Look What I Found =)

did you read the thread, he doesnt have a choice, there is no video card, its a stand-alone duplicator

that doesnt mean he cant put a video card on it, and see what happens. i kinda think there is software on the HD, so i wouldnt just go and format it. check it out in your rig.
holy shit!

best I ever found in NYC was a baby AT board thats half decent. Too bad it stopped working after I installed XP :(
ive got stacks of computers in my basement. literally stacked up. about to your waistline, and 6 feet long, along my wall. and that is what i chose to take. this was all free, resqued from the garbage. hehe, i had my freind go woth me, and he jumped into the fucking dumpster, then i kept everything. he is a bored kid
Originally posted by fallsincluded
ive got stacks of computers in my basement. literally stacked up. about to your waistline, and 6 feet long, along my wall. and that is what i chose to take. this was all free, resqued from the garbage. hehe, i had my freind go woth me, and he jumped into the fucking dumpster, then i kept everything. he is a bored kid

gimmie stuff plz
I counted 50 pins on the scsi cards.

As far as loading nero, I think I would not even bother because I really don't have a need to produce massive amounts of CD's :rolleyes:

I'm thinking about donating it to my church. They mass produce casette tapes of their sermons, so maybe this will be their opportunity to go digital :eek:
lol you dontate to your church and half these guys are gonna drive up there and take it from the church then drive over and bang on your head with a side panel :)

Nice find, I don't ever find crap here, coarse I tend to stay away from dumpsters and what not, they are kinda scary down here.
I think it would be neat to donate one to a church. Its tax deductable then also plus you should get the good karma you wanted then too.

When there were other busts in New York by the "RIAA Corporate Police" the guys who these probably ditched them and ran ;)

I'm surprised that the software to run these was still on the hard drive but the harddrives were empty.
I'm almost positive that there is no software on the hard drive.

I'm sure that it boots off either the ISA card, or a rom chip in the display that is connected to the ISA card.
nice find! somehow, i doubt that the mobos have kt133a chipsets; those were for socket a procs only, iirc. if you plan to donate them, make sure you at least get a tax deductible; it would be a nice chunk of change:)
Donating to a church will buy you ticket to heaven (i'm so joking, makes sign of the cross).

You'd actually make a killing on ebay man, you'll see your name on the 100 richest men of the world list :D It seems halfway modern scsi optical drives are rare and expensive so keep it in mind.
Originally posted by Benny Blanco

*goes into basement and finds time machine which, until now, also had no use* :p
The sarcasm is strong with this one... yesss, much hilarity in him.
How much would you sell the one that is working for? My dad is in a band and I have to sit around all day and burn the CD's on my plextor drive..... 1 at a time........ please let me know, one of these would save me so much time an anguish... you dont even know....

https://www.cdbaby.com/cd/newdynasty <-- their CD for sale online...
Great_Melinko said:
can i get pics that works plz :confused: :(
maybe the pics dont work because the thread you resurrected is almost a year old ?!

twas a good thread though

Benny, what did you end up doing with the duplicators?
dss64662 said:
nice find! somehow, i doubt that the mobos have kt133a chipsets; those were for socket a procs only, iirc. if you plan to donate them, make sure you at least get a tax deductible; it would be a nice chunk of change:)
kt133 and kt266 series were for s370 and sA. i have a dual s370 board with a kt266t, and my gigabyte s370 board has a kt133
Holy shit! This thread is a year old. If he doesn't have his answer by now I don't think he's ever going to get it. :D