Why are 6800 manufacturer not listing GPU speeds?


Jun 3, 2004
Why do you think 6800 manufacturers are not listing the core speeds or memory speeds of their cards yet?

I mean the reviews from around the net all showed the core of the Ultra to be running at 400mhz so I'm wondering why companies are not listing this in their specs....
I guess no one has a theory on this. I've read some things around the net that says manufacturer's are free to set the speeds at whatever they want so perhaps they're taking a wait and see approach?

Anyway, it should all be cleared up in a week or so, I guess when more cards hit the shelves.
To make a short story shorter, the 800XT is more powerful than Nvidia imagined so they're scrambling to increase yields to compete.
Allankyoto said:
I guess no one has a theory on this. I've read some things around the net that says manufacturer's are free to set the speeds at whatever they want so perhaps they're taking a wait and see approach?

Anyway, it should all be cleared up in a week or so, I guess when more cards hit the shelves.

Funny you should mention that, I just spotted the Gainward 6800U "cool-FX" or whatever they call it, which is advertised as having a 450mhz+ core speed (and cost around $1000 where I saw it for pre-order), so I guess retailers are allowed to fiddle around with the speeds.
MartinX said:
Funny you should mention that, I just spotted the Gainward 6800U "cool-FX" or whatever they call it, which is advertised as having a 450mhz+ core speed (and cost around $1000 where I saw it for pre-order), so I guess retailers are allowed to fiddle around with the speeds.

Gainward, BFG, and eVGA where given the cream of the crop cards by Nvidia for the express purpose of 'fiddeling'. Also, that card you're reffering to his watercooled. Since retail cards on stock air cooling can hit 450 already, I can't wait to get one of those babies and see if she can crack 475. But where did you see them up for pre-order?
Vagrant Zero said:
Gainward, BFG, and eVGA where given the cream of the crop cards by Nvidia for the express purpose of 'fiddeling'. Also, that card you're reffering to his watercooled. Since retail cards on stock air cooling can hit 450 already, I can't wait to get one of those babies and see if she can crack 475. But where did you see them up for pre-order?

A European site http://www.komplett.ie/k/ki.asp?sku=300416&cks=PRL