Ati Pr...


Oct 3, 2005
Kyle can shove his anti-"Canuck" rhetoric where it belongs and kiss my CANADIAN ass! Once Again, he shows the world his true colors... reminiscent of the first waves of Kyle's anti-ATI campaigning, several years back.

For the record, Kyle is just your typical trigger-happy, Bush-loving gringo, who simply lacks the ability to segregate technology from personal vendettas and politics - What a vulgar display of American flare! Or should I say ignorance?

He's right, he's certainly not ATI's "PR Bitch"... everyone knows of Kyle's long history of Nvidiot-whoring, despite his fervent claims of impartiality.

Another thing, Kyle keeps rambling on about "support issues" - what support issues? ATI provides better driver support and integration than Nvidia... not to mention actual technology. Support issues on what, product releases? Rim shot please...

By the way, can someone please tell me why so-called leaders (like Kyle) in the "enthusiast community", are making such a stink about this product availability issue (or lack of) when in reality, they represent ATI's smallest market segment (as previously mentioned on the “kyle pwns ati hah nice job” thread by "Sir-Fragalot")?

Yes, I think we can all agree that it was wrong for ATI not to work out product availability following its initial launch date. But, let's not go ape shit and thrust ourselves into this mad ATI witch-hunt - Which does no good whatsoever to the enthusiast community (contrary to what Kyle would like you to believe).

If it's such a damn problem for any of you to wait a few months to make your next GPU purchase/upgrade, then by all means, buy an Nvidia card and shut the hell up! Give the rest of us who are genuinely interested in technology, a breath of fresh air!

Having said that, perhaps you should try to educate yourself a little there Kyle and actually pay a bit more attention to ATI product release announcements. I'm sure most of your fellow American enthusiasts can manage that much.

Can someone also tell Kyle that many other companies (not only hardware) are in the same boat here in terms of announcing their products and then failing to deliver on time, i.e. Asus, Microsoft, Sony, etc... Why target ATI?

But it's really comments like these that make me wonder...

"I have gotten a handful of mail this morning from Canucks with their panties in a wad about me using the word "Canuck" to describe ATI. Let me just say this. If you are truly stupid enough to take that as a slam on a whole country, well then you probably should not be reading up about DIY tech stuff as you are a surely going to break it. ATI is a bunch of Canucks in my book and always has been. It is not the first time I have referred to them as Canucks and it will not be the last. I have never even thought of Canucks as being a derogitory term. And yes, we have been using it for years.

If you don't like the way I say it, then I invite you to never again view our little web page. So if you have a touch screen, I am sure you can easily touch the Red X in the top right hand corner of your browser with your pinky finger that is sticking up from your tea cup.

Go read Anandtech if you want PC.

Thank god, most of the enthusiast community does not share the same head space as Kyle B. Apparently, Kyle is not aware of just how many Canucks actually visit his site daily...

So, to "atmus", "Mikolieangelo" and all you Canadian "H"ers out there - don't let this kind of useless rhetoric put you down... It's just a bunch of [H] crap!

And Kyle, you're the girly clown who can't stand up to your own short-comings. What a panty-waist ignorant fool.

P.S. did I mention that I was Canadian?

P.S.2 Re: "kyle pwns ati hah nice job" thread. Very smooth there Kyle - closing the thread on us in order to shun our retorts… a very objective and open-minded move on your part indeed. I wonder, was it because you can’t handle that too?

P.S.3 is in a class of its own - especially in terms of its unbiased, technology oriented input. Who needs!
Ban? Ban for the retarded Canadian that can't take a joke? Don't be so pissed that Canada is actually controlled by the US. :rolleyes:
Banko said:
Ban? Ban for the retarded Canadian that can't take a joke? Don't be so pissed that Canada is actually controlled by the US. :rolleyes:

Sorry bro, you might want to read the news... we sell you 80% of what you buy and we supply with energy... and clean up your mess after RITA, and the list goes on... you don't own anything but a crap load of arrogance.

You're the retard who can't tell a real joke from a degrading and condescending comment...

i think you should have had a little more moderation in your post, so that it would avoid the risk of deletion and ban
Big Fat Duck said:
i think you should have had a little more moderation in your post, so that it would avoid the risk of deletion and ban

Good point, I'll take your word on that... especially considering that Kyle is probably going to ban me anyway. LOL.
Feeling a little thin skinned? You are not ATI, so don't take it so personally. :rolleyes:
Well I'll probably get banned just for posting in this thread but what the heck. Has anyone seen the front page news where Kyle is obviously out looking for news to discredit ATI and people keep telling him there is actually product out there? rofl
Allankyoto said:
Well I'll probably get banned just for posting in this thread but what the heck. Has anyone seen the front page news where Kyle is obviously out looking for news to discredit ATI and people keep telling him there is actually product out there? rofl

Yep, that's our good boy Klye alright...
Allankyoto said:
Well I'll probably get banned just for posting in this thread but what the heck. Has anyone seen the front page news where Kyle is obviously out looking for news to discredit ATI and people keep telling him there is actually product out there? rofl

1) when a company makes a mistake should they not be called out?

2) if "product" is out, where can i get the x1800xt?
heero884 said:
1) when a company makes a mistake should they not be called out?

2) if "product" is out, where can i get the x1800xt?

Absolutely... Just don't make it a personal mission to discredit the company and don't mix personal sentiment and politics with technology...
Abtar said:
Sorry bro, you might want to read the news... we sell you 80% of what you buy and we supply with energy... and clean up your mess after RITA, and the list goes on... you don't own anything but a crap load of arrogance.

you criticize kyle for being anti-canadian but dont you sound anti-american yourself?
heero884 said:
you criticize kyle for being anti-canadian but dont you sound anti-american yourself?

I see your point... It's not that I'm anti-american. I'm just trying to make a statement. I think Kyle should be a little bit more sensitive and educated when it comes to Canadian coulture. That's all... I have no intention of trying to start a Canadian vs. American flame thread here. ;)
We are done with these idiots for the weekend. Go post it at your other forums. It is the weekend here and I have other things today. Actually I have to help relocate some Katrina refugees tomorrow that need transportation to their new temp housing. Poor bastards are still in shelters. :(

Also one of my editors let me know that I needed to delete my favorable Nickelback post from the other day, since they happen to be Canucks. Hehe, I just get more wishy washy by the minute eh? Next thing you know I might be saying something good about Intel! :eek:
Canucks is just the Vancover Hockey team, how is that derogatory?

Whiney Maple Leafs...
Abtar said:
Absolutely... Just don't make it a personal mission to discredit the company and don't mix personal sentiment and politics with technology...

even IF kyle was on a personal mission to discredit the company i just dont see ATi going out of bussiness. just no way. the way i see it, this will only pressure ATi to be more competitive with nvidia and at the consumer level will only benefit us, the consumers.
J-Mag said:
Canucks is just the Vancover Hockey team, how is that derogatory?

Whiney Maple Leafs...

LOL... I guess you too need a little primer on Canadian coulture... The term "Canuck" is comonly and loosely used in the media as a non-derogatory term to represent Canadians in general.

By making a statement such as "The bottom line is that the enthusiast hardware community wants products, not Canuck promises", Kyle is essentially implying that Canadians in general don't keep their promises...

It doesn't matter where you're from; this is simply not acceptable - especially coming from someone like Klye.

BTW, I hate the Maple Leafs - I am a Sens fan (Ottawa Senators). :D