Hard Drive problem


Limp Gawd
Oct 27, 2003
I have three hard drives in my system. i am having problems with the second hard drive. some times it will not show up under window my computer or explorer. when it does i can't copy anything from it to another drive i keep getting an error message that says can't copy from sourse drive. none of the programs will run also. is there any way to get the data off that drive on to another drive then replace it with a new drive.
If its a PATA drive, try it on a different cable.
the drive might be fine.

You're the best person for knowing when the drive works.
Get the drive working and copy the data off.
There isnt another way you can copy the data.
it's a SATA drive and even when it show up in exploerer it wont let me copy anything off the drive. i keep getting a error message saying "can't copy from source drive.
It could be a simple problem like a bad sector / corruption of the FAT or the drives format in a crucial place.
Often these issues can be repaired with good recovery tools.

I use HDD regenerator, theres a good tool by Spinrite as well.
See if anyone you know has a copy and can scan the disk for you.
If its a sata2 disk, try the jumper trick to make it work @sata1

i got the data i wanted from my hard drive by turning off the computer for several hours, starting it up and i could get some of the data i wanted. then it would crash. i repeated this several times and got the data i wanted.