to pick up some RGB cables and see if it is a limitation on the VGA adapter or...
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    Everyone Welcome Tim Dinh our newest News Guy!!!

    Congrats and have fun.
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    Which is better? RGB cables or 15pin cable

    My 42" Hitachi Woo Plasma TV has a 15pin standard monitor cable for connecting PC's to the screen. I also have a new Sapphire X800 Vivo that allows me to output to RGB cables. Which should I use if I want the best quality? Output via the cables or the 15pin connector?
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    Overclocks on the X800?

    I have a Sapphire X800 ViVo Softmodded to X800XT speeds with all 16pipes open. :) I suppose I could push it higher but I'm a little nervous doing that in humid summer here in Japan and my system being air cooled only.
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    What's this about modding an x800 Pro to an XT?

    I'm not sure. I posted the link to the info from over in the rage3d forums. I bought a Sapphire VIVO card myself based on that info. I installed the bios in about 1 minutes work. I now have an XT. I hope it works for a lot of other people. The main reason I did it was because I couldn't...
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    What's this about modding an x800 Pro to an XT?

    Well it does cost them more in a way. For example they go to TSMC and say 'We want 1 wafer (let's say there are 1000chips on a wafer). TSMC says "ok' and makes the wafer. ATI finds that 300 of those chips are capable of doing XT speeds. 700 aren't. So if they have an order for 600XT chips they...
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    What's this about modding an x800 Pro to an XT?

    It's not about the risk it's about demand. It doesn't cost ATI anymore to make an XT core vs an non XT core. It's all done on the same wafer. They just handpick the ones that *could* be XT's. If a customer like Sapphire orders 500 XT cores and 1000 non XT cores and you have 1500 cores made...
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    What's this about modding an x800 Pro to an XT?

    There is a softmod to make the x800 into an x800xt. I did it myself today. The catch is that you need to have an x800 that has VIVO. I bought the Sapphire x800 here in Japan. I then followed the instructions here: I flashed the bios...
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    Why are 6800 manufacturer not listing GPU speeds?

    I guess no one has a theory on this. I've read some things around the net that says manufacturer's are free to set the speeds at whatever they want so perhaps they're taking a wait and see approach? Anyway, it should all be cleared up in a week or so, I guess when more cards hit the shelves.
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    Why are 6800 manufacturer not listing GPU speeds?

    Why do you think 6800 manufacturers are not listing the core speeds or memory speeds of their cards yet? I mean the reviews from around the net all showed the core of the Ultra to be running at 400mhz so I'm wondering why companies are not listing this in their specs....
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    What happened to Nvidia Driver Release Today?

    This was posted by the Inquirer. 'nuff said?