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    Installing two Operating Systems

    is it as simple as installing Windows XP 32 on a different hard drive "like E drive" than the C drive. I currently have Windows 7 64bit installed on the C drive and i want Windows XP32 bit on a different drive.
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    Memtest question

    thanks for the info. i was hoping memtest would ell you which stick it was. i was hoping not to have to test each like you said but i guess i will have to. Thank for the help
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    Memtest question

    I have 4 2gb sticks of Gskill memory. i have gotten the blue screen of death several time, so i got Memtest86 ver 4.0 and ran it over night several time. it said the las time that i had 118 errors. it also listed highlighted in red a line the listed a memory address. i am asuming that i have...
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    Which Video Card is better

    Which is the best of these three value video cards which is best for the money under $100
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    Old Abit motherboard

    I am want to upgrade the CPU and i am putting 2 more Gb's of ram. i don't think i can do anymore to the computer without putting in a new motherboard which i don't want to do at this time. I know it wont be a big gain but it should get me some. I record music and it should let me run s few...
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    Old Abit motherboard

    Does anyone know if this old Abit motherboard ABIT KN9 nVIDIA nForce4 ULTRA will owrk with this AMD CPU I currently have this CPU in the board Discontinued on 2/10---AMD ATHLON 64 X2 5000+ (ADO5000CZBOX) ENERGY EFFICIENT DUAL...
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    New to Laptops

    I have never owned a Laptops and don't really know what to look for in one. I need one for school it has to have 2 gb memory, Vista, i want a 250gb HD and it must be able to connect to the internet at school. In addition to school i want to install photoshop and do some photo editing when...
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    Anti-Virus Software

    I tried the trial version of NOD32 and after i scanned my computer it wouldn't reboot i had to go into safe mode and disable it in order to get my computer to reboot. maybe i will give Kaspersky a try.
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    Anti-Virus Software

    what is the best anti-virus software out there. i currently have a virus on one of my computers and Trend Micro can't get rid of it. are one of the others better and albe to get rid of virus better then trend micro like norton or mcfree or one of the other out there.
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    Hard Drive problem

    i got the data i wanted from my hard drive by turning off the computer for several hours, starting it up and i could get some of the data i wanted. then it would crash. i repeated this several times and got the data i wanted.
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    Hard Drive problem

    it's a SATA drive and even when it show up in exploerer it wont let me copy anything off the drive. i keep getting a error message saying "can't copy from source drive.
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    Hard Drive problem

    I have three hard drives in my system. i am having problems with the second hard drive. some times it will not show up under window my computer or explorer. when it does i can't copy anything from it to another drive i keep getting an error message that says can't copy from sourse drive...
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    Video Problem

    anyone know what could cause this problem.
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    Video Problem

    I have an ATI 800 GTO card. I have had the hard for a while. I don't play any of the newest games. I recent reinstalled Neverwinters Night, Civ 3 and a couiple other games and i have to reinstall the Video Drivers every time i want to play any of these games. if i do not reintall the drives...
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    Printer Question/Problem

    Thanks i will try to clean the printer heads. thanks
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    Printer Question/Problem

    I have a Canon PIXMA ip 3000. It prints with lines in the color or blackand white picuters or just about anything except txet printing. I replaced all the ink cartridges. is there something wrong with my printer. i have not printed in color in a while but i do black and white prining all the...
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    Faded color problem

    the colors on the bottom of my screen on my new HP W2207 monitor are lighter then on the top. I took the monitor up to best buy and had them look at it. the colors we even top to bottom at best buy using my cable. also when i plug it in with the DVI cable the color fading is much worst then...
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    The Official HP w2207/w2007 Thread

    should the colors on the bottom of the screen be a lot lighter "almost faded in appearance" then the colors then on the top of the screen. i have played with the color setting but it still a lot lighter on the bottom of the screen.
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    question just got a HP W2207

    should the colors on the bottom of the screen be a lot lighter in then the colors allmost faded in appearance then on the top of the screen. i have played with the color setting but it still a lot lighter on the bottom of the screen.
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    Motherboard upgrade.

    so the Opteron is a better chip then the X2
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    Motherboard upgrade.

    what is the differance between the Opteron and the X2. The Opteron is not listed as compatiable with my motherboard only the athlon 64, X2 and FX chips. my board is a DFI NF4 ultra
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    Motherboard upgrade.

    were can i get one newegg is sold out and most of the other places i have looked don't even have them listed. none of the local stoles carry any socket 939 chips.
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    Motherboard upgrade.

    i have tons of music recording software on my computer that i don't want to reinstall and have to reconfigure. thats why i don't want to reformat it would be a huge pain to do so.
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    Motherboard upgrade.

    the board i am looking at is a NF4 and i currently have a NF4 socket 939 DFI board. will i have to reformat if i stay with NF4
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    Motherboard upgrade.

    will i have to reformat my hard drive if i get a new motherboard.
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    Motherboard upgrade.

    I am thinking about upgrading my computer. My current setup is AMD 3700 socket 939 in a DFI nf4 ultra motherboard, 2 GB PC3200, Win XP Pro SP2. I use my computer for Recording music and gaming mostly. I am thinking about a board with socket AM2 something under $100, Asus, ABIT, DFI or is...
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    Samsung 226BW 22": 3000:1 Contrast, 2ms response time

    I see people posting about the panel type such as panel type S. what are the different panel types and which is best.
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    Copy of my Hard Drive

    is there any software i can buy in the store that ill do that
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    Copy of my Hard Drive

    is there a program that wil make an exact copy of my hard drive including the partitions, so that i can then replace the old drive with a new hard drive and not have to reinstall all my programs from sctratch. it will be the exact same hard drive. my main hard drive is going bad and i need to...
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    SATA Problem

    Cool thank you that worked I learned something new.
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    SATA Problem

    I just made some upgrades to my computer. I put a DFI NF4 Ultra Infinity motherboard and I attached to it two WD 250GB SATA II hard drive. The DFI board supports 4 SATA II drives. I attached one drive to SATA port 1 and the other to SATA port 2. I then booted up the computer and both...
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    SATA Drive Question

    If I add a new SATA hard drive to my computer will it automatically become my C: or can I make it D: or E: or what ever drive letter is next on my computer. I currently have 2 IDE drive in my computer. I want to add a SATA drive to my computer but I do not want it to be my C:.
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    New Motheroard question

    will the faster memory make that much of an increase is performance.
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    New Motheroard question

    Computer upgrades I am going to be upgrading my computer. I have a couple questions. I already have 1gb "2x 512mb OCZ"of memory. would i be better of getting two more of the same type of memory the OCZ or getting the 2x 1gb. I have two motherboard listed in my wish list MSI and DFI...
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    thanks dchrsf for the info and links. rysher i was looking at for the opteron 146 and it was a lot more can you give me a link to where you saw it cheaper.
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    Thanks. will that stuff give me the same performance as the ones i pick. and is the ram just as fast.
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    I am upgrading my computer and these are the components I am thinking about getting. Copmuter upgrade The amount I am spending is the max I can go. Are these components the best I can get for the money? I am installing win XP pro and Win XP64. I am using my computer for music...
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    Dual Boot

    ok thanks. i do have another licence that i can use.
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    Dual Boot

    Can I install the same operating system twice on my computer so it will give me the choice of which one I want to boot to? I will be installing the second copy on a different hard drive that is also on a different IDE. I want the second version to use for music recording and I want it to...
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    Ripping CD's

    Thank very much Insanchist. i think the problem was media player. i never thought of that.