Steve Ballmer Dodges Eggs During Speech

What wasthat guy saying? It sounded me to like he said that Microsoft stole $45 million from Hungarians and that he wanted Steve to give it back to them right now.

Am I hearing that correctly?
What wasthat guy saying? It sounded me to like he said that Microsoft stole $45 million from Hungarians and that he wanted Steve to give it back to them right now.

Am I hearing that correctly?

yup you heard correctly

What wasthat guy saying? It sounded me to like he said that Microsoft stole $45 million from Hungarians and that he wanted Steve to give it back to them right now.

Am I hearing that correctly?

That's what I gathered, although there are a few words after 45 million that I can't understand.
Was he unhappy at the price MS charges for Windows, an alternative OS zealot, a true communist, or combination of the above?

One thing is for sure, if you can't hit a semi portly old guy from 15" on three tries, you need to get out and exercise some. Maybe practice your throw or something. It not much harder than level grinding.
I think he was a chicken farmer who had a day off and a few eggs left over from breakfast.
That was pretty rude. I wonder if that guy is going to start having problems with his Windows activations.
He was mad because Hungary has contracts with MS to offer cheaper versions of their software to campuses. This costs Hungary billions in tax payer money, so this kid though he'd be cool and demand it back while lobbing a couple eggs.

If you ask me, though, he's barking up the wrong tree. He should be mad at his government for willingly handing over the money to MS for the deal, not for MS offering the deal to them.
Are you all hard of hearing?

There was nothing about stealing $45 million in Hungarian money, it about Ballmer stealing 45,000,000 hungry-man.
Lolololol Balmer at least wasn't a dick afterwords. Make a joke and keep going
I think every Hungarian should be generalized and stereotyped based on this man's actions. That's right Hungary! You messed up big time! You're going on notice!

He's lucky this wasn't in America. I don't think he would have been walking out of there under casual escort.

Wow, what a d-bag. I mean, you get to go to a seminar and see Steve Balmer and you get sick seats. And then you lob eggs at the guy and mumble some kind of nonesense at him?

Epic Hungarian fail!
You know the real scary thing for Ballmer had to be you know that guy got in there with eggs and had a nice seat in the middle and easy access to throw eggs. Steve is damn lucky that guy didnt whip out a damn gun and shoot at him - people seem to be nutz anymore
The egg assassin throws like a little girl.

... and now he's caught on tape and put on the internet.
He was mad because Hungary has contracts with MS to offer cheaper versions of their software to campuses. This costs Hungary billions in tax payer money, so this kid though he'd be cool and demand it back while lobbing a couple eggs.

If you ask me, though, he's barking up the wrong tree. He should be mad at his government for willingly handing over the money to MS for the deal, not for MS offering the deal to them.
Huh. Well that sounds a lot like the University of Colorado Student Union paying the Regional Transportation District for all students to get subsidized bus tickets. Too bad we never had a speaker from the RTD on campus while I was there, I could have found some eggs...
If the dude had just asked Steve the question, he may have received an answer. It's not like Microsoft went up to Hungary and told them with an evil laugh all your money are belong to us!... Hungary GAVE them that money for a decent cause.
We've all seen the "DEVELOPERS DEVELOPERS" video so we all know how much that big fatty can move.

Dodging eggs is nothing. :)
He was mad because Hungary has contracts with MS to offer cheaper versions of their software to campuses. This costs Hungary billions in tax payer money, so this kid though he'd be cool and demand it back while lobbing a couple eggs.

If you ask me, though, he's barking up the wrong tree. He should be mad at his government for willingly handing over the money to MS for the deal, not for MS offering the deal to them.

Billions? Really? I understood it to be more in the range of 40-50 Million. And it's not just for software, but for IT training for over 10,000 people. That doesn't sound like a bad deal. Of course, it's completely valid to argue with whether or not that's a an expense the government ought to be taking on, but as you mention, he's clearly barking up the wrong tree by blaming Microsoft.
I love the awkward silence after he throws them at Ballmer. The douche (the guy who threw the eggs) just stands there. Freakin' hilarious!
I have no love or hate for Microsoft and Gates and/or Ballmer. I think, like everything else on the planet, they've done some really good things and they have done some really bad things. But throwing eggs at Ballmer is just plain stupid.
That guy is lucky and stupid. He is lucky he wasn't tackled and cuffed on the spot. He is stupid because throwing eggs will never get the issue resolved.
Missing Steve Ballmer's giant bald head that glows like the fricken sun only makes this an
"Hey, you! Microsoft caused a 45 billion (?) Forint damage to the people of Hungary!"
"Give back that money at once!"

I'm Hungarian and ashamed. I try to be more ashamed than Hungarian, but I just can't.
Stupid people.

He is proud though i am sure as his video is all over the net though now...probably all he wanted and ended up getting. Its like people who do bad things to get on TV and the media always is there "covering" the story and giving them what they want.
I love the awkwardness at the end. He was like "what do I do now?" and also I think he expected to get some people rowdy and every was like WTF....