Webcam + Any Object = Game Controller

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
According to the Cam-Trax website, the software used in the video below can track any object in real-time with high reliability and precision using any webcam. Developer and beta tester sign ups are being accepted on the Cam-Trax website.
Now that is SO cool. I love how you can use a couple fingers to pick something up. I can see this used in games like Black and White.
Ahh, Black and White...classic! I personally liked the FPS demo where you pull your finger as though actually pulling a trigger...makes Zalmans FPS gun look pretty lame.
I wonder what vision library they're using. Open CV looks pretty cool. I'd like to play around with it but am lacking knowledge in most of the current languages.
Ultimate Cool.

Can you imagine how many 3rd party would be dropping a load if this (or something like it) is ultra refined, bypassing the need for aftermarket controllers??? rofl

Ahhhhh yes. One step closer to "Minority Report" technologies. :D
Sorry to post this again, but is the front page missing news for anyone else? and my RSS feed is broke also...

How do I fix it? :(
Sorry to post this again, but is the front page missing news for anyone else? and my RSS feed is broke also...

How do I fix it? :(

This happens to me once in awhile. Just clean out your browser cache and see what happens.
Sweet. I just setup FreeTrack for use with Dirt and the Grid demo last night. So much cool stuff you can do with a webcam :D
That is really cool. I wonder if Sony or someone like that is going to jump on these guys to work on their EyeToy platform.