Linux for Playstation 3

im still waiting for a cell phone virus. the internals are almost identical in soo many cell phones
How many virus's are there on PC's running linux?

How many virus's are there on the PSP?

I don't know of any on either...
ya but that's like saying how many viruses are on a Mac? Very little, but not impossible. In seriousness..I have no clue though.

PSP runs linux too?
Yea I was reading about this before class the other day. Looks interesting. IF it works at a good speed it might be a reason to buy a PS3. Having a 600 dollar gaming compter is a lot better then a 600 dollar game system.
swatbat said:
Yea I was reading about this before class the other day. Looks interesting. IF it works at a good speed it might be a reason to buy a PS3. Having a 600 dollar gaming compter is a lot better then a 600 dollar game system.
dont expect to have good pc gaming performance at all
Martyr said:
dont expect to have good pc gaming performance at all

Should have wrote that better. I was thinking if it is pretty fast for normal pc operations(ie surfing the net, writting some docs, video playback etc) then you have a 600 dollar computer that can game fine(the game part being ps3 games). Should have made it clear that I was thinking of PS3 games for the gamming part, Linux for everything elce.
Wouldn't be surprised if other linux distros get released after they're had a while with the Yellow Dog one. I wonder what the blu-ray functionality will be like.
There are viruses for the PSP sorta, there are programs that are designed to brick you PSP when run. But if you're not an idiot and don't run any homebrew from unknown sources then you won't have a problem.

There are also a few viruses for Linux. I've never encountered any but heres a quick list I found...


I think Sony will do a good job protecting the firmware of the PS3, much the same way they try to block homebrew on the PSP.
Martyr said:
im still waiting for a cell phone virus. the internals are almost identical in soo many cell phones
Actually, there are a few cell phone viruses already out there. Most are harmless but a couple can cause problems.
This is great news for folding at home and seti.

I think I heard they were working on a PS3 version of FAH but it didnt have anything to do with a linux distro.

The more the better I guess.
What I'm curious about is the hard drive support. If I'm running Yellow Dog would I be able to plug in an external hard drive into a PS3 USB port? (supported fine in most Linux distros)

If you were going to use it as a true replacement for your home comp you would really want to be able to slap in an external drive for all that stuff you download...

I dont' care if the PS3 without Linux can do it but if it was to replace a home comp I would need that external drive support.
VoodooChi|d said:
How many virus's are there on PC's running linux?
I believe more Linux security flaws have been found recently than Windows XP flaws. Linux isn't this great all-secure, perfect OS. People just don't bother to write a virus for it because it wouldn't spread and wouldn't be useful (if they want it to spam).
Not really "viruses" per se on Linux, but the way it usually works is that, most often, _very_ old *nix boxes are easy targets, poorly configured nix boxes are easy targets, and as soon as a flaw is found, the distro maintainers are usually extremely fast in releasing a patch to cover the flaw.

But anyways, it will be interesting to see how Sony supports homebrew devs for the PS3. I'm looking forward for the chance to port & optimize some mencoder code to run on the PS3. The Cell will absolutely pwn in video encoding, so I do hope Sony releases some instruction set docs for us assembly whores. :)
movax said:
But anyways, it will be interesting to see how Sony supports homebrew devs for the PS3. I'm looking forward for the chance to port & optimize some mencoder code to run on the PS3. The Cell will absolutely pwn in video encoding, so I do hope Sony releases some instruction set docs for us assembly whores. :)

Not to likely. Remember they don't make money selling you hardware, they make money selling you software. I'm sure Sony wouldn't mind helping the homebrew scene if you were paying $1200 for your PS3 and they turned a decent profit selling the box. They're only revenue source will be from software royalties and services (downloads and content) so don't expect much.
Netrat33 said:

While this does sound cool, does this also mean that it has a better chance of getting a virus now? :confused:

Virus's? you don't know linux now do you...

The only realy good thing abt this is effectively ppl will be dev games for linux (be it a different ARCH - minor point) so hopefully more games linux way as more ppl get skill at coding with linux/OpenGL