DFI Lanparty UT memory problems

Jul 12, 2003
So yeah, I order some new memory today to put in the system in my signature and it doesnt work correctly only one slot of the 3 on my board takes memory and I dont think my stick of mushkin will work in there any more. Anyone have any suggestions or fixes as to why this DFI board is doing this? I tried voltages and settings for everything but the memory timing which I dont want to mess with just yet.
Frallan said:
go here to find some answers :p

I did, but didnt find much help, all the answers were too broad to narrow it down for me. I was wondering if there are any known defects/incompatibilites in the products I'm using. Another question, should I set the memory timings in the bios to be more relaxed before putting another stick in or does that reset the timings?
Well, after figuring out the memory screen in the bios I set what I could manually inlcuding voltages. Downloading sandra and prime95 now to see if its stable. I hope this works!
I had/have the exact same problem... I had 2 512 sticks of Mushkin Blue... I even ran CPU-Z and it showed that there was a second stick installed, but it wasnt being utilized... I ended up taking the second stick back for the money...

I played with timings and stuff and it didnt seem to help, if you make any progress let us know...
DJDishwateR said:
Well, after figuring out the memory screen in the bios I set what I could manually inlcuding voltages. Downloading sandra and prime95 now to see if its stable. I hope this works!

If it works report back.

If it doesn't PM RGone or Angry_Games at www-dfi-street.com they are the best support Ull ever see.