Search results

  1. P

    GTA IV Blamed For Violence…Again

    See what I mean? You could add ANYTHING in the place of GTA (Sex, Drugs, Rock n' Roll, HEMORRHOIDS) and it still sounds like a sentence. Albeit a little "funny". Making these claims is only making people like Thompson look better. (although LOL to him getting disbarred)
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    GTA IV Blamed For Violence…Again

    :p:cool: nice one!
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    GTA IV Blamed For Violence…Again

    The problem now days is that whatever is the most popular thing is most destructive thing. Lets take this from a "Mad Lib" approach...
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    Webcam + Any Object = Game Controller

    Sorry to post this again, but is the front page missing news for anyone else? and my RSS feed is broke also... How do I fix it? :(
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    Baby For Sale On Craigslist

    Is the front page broke for anyone else? Like, the page comes up, but after the "YOU ARE THE REVIEWER" ad from BenQ theres nothing untill the bottom of the page.... what i do? :( ?
  6. P

    BenQ V2400W User Reviews @ [H]Forum

    For the last 7 years I've been coming to [H] for my tech news, reviews, and other oddities. If you were to pick me to review your monitor I think it would be the best opportunity for a long time reader, though a little quiet most of the time, to really show that our community knows how to...
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    Consoles, piracy, & why you won't need to upgrade your graphics card for a long time

    Well, In my opinion, developers are just starting to get comfortable with the NexGen hardware of these systems.... so as time passes they'll find a way to manipulate the system to get every frame and every pixel they can out of it... Sometimes porting games that are optimized for a certain...
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    In need of a certain cable for Molex to SATA... please help! Can someone find me one of those thats stateside (i live in oklahoma)? I need a 4 pin Molex "Male to Female" cable, WITH 1 SATA connector eg: PSU --> Female Molex --> Male Molex --> IDE Harddrive...
  9. P

    Upgrading PC.. only 1 IDE connection? Do Sata Adapters work?

    Thanks for the info guys.. Can any of you recommend a good IDE to SATA adapter (brand, model, ect..) and also can you point me in the right direction of a good PCI IDE card?
  10. P

    Upgrading PC.. only 1 IDE connection? Do Sata Adapters work?

    My current PC is a A643000+, DFI Lanparty NF3, 6800GT, 1 gig corsair DDR ram... Im ITCHING to upgrade (and taxes are coming back in another 2 weeks :D) My problem is, I currently have 3 harddrives and an IDE DVD-RW an 80gig Seagate IDE (Im pretty sure I'll upgrade to a Raptor or something...
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    Thermatake LANBox Lite - Overheating???

    I appreciate the input man, I have yet to see anyone try and mod one of these (at least I haven't seen anything) and your the first person thats looked to see if some of my ideas were feasible, I appreciate that ;) I think I'll look around and see if there are any cases that might better suit...
  12. P

    Thermatake LANBox Lite - Overheating???

    Ya, I agree it would be a little difficult to do the things I was talking about, but thats half the fun of modding... Also, I know my title is n00bie, but look in my join date... 2003... I've been here a while, I just dont like to post non-useful information... I have a good deal of...
  13. P

    Thermatake LANBox Lite - Overheating??? Im having a brain fart.... I looked at the dementions on the ACF7 and saw that theres a measurement over 100mm....I guess this wont fit? Im thinking about moving to a Lanbox Lite also, and was just making sure... because that...
  14. P

    Gigabyte GA-P35 D3SL missing?

    Whats the difference between the other versions? P35 - DS3R / P35C - DS3R / P35-DS3P Rev 2.0 ... Im looking around for something decent at OCing, but more or less stable as a rock and cheap as possible... (doesnt have to be Gigabyte, but it seems like they are solid)
  15. P

    DFI Lanparty UT memory problems

    I had/have the exact same problem... I had 2 512 sticks of Mushkin Blue... I even ran CPU-Z and it showed that there was a second stick installed, but it wasnt being utilized... I ended up taking the second stick back for the money... I played with timings and stuff and it didnt seem to help...
  16. P

    Whats a good stable CHEAP athlon 1.4ghz board (non aXP,non DDR)

    ya, 2x512 sticks... I had 2x256, but a friend of mine had the 512 sticks and the board he was getting wounldnt support them (was putting together a PC for a family member) so he traded me for the sticks and I owed him a favor... Anyway, my dad does music recording for his band with his...
  17. P

    Whats a good stable CHEAP athlon 1.4ghz board (non aXP,non DDR)

    My dads computer is corrupting data, I believe that the motherboard is to blame, Ive replaced ribbons, new hard drive, new CDRom... different sticks of ram... still does it, wont even let me install an operating system... We are really broke at the moment... so anything in the 20-40 range...
  18. P

    NF7-S vs. NF7 .... whats the difference?

    Is the only difference that one has SATA and one doesnt? because the NF7-S on newegg is like, ~95$, and the NF7 is like ~73$...
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    Dual 120mm Fan Heatercore (a quick how-to)

    any updates on a shroud construction?
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    Anyone use peltiers anymore?

    ok, maybe im out of my mind, but, would this work? (notice my leet paint skills because I cant find my PS7 disk) basicly, the peltiers cold side cools the water to cool the heat side, then goes back under the cool...
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    Anyone use peltiers anymore?

    Ive been looking around for alternative cooling and I was wondering if anyone has tried to use a peltier or something for either cooling water own in a water cooling system, or even just using one on the processor itself.... Are these a thing of the past now? or will it even work on hot a$s...
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    Car PC Questions -- has lots of info
  23. P

    Look What I Found =)

    How much would you sell the one that is working for? My dad is in a band and I have to sit around all day and burn the CD's on my plextor drive..... 1 at a time........ please let me know, one of these would save me so much time an anguish... you dont even know...