Upgrading PC.. only 1 IDE connection? Do Sata Adapters work?


Oct 4, 2003
My current PC is a A643000+, DFI Lanparty NF3, 6800GT, 1 gig corsair DDR ram... Im ITCHING to upgrade (and taxes are coming back in another 2 weeks :D)

My problem is, I currently have 3 harddrives and an IDE DVD-RW
an 80gig Seagate IDE (Im pretty sure I'll upgrade to a Raptor or something for this one),
a 400gig Seagate IDE,
a 500gig Seagate IDE,
and a 16X NEC DVD+-RW (spending ~$30 on a new SATA ones no big deal)

I dont want to do anything with the 400 and 500 drives because they are allready almost full and I wouldn't have anywhere to put the stuff I'm storing currently...

Im thinking of upgrading to this motherboard (which only has 1 IDE connection, just like every other board I've looked at thats been made in the last year or so)


My question is, Do any of the IDE to SATA adapters work -WELL-?
Can you recommend me a cheap but good IDE card?

Im trying NOT to upgrade my drives now, at least till we get that Tax Rebate this summer... if you can recommend me something I would be grateful!

thanks :cool:
I'd do the upgrades you mentioned, and then the problem will be solved. Get a Raptor (or another cheaper, larger drive) and the SATA burner, which I would also highly recommend the Samsung line. Then you can still keep and use your two large IDE drives.
I have a few different models of sata adapters. All work fine with hard drives. Just be careful NOT to nudge them while on. I killed a drive like this once.
Good point as well. I think I have a stack of them sitting in a box at home.
Thanks for the info guys..

Can any of you recommend a good IDE to SATA adapter (brand, model, ect..) and also can you point me in the right direction of a good PCI IDE card?
If you want an IDE card, let me know. I have several, and I'll send you one.