Bought Samsung T260!!! Impressions and my personal review.


Jun 21, 2008
Ok so i took the plunge into LCD world today. I have been faithfully using my NEC FP2141sb CRT for years and decided it was time. So i picked this monitor for a couple reasons. First I did not want to pay the extra for the T260HD because i do not see myself using those inputs. Second, I have no intention of actually keeping the thing right now but it got a good deal on it from local Best Buy. I have read and read and read and i needed some sort of starting point to compare other reviews. You just don't really know until you get it in your home hooked up to your stuff. I tested it with my PC using DVI, xbox360, and laptop with VGA out.

**Disclaimer** I am extremely picky when it comes to picture quality. I have used CRTs my whole life until now and currently own 50" 1080p panny plasma which i love. So keep that in mind that its those screens i am used to.

Out of the box impressions:
Everyone is always taken back by how big the screen actually is and I was as well...its huge.

Style and aesthetics look amazing and the stand is ok. It rotates but doesn't go up and down but i don't care my chair goes up and down. It comes with every cable you could need except HDMI which isn't a big deal because it would probably be a crappy one anyway.

PC Using DVI:
The monitor was too bright so i had to turn it down half way from way it came. Text and general windows things are VERY clear and easy to read close up or far away. I immediately ran my pixel program and cycled through all the colors and found no dead or stuck pixels. the backlight bleeding was minimal to none. although i have read this takes time to set in.

Gaming was great. i ran crysis, warcraft3, half life 2, and they all looked great. there was no input lag that i could tell and the screen responded well to quick movement in shooters (keep in mind im running 9800gtx). So honestly i was very impressed because no one seems to have good or bad reviews about this monitor yet.

Oh and as far as viewing angles go...I could not give 2 s##ts about that because I am going to be using the screen head on pretty much all the time.

I played a blu-ray rip and the quality was incredible. What a great looking screen for HD movies.

PC Using VGA:
Good, not great. The vga is noticeably less clear and less sharp of a picture. But still perfectly manageable.

XBOX 360:
it immediately picked up 1080p and the screen showed it running at 1900x1080p. there were no bars ... and from what i can tell the image was NOT stretched. call of duty 4 looked good. i cannot say it looked great because i am used to running it on a 50" panny plasma which, imo, is looks better. actually, better might not be the right word...just different. i would say the lcd screen picture looks sharper and bright where my plasma looks smoother with better colors which i prefer. so i may be the wrong person to write a review about it.

i payed $460 and i can't imagine a better screen for the price. the only other ones that i was considering was benq 24" or the kds 26". i opted on not going with kds mainly because i would have to order it from newegg AND i find myself being able to trust samsung screen more than KDS.

oh yeah i took pics but they came out horrible. i have crappy digital camera.
Thanks for the review. I'm thinking about picking up the T240 but the T260 is not much more.

I'm a total noob with LCD's so.........if it filled the screen on 1080, does that mean it's not 1:1 pixel mapping? Everything I've read says they are so a 16:9 should have some black bars if it's not stretching.

XBOX 360:
it immediately picked up 1080p and the screen showed it running at 1900x1080p. there were no bars ... and from what i can tell the image was NOT stretched. call of duty 4 looked good. i cannot say it looked great because i am used to running it on a 50" panny plasma which, imo, is looks better. actually, better might not be the right word...just different. i would say the lcd screen picture looks sharper and bright where my plasma looks smoother with better colors which i prefer. so i may be the wrong person to write a review about it.

How could there not be black bars AND the image not be stretched? :confused: Either there was small black bars and the image was running at 1920x1080 or the image was being streched to 1920x1200.
there is option 4:3 or just scan...

try it with xbox 360 for us please...
ok im no expert at this. but here is a pic showing what i am taking about and there are NO bars on the screen.

i play call of duty a lot and honestly do not see stretching.

I also own a Samsung T260 and can't detect stretching in any of the Xbox 360 games I've played so far (GTA 4, NBA 2k8, Ninja Gaiden 2, Mass Effect, Bad Company). Honestly, it's probably stretching, but I guess it's not very detectable with this particular LCD.

By the way.... my Samsung T260 is up for sale on Ebay as I type this response. The reason I'm selling it is to upgrade to the T260HD version. I have an old ass CRT TV that I can't stand to look at anymore and T260HD owners are saying that TV picture quality looks excellent so I figured the T260HD would be best for me. Also, it has 1:1 pixel mapping so I'll be receiving a properly scaled image, but the T260 does a good job when scaling the Xbox 360 via HDMI, in my opinion at least.

Here is the link to the thread I created regarding my experince with the T260. It includes Xbox 360 gaming pics that may be helpful.
i have had more time to play with it and honestly i will probably just keep the thing. its great for the money and seems to handle everything i do normally just perfectly.
At this moment i actually came on here to look for comments about the T260 and here this is on the front page.

i just seen it on i watched the vid there too. it was the T240 instead of 26 but oh well.
if you have seen my posts here i bought the Samsung 305t 30 lcd and it went out on me. im in the middle of getting a refund so im looking to buy another monitor. this one looks like it might be the one.

i know you said the pics are crappy but can i see them anyways ?

should i buy from ? im constantly hearing about neweggs crap return policy on monitors. ive read it on myself as well...

and what is the difference in the HD version?
im assuming it means it has HDMI. if so i want that incase i want to hook up my ps3 to it. We have a 60' Pioneer Elite plasma in our living room already, so the HDMI would be nice to have since everything else we own uses it. tvHD, pioneer elite blue ray dvd player, ps3,..etc.

Im getting back $1,600 so i have the money to buy whichever one. im just looking for a nice LCD to play my games on, browse the web, etc. im running two 8800 ultra vid cards liquid cooled. specs in my sig.

that said; do you think this is the monitor for me? all of the 30 LCDs just dont seem to be very reliable and none of them really have a stand out review over the others. plus the response times and contrast ratios are lower....

also i want to hang it on the wall. is it capable of that. and what colors does it come in. i seen some pics stating you could get other colors. what i mean is at the bottom where it is black with red, i want black with blue.... i have a link for that if you want to see....

sorry for all the questions, but this could greatly impact my decision; therefore i wait on your reply as well as others. im excited but still undecided on what monitor to get and i dont want to just jump. too bad that new NEC or Alienware curved monitor isnt out. probably to high but if it wasnt i would no question get it.
T260 also does have 1:1 pixel mapping.
after 4:3 option.

Actually it doesn't. Only the HD model allows you to select 1:1 pixel mapping. The only available options on the T260 are 4:3, wide, and Just Scan. Do you own the T260 or are you getting your info from another source?
Actually it doesn't. Only the HD model allows you to select 1:1 pixel mapping. The only available options on the T260 are 4:3, wide, and Just Scan. Do you own the T260 or are you getting your info from another source?

"Just Scan" on TVs is the 1:1 setting. Not saying it works in this case, but for some strange reason that is the name of 1:1.
"Just Scan" on TVs is the 1:1 setting. Not saying it works in this case, but for some strange reason that is the name of 1:1.

The Just Scan option on a TV would work perfectly for a Xbox 360 because TV aspect ratios are naturally 16:9. This is inline with the Xbox 360 support of 16:9 aspect ratio. Computer LCDs run at 16:10 so Just Scan would stretch the Xbox 360's 16:9 image.

From my understanding,when using the T260, the just scan option is taking the 16:9 image being produced by the Xbox 360 and stretching it to fit the "16:10" display of the T260.

Remember, the Xbox 360 supports 4:3 and 16:9 aspect ratio. However, majority of PC LCDs display only 16:10 so the Xbox 360's image is being stretched from a 16:9 aspect ratio to a 16:10. Some monitors correct the issue by producing black bars at the top and bottom in order to cut off the extra picture.

The T260HD fixes this issue by providing a 1:1 pixel mapping option that incorporates black bars at the top and bottom to ensure stretching isn't occurring.

Here is a link to an excellent explanation of the issue:
Hey dalearyous, would you be inclined to put it through a lag test since you have a CRT?

I picked up a T240 over the weekend (how did you get the T260 $20 over what I got the T240 at BB for?) and so far I love it. The viewing angle isn't near as bad as others make things out to be and the sharpness is awesome (although I haven't figured out how to run the calibration magictune right, since everytime I run it the picture comes out looking like crap, where it looked good right out of the box). Other then the dust factor on the slick glossy surface of the stand I love it too. I mainly do Photo Shop and so far it looks to be running just fine in CS3 (although I still have more testing to do with my old CRT hooked up next to it).

I jumped on this one because it was the best monitor under $500 out of all the local stores I looked at. Now I just have to figure out how to calibrate this thing to see if it will look even better.
awesome job completely ignoring my questions, jk lol!

i think im just going to buy the 30inch DELL. the 3007wfp-hc. ive read a lot of good comments on it and im sure it would do me justice.
Firehawk, what are your settings for the T240? Brightness, contrast, etc. Thanks.

Brightness around 90, contrast around 80 if I remember correctly (at work now, could be the other way around). All I have done was brought the brightness down 10.

I picked up a T240 over the weekend (how did you get the T260 $20 over what I got the T240 at BB for?) and so far I love it. The viewing angle isn't near as bad as others make things out to be and the sharpness is awesome (although I haven't figured out how to run the calibration magictune right, since everytime I run it the picture comes out looking like crap, where it looked good right out of the box). Other then the dust factor on the slick glossy surface of the stand I love it too. I mainly do Photo Shop and so far it looks to be running just fine in CS3 (although I still have more testing to do with my old CRT hooked up next to it).

I jumped on this one because it was the best monitor under $500 out of all the local stores I looked at. Now I just have to figure out how to calibrate this thing to see if it will look even better.

You purchased a TN panel for photoshop? Are you also blind?
You purchased a TN panel for photoshop? Are you also blind?


How about the important stuff ?
What about the dreaded TN problems. Is the top darker than the bottom of the screen. Fullscreen a solid color and view. Is the color solid or does it look like a gradient ?

Pictures ?
and what is the difference in the HD version?
im assuming it means it has HDMI.

All of them have HDMI inputs. The HD versions also include a digital TV tuner with remote control and a component input.
You purchased a TN panel for photoshop? Are you also blind?

Well to be honest I am a very very very simple PS'er. I shouldn't have said mainly as I really only use PS to adjust my screw up's with the camera ( I guess mainly I encode movies would be a better thing to say). So far I have put it up against my (granted old) 17" VGA Viewsonic Flat screen and this monitor looks better and the image was what I expected when I drug it from this monitor to that one. I think you guys are more hardercore displayaphiles then I am and let more of the slightest things bother you.

Now I have seen some TN panels where you couldn't see imperfections in PS on the LCD, but could on the CRT (what lead to a buddy trashing his Viewsonic 22" monitor and getting a very very expensive 24" panel), but he does professional photography), so far I haven't ran into that with my quick testing. It has a slight darkening when looked at with my head laying on the glass top looking up (yea, like thats the way I want to view it) and a slight brighting when standing my full 6.4 feet tall self over it looking down from 3 feet away (yea, like thats the way I want to view), I won't mention the side to side as it isn't even enough of a shift to even say, but straight on it seems (to me) to be perfect. Bottom line I have to become a far better photographer before I would care about the little things this sad TN panel won't do. :)
Well honestly the biggest issue, and the thing I'm surprised you haven't noticed is the color. TN's are a 6-bit panel, as opposed to IPS/PVA/MVA which are 8-bit panels. 8-bit panels can display true 32bit color (16.7million). 6-bit panels can produce~16.2million) and have to use dithering to fake the remainder of the color palette. This is really noticeable in my opinion, but I won't spoil it for you if you don't notice it.
yea, I was aware of that before I bought (thanks to the two months of trying to figure out which panel because people nit pick all of them with flaws, even the IPS/VA panels.). I figure it's like 720p vs 1080p on a 42" TV. some swear they can see the difference, I for one can't and it makes me very happy since I can buy cheaper items and be just as happy as someone that spent more. :)
yea, I was aware of that before I bought (thanks to the two months of trying to figure out which panel because people nit pick all of them with flaws, even the IPS/VA panels.). I figure it's like 720p vs 1080p on a 42" TV. some swear they can see the difference, I for one can't and it makes me very happy since I can buy cheaper items and be just as happy as someone that spent more. :)

Pssst... You need to be only five or six feet from a 42" TV to see 1080P.
Even this now is a subject for debate.

Lot's of TN monitors employ panels with HiFRC that makes it almost impossible to tell they are 6-bit without putting your nose 6 inches from the screen and nodding your head up and down to "catch" a bit of pixel squirm.

Samsung has done a pretty good job of this with recent panels as has AU Optronics. Others vary, and even different panels from the same vendor will vary.

In my opinion the only place TN lacks is in vertical viewing angles.

Well honestly the biggest issue, and the thing I'm surprised you haven't noticed is the color. TN's are a 6-bit panel, as opposed to IPS/PVA/MVA which are 8-bit panels. 8-bit panels can display true 32bit color (16.7million). 6-bit panels can produce~16.2million) and have to use dithering to fake the remainder of the color palette. This is really noticeable in my opinion, but I won't spoil it for you if you don't notice it.
Even this now is a subject for debate.

Lot's of TN monitors employ panels with HiFRC that makes it almost impossible to tell they are 6-bit without putting your nose 6 inches from the screen and nodding your head up and down to "catch" a bit of pixel squirm.

Samsung has done a pretty good job of this with recent panels as has AU Optronics. Others vary, and even different panels from the same vendor will vary.

In my opinion the only place TN lacks is in vertical viewing angles.

Hmmm, that's interesting to hear. My expertise on LCD panels is dated evidently.
Would appreciate a review alexheinz! Do you happen to have a PS3 by any chance? Just want to compare all the monitors I can.
Nope, but I plan to connect my PC (see sig) via DVI, and my Xbox 360 via HDMI.

I will probably cover the following:

PC gaming at 1920x1200
Xbox 360 at 1080p over HDMI
1080p movies
Thats cool with me; as long as its a console system. Also since this does 16:9 the correct aspect for console gaming does that mean it would fill up the entire screen and still maintain 1080p resolution without black bars or loss of picture?
From my understanding there will be black bars at the top and bottom. I don't think you can maintain a 1:1 pixel mapped 16:9 aspect ratio on a 16:10 display without having either black bars or loss of picture.
I see. So how does it look HDMI on 360? I thought about the T260HD, but users here didn't seem to like it that much. Any pics?
I just ordered it, should be here by Wednesday maybe. I should have a review then or Thursday.

Also the two threads I have seen here have been about the T260, which doesn't have 1:1 pixel mapping for 1080p sources. The HD series (T240HD and T260HD specifically for 1080p) both have this.
Sounds good. Forgot to ask; when you review it how is the lag? Thanks and I'll check back around next week.
Pssst... You need to be only five or six feet from a 42" TV to see 1080P.

Do some reading, almost every tech document out there will tell you once you hit 42", you would have to have super vision to tell the difference in the two (their are exceptions like if you are 2 feet away maybe, but really, who would watch a 42" TV from 2 feet away)
I am currently looking at this monitor vs a viewsonic vp2650. The viewsonic is $100 more so I am hesitant about it. Would the T260 be highly recommended for someone that only views it straight on, doesn't use it for anything other than a computer screen, and doesn't do console gaming? As in the only gaming done is pc gaming.
I've been going back and forth between the T240 and T260. Zipzoomfly has the T240 for $415 and the T260 for $475. Is the extra 2 inches worth the extra $60? My main uses will be movies, light gaming (PC and 360), and internet browsing.
Can you give an impression on how it handles non-native res gaming? I have an old 7900GT still so 1440x900 will be the res I have to do on some games. Can you load a game or two on 1440 and 1680 and let us know how it looks?