Ripping CD's


Limp Gawd
Oct 27, 2003
I have a Sound blaster Audigy 2 platinum pro sound card. I am ripping with windows media player 10. I have Win XP SP2.

I hope I explain this correct.

I am trying to rip songs from my cd collection to put on to my MP3 player. The problem that I am having is distortion on some of my cd’s. It is mostly my newer cd’s they have no scratches and play perfect on any other player. When I play them on my computer there is distortion. That same distortion is also in the ripped version also. If I play the original cd on any other player there is no distortion.

I have tried to lower the EQ and level settings on my volume control but that did not help.

Is my sound card causing the distortion and is there a way to correct it so I can rip my cd’s without distortion.

If you need any other information please let me know
Ok, so you're getting 'distortion' from playing normal cd's, from playing the mp3's you create (or wma's) from said CD's, and on those same songs on your mp3 player, but you're not getting distortion on anything else?
Hmm... can you describe what you mean by distortion? Does it sound like it was recorded too loud, and thus overdriven, or does it just sound overly compressed, like a low-bitrate mp3?

Also, is it only one/a couple CD's, or is it any cd's?

*edit: when you say 'any other player', do you mean any other software CD-playing program, or do you mean on any other computer/boombox?
ok it happens on a lot of my cd's but not all. mostly my newer cd's

it does sound like it is overdriven. on softer parts of a song it is clear.

i have ripped them to wma form 128 bit to 192 bit and MP3 as high as 320 bit it still has overdriven distortion.

by other players i mean my home stereo and my portable cd player i use at work.
Did this problem just start recently, or has it been true since you built the computer? Also, have you tried any other programs to listen to/rip the cd's?
i never real used my computer to listen to music before. i just started when i got an MP3 player. no i have not tried any other program. that is a good idea i will have to try a not program and see what happens.
Thank very much Insanchist. i think the problem was media player. i never thought of that.