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  1. F

    Vista or XP?

    I went with Vista with my new build after debating the same thing and was going to do a dual boot later with XP. After spending the week with Vista, I won't bother going back. I'm sure XP will be a little faster, but my new machine already screams, so I am not worried about that.
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    My Samsung Nightmare (T240)

    Wow, that sucks. I guess I got lucky with my T240. It has a tad bit of bleed, but nothing even close to that.
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    Bought Samsung T260!!! Impressions and my personal review.

    Do some reading, almost every tech document out there will tell you once you hit 42", you would have to have super vision to tell the difference in the two (their are exceptions like if you are 2 feet away maybe, but really, who would watch a 42" TV from 2 feet away)
  4. F

    Inspect my build

    Thanks for the help guys, got my early birthday presents today (actually my 24" LCD was my early birthday, this was more of a bonus).
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    Bought Samsung T260!!! Impressions and my personal review.

    yea, I was aware of that before I bought (thanks to the two months of trying to figure out which panel because people nit pick all of them with flaws, even the IPS/VA panels.). I figure it's like 720p vs 1080p on a 42" TV. some swear they can see the difference, I for one can't and it makes me...
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    Bought Samsung T260!!! Impressions and my personal review.

    Well to be honest I am a very very very simple PS'er. I shouldn't have said mainly as I really only use PS to adjust my screw up's with the camera ( I guess mainly I encode movies would be a better thing to say). So far I have put it up against my (granted old) 17" VGA Viewsonic Flat screen...
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    Bought Samsung T260!!! Impressions and my personal review.

    Brightness around 90, contrast around 80 if I remember correctly (at work now, could be the other way around). All I have done was brought the brightness down 10.
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    Show Your LCD(s) setups!!!

    Yang88she got it. After setting up the monitor I went to Lowes and picked up a Decent little Slim surge protector to replace my aging Monster power (computers on the UPS anyway), 10 feet of 1" flex loom, 5 feet of 1/4" flex loom and some larger zip ties, and some grounded 8 feet power cables to...
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    Show Your LCD(s) setups!!!

    Replaced my Dual 17" Viewsonic CRT setup that I have had for about 8 years with a Samsung T240 This past weekend. Also hide the wires that I could now easily see through the glass where before the CRT's covered them. before After
  10. F

    Bought Samsung T260!!! Impressions and my personal review.

    Nice. I picked up a T240 over the weekend (how did you get the T260 $20 over what I got the T240 at BB for?) and so far I love it. The viewing angle isn't near as bad as others make things out to be and the sharpness is awesome (although I haven't figured out how to run the calibration...
  11. F

    Inspect my build

    Good point. I will back down then.
  12. F

    Inspect my build

    Thanks guys! I edited the list to add prices as seen Monday on Newegg. I know I could either up to DDR3 or downgrade the MB to the model without DDR3, but for the small price difference on the MB I figured I would just keep the DDR3 support. Now just have to decide which 24" monitor to get...
  13. F

    Inspect my build

    I am looking into rebuilding my PC and was wanting some feedback on if everything looks good or should I upgrade, or downgrade some parts. With the following I have basically hit the max money I want to spend (actually went over) since I plan to buy a BenQ 24" monitor as well. All this PC is...
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    Taking VHS to DVD

    I thought about this, but haven't looked into how much it would cost to do or if there is anyone local to do it.
  15. F

    Taking VHS to DVD

    Hmm, a little more pricey then I was wanting to go for a one time project. Someone on another board pointed out a Samsung he used to do this job for under $100. I might go that route. It had HDMI ports as well.
  16. F

    Taking VHS to DVD

    Which model do you have? I think this is the route I will go just because it will be easier to deal with. My parents have been wanting a DVD recorder to easily record TV anyway, so I will just give it to them when I am done. Should I get one with a HDD or will it matter for converting VHS...
  17. F

    Taking VHS to DVD

    Mods, please move this if needed, I wasn't sure the best place to put it. My Grandfather passed away on Easter and while we were going through the house we found a lot of old home movies we forgot he had and I wanted to convert them to DVD before they degrade. Basically I have a 3 or 4...
  18. F

    Bought a new phone!

    Thats were I got my Dialer and Vista theme.
  19. F

    Bought a new phone!

    oh, forgot you asked about the battery. So far it has been great, but still testing as I haven't been on the phone with it a whole lot (OT on the weekends for the win...lose....I don't know :) ). I haven't charged it in two days and it is sitting at 60%. Now thats not with a lot of talking...
  20. F

    Bought a new phone!

    The phone really isn't as bulky as the picture shows. You should go to a cingular store (like I did many times) and hold one. I went to a store, spent about 45 minutes (not bothering a sales person) playing with the phone first to make sure I wouldn't mind the size and to see if I could dial...
  21. F

    Bought a new phone!

    Most of this review is cut/paste from another site that isn't as technical so forgive the obvious things I might have point out. After weeks of reading around on howardforums I finally picked up a 8525 Hermes. Been using it about a week and I love this thing. Went ahead and did the...
  22. F

    My SATA cables suck, are there any good ones?

    Thanks for the help guys. The SATA cables I am using came with the MB so they are some of the first ones out. I tried to recover windows but it wasn't working out. Wasn't really worth trying since my last install was in 2005, I decided to just start over. Why not take advantage of the fact...
  23. F

    My SATA cables suck, are there any good ones?

    Well when I say heat I mean the heatup cool down of the computer over days/weeks/months. The board only runs at 82 degrees and I have 5 fans with 1 120mm on the harddrives, so maybe it isn't the heat. But the expansion and contraction of pins over time does push the connectors out. Just not...
  24. F

    My SATA cables suck, are there any good ones?

    Well windows took a dump on me last night on the main PC. I had been fighting with the damn sata cables unplugging themselves over time for a while from the heat in the case. It started getting more frequent and was looking for a way to secure the little shits so they would stop working...
  25. F

    Happy TX giving to all:)

    MF'n Wordpad!! Hope everyone has a great Turkey filled day!!
  26. F

    Best way to get HP parts for Laptop

    yea umm, I don't think you are going to find a laptop as good as this one for $300 (excluding black Friday 2 items per store no raincheck wait outside at 3 in the morning to get them sales and even then I doubt it). But yea, thinks for the help there.
  27. F

    Best way to get HP parts for Laptop

    Looks like I will order one off of Ebay. The one on Newegg doesn't have very good reviews, might as well try one of the $60 ones and see what happens.
  28. F

    Best way to get HP parts for Laptop

    My Dad called and said that his DVD-RW drive on his Laptop wasn't working, so I went over to the house yesturday to take a look. Looks like the DVD drive has failed. It is recognized in windows, but doesn't do anything but click non stop when you put in a DVD or CD of various kinds (DVD Data...
  29. F

    Just getting started Buying/Selling...

    Man it sucks being a Noob, but is it I will need to register there I guess? Kinda annoying, but a decent Idea if every board did it.
  30. F

    Just getting started Buying/Selling...

    Quick Question I was asked by two people I have bought and traded with to leave them some "Heat" once I get the items. I assume this means Feedback, but on all my other boards there is a feedback section to post in whether it is positive or negative, it goes in the same section. All I see...
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    FS/FT - Lots o HDD's and 2x512mb G.Skill Set

    Bump for you Cool, I sent you a PM for the WD. Let me know. Thanks.
  32. F

    FS/FT - Lots o HDD's and 2x512mb G.Skill Set

    Bump Any word on if the WD 40gb is sold?
  33. F

    Selling a few items.

    Sent money for Seagate HDD. Bump for the morning.
  34. F

    MJ007's Wife is Pregnant Sale...

    what specs are on the graphic card of the Shuttle? Looking for a computer to hook to my HDTV for HD playback.
  35. F

    FS/FT - Lots o HDD's and 2x512mb G.Skill Set

    I have a linksys BEFSRXX (have to get the model number when I get home) I would be willing to trade for the 40gb WD drive. Still worked great when was last used (boxed up about a 6 months ago and had current firmware updates up to that point (went to wireless).
  36. F

    Selling a few items.

    PM me if the Seagate drive sale falls through.
  37. F

    Has anyone else ran into this sound problem

    Recently my Internet explorer started acting weird. I am sure it happened after an update of some kind (windows update, or flash update, or maybe DX update), but recently if I visit a website with sounds (not midi) like flash animations or the like, the sound will not stop playing even after I...
  38. F

    Linksys Vonage Broadband Phone Service

    Yep, I got lucky since we built the house and never hookup a land line, all the phone lines ran out to the back and into nothing!! Just had to tie them in together!!
  39. F

    Linksys Vonage Broadband Phone Service

    I have had Vonage for about a month and a half and love it. I bought the vonage box at Sams. Hooked everything up and signed up online, and within an hour the phone was working. I went out to the back of the house and isolated the phone lines and tied them all together, and boom, phone...