Memtest question


Limp Gawd
Oct 27, 2003
I have 4 2gb sticks of Gskill memory. i have gotten the blue screen of death several time, so i got Memtest86 ver 4.0 and ran it over night several time. it said the las time that i had 118 errors. it also listed highlighted in red a line the listed a memory address. i am asuming that i have at least one bad stick.

How do you know which is bad and which is good.
Test one pair at a time. Then when you find the pair that is giving you the trouble, then test each of those sticks individually until you find the one giving you the trouble. Also keep in mind you could have a bad memory slot instead of a stick, although much less likely.
thanks for the info. i was hoping memtest would ell you which stick it was. i was hoping not to have to test each like you said but i guess i will have to.

Thank for the help