GTA IV Blamed For Violence…Again

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
The latest round of “GTA IV causes violence” seems to be running wild in the city of Stockton, California! The once crime-free town has been taken over by violence caused by GTA IV. Someone call the National Guard.

"My son Peter was never really aggressive, but once he got into video games, 'GTA' being one of them, he started to push, hit, talk back, and just become a different person," said Stockton parent Greg Within, 46.
Great something to feed the people who hate video games and think they are the worse thing in the world.

Yes Jack Thompson, I am looking at you
It's common knowledge that violence and aggression didnt exist until video games were invented.

True Dat, Before GTA, we only had Gladiatorial Combat to keep the masses entertained.

Its the same shit, people laying excuses for bad behavior.. No different than blaming guns for killing people and spoons for making people fat.
The latest round of "My son Peter was never really aggressive, but once he got into video games, 'GTA' being one of them, he started to push, hit, talk back, and just become a different person," said Stockton parent Greg Within, 46.

Sounds like someone finally got their pubes, idiots.
Stupid parents. This is why they have a rating system. M - For mature. I wonder how old his son is.
I blame violence for violent games. There's no question which came first.
Im finally picking up GTA 4 tonight, Expect to see the crime rate go up in Chicago this week...cause we all know Im going to have to go and start car jacking people and stuff after a weekend of playing GTA.

Just gives them something to blame it on...They used to use music as the scapegoat. Now its Video games.
I'm 16 and it's fucking common sense that there's a difference between a video game and actual life. I love how people in this world can have such little common sense sometimes.
Yes and food commercials or images of food on tv makes me eat and become obese... I think we should sue.

Me plays the worlds smallest violin
The problem now days is that whatever is the most popular thing is most destructive thing.

Lets take this from a "Mad Lib" approach...

The latest round of “Drug causes violence” seems to be running wild in the city of Stockton, California! The once crime-free town has been taken over by violence caused by Drugs. Someone call the National Guard.
Yeah ok, the game's rated M, so I'm guessing the parents bought the game for him in the first place..
I once read an article by a psychologist that we have completely developed our system of values between the ages of 2 and 4.

I've proved him wrong with the carjacking/bank robbing/shooting rampages I go on after I play my violent video

Joking aside, our values are extremely resistant to change. My values tell me that unwarranted violence is never alright, and no amount of gaming is going to change that. Moral of the story, instill better values in you child, and you won't have to blame video game violence later.
Forgive the mini-rant...

Maybe, dad, if you spent more time with your son than you let him spend with his fucking video games, you wouldn't be in this pickle.

So many stupid parents buy their kids a game system and let it be their cheap babysitter... Same thing with movies. Any parent who spends quality time with their kids (time in the car on the way to/from counselling doesn't count, sorry) should see behaviors start to change. Involved parents don't get caught by surprise.

Maybe the gaming industry can countersue stupid parents for defamation of character?
I'm 16 and it's fucking common sense that there's a difference between a video game and actual life. I love how people in this world can have such little common sense sometimes.

*shakes cane at you* now don't you be using that language, young man! Look what video game's done to you!


I kid, I kid.
A real father would have slapped the shit out of said son....and it would only have to happen ONCE.
The problem now days is that whatever is the most popular thing is most destructive thing.

Lets take this from a "Mad Lib" approach...

"The latest round of "Hardcore Pornography” seems to be running wild in the city of Stockton, California! The once crime-free town has been taken over by violence caused by Pron. Someone call the National Guard.

I blame Jenna Haze's elasticity factor.

:p :D
"The latest round of "Hardcore Pornography” seems to be running wild in the city of Stockton, California! The once crime-free town has been taken over by violence caused by Pron. Someone call the National Guard.

I blame Jenna Haze's elasticity factor.

:p :D

:p:cool: nice one!
The latest round of “intel quad core processors” seems to be running wild in the city of Stockton, California! The once crime-free town has been taken over by violence caused by intel quad core processors. Someone call the National Guard.

...I never was any good at mad libs...
The latest round of “shubberies” seems to be running wild in the city of Stockton, California! The once crime-free town has been taken over by violence caused by shrubberies. Someone call the National Guard.
The latest round of “shubberies” seems to be running wild in the city of Stockton, California! The once crime-free town has been taken over by violence caused by shrubberies. Someone call the National Guard.

See what I mean? You could add ANYTHING in the place of GTA (Sex, Drugs, Rock n' Roll, HEMORRHOIDS) and it still sounds like a sentence. Albeit a little "funny".

Making these claims is only making people like Thompson look better. (although LOL to him getting disbarred)
Monty Python FTW! :p For any Python fans that want to see the Spamalot show in Vegas - hurry up - it's closing in July.

On topic - the father is a wanker. Sounds like he's yet another useless sack calling himself a parent that now wnats to place the blame everywhere but where is needs to be (aimed at himself!) for his shitheads problems. And if the kid really is 19 - duh - kick him the hell out then.
True Dat, Before GTA, we only had Gladiatorial Combat to keep the masses entertained.

Its the same shit, people laying excuses for bad behavior.. No different than blaming guns for killing people and spoons for making people fat.

There is no spoon.
The latest round of “Steve’s Genital Warts” seems to be running wild in the city of Stockton, California! The once crime-free town has been taken over by violence caused by Steve’s Genital Warts. Someone call the National Guard.
Why doesn't the link in the first post actually lead to the article instead of the Hard front page?
"My son Peter was never really aggressive, but once he got into video games, 'GTA' being one of them, he started to push, hit, talk back, and just become a different person," said Stockton parent Greg Within, 46.

Comic books, rock n roll, and video games are to blame. I'm sure his slackjaw parenting had nothing to do with it.
After getting GTA4 I have noticed, I find that my helicopter flying and rocket launcher shootings have gone up 33%, I've also noticed I can do slow motion stunt sequences!
Recently I took a motorcycle, and used the sides of a bridge as a ramp, and launched myself 500 feet, doing 3 flips, and landing in a pool.
Man that was awesome, I love actiing out on the things video games teach me to do! Especially after I broke my foot, who knew a burger would instantly cure it!?!?
Yall had better watch out! I just finished GTA4 100%. Every bird I see gets shot with a drive-by RPG shot! For Haloween I am going to dress up (down) as a stripper and show everyone how hard core black electrical tape over my nipples looks. Idiots!
Stockton crime free?!? You have to be kidding. Its hub the Meth High for God's sake.
Annoying Parent said:
"My son Peter was never really aggressive, but once he got into video games, 'GTA' being one of them, he started to push, hit, talk back, and just become a different person," said Stockton parent Greg Within, 46.
Learn how to be a parent you jackass. Take some damn responsibility.
Yes and food commercials or images of food on tv makes me eat and become obese... I think we should sue.

Me plays the worlds smallest violin

If you see it form that Point Of View, then EVERYTHING they are asking is for THE BIG BROTHER to come down and "watch" over them. Then you'll have more stuff like what's going on in Britain and everyting related to an 1984'esque liberty take away all your rights are belong to us. People don't understand this but responsability and risk taking are part of what freedom is. You don't want to be responsable, you don't want to asses risks and take them, then you'll become a puppet of the BIG BROTHER, don't complain later, because you asked for it.
The massive 15 year decrease in crime started the year that Doom came out.

Yeah, I know, those videogames make kids crazy!
I've played GTA 4 for a mere 4 hours at my brother-in-law's house this week and can barely stop myself from carjacking every Porsche or Lambo I see!

Then there was that time yesterday that I stole an FBI cruiser and landed a helicopter on the MetLife Building.
The thing is, you know the dad didn't just start blaming video games. This has probably been a household argument for a long time, with the dad harping on his kid to get off the damned games and get a job or something else. It's not the video games, it's the dad.