Search results

  1. T

    Post your pc screen shots!

    Here's Mine. Spent a few hours with Samurize yesterday, this is what I came up with on a dual monitor setup.
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    HELP: DNS issues with my network ... please help...

    Did you notice that your ip addresses are the same for your machine's IP and gateway? Those need to be different ip's or you will have ip conflicts. No 2 machines can have the same ip address. The router or gateway ip address is generally so change your computers ip to something...
  3. T

    HELP: DNS issues with my network ... please help...

    It does sound like a dns issue. Do you have a dns server running on your network or are they all connected to a router connected to the internet? Another question I would have is do you have a dhcp server setup or dhcp through a router? You may have an address conflict if you have dhcp...
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    Million Man LAN - Is anyone here attending?

    Only a couple more days until the fragging begins!!! Anyone else going?
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    Help with School Website design

    Thank you for the info, I did a search as well for student information systems and found an open source program called centre opensource=free :) private schools like free!!! this looks to be a good package with add ons to grow when funds become available. Now...
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    Help with School Website design

    I have been tasked with rebuilding a small private school website. Me and my uber wisdom said, "no problem, I can do that". Outside of building some html docs for a personal website of mine 2years ago, I don't have a good idea on where to start. I have the next few months to work on it to get...
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    New xp install, FAT32 or NTFS?

  8. T

    Front Page Down??!!

    Oops, my bad. :o I was pretty tired earlier. At least some people got a chuckle out of it. :)
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    Front Page Down??!!

    Is the frontpage down??
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    Million Man LAN - Is anyone here attending?

    I'm going, gonna frag all your butt's back to the stone age!!!
  11. T

    Sony Cybershot DSCP200/R 7.2MP Digital Camera 3x Optical Zoom (Red) $199 shipped

    3 dimensions of clarity would be nice. :D
  12. T

    Post your pc screen shots!

    The second monitor is all samurize except for outlook and winamp of course.
  13. T

    [H] Forum Idea - Thoughts?

    How about the opposite, a sub forum for reviews for each software/hardware forum? That way when you are looking in a particular forum you can check for any new reviews. To be perfectly honest, I don't think it should happen until more people start putting more reviews in the forums. If the...
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    Building a computer for my GF, is there anything i should know

    Make it user friendly, that's if she is not an avid computer user. Set up a task scheduler for antivirus and spyware proggies so she doesn't have to worry about running them, they'll just pop up and then she can just click okay to run them. Get all the garbage out of the system and clean...
  15. T

    Upgrade now or wait a few months?

    When I bought it, it was rated to go to 2800+, but the 3200+ wasn't out yet. The FSB only goes up to 333. So I guess it can only handle a 2800+ barton 333 FSB and not a 3200+ 400FSB.
  16. T

    Upgrade now or wait a few months?

    I never wait for an upgrade, I plan for one. Case in point, If 2.5years ago I went and got a main board that supported only SDRAM, with DDR around the corner, I would be kicking myself right now. I don't want this to happen to me. Kinda like a guy that goes out and gets an AXP 3200+ setup...
  17. T

    Upgrade now or wait a few months?

    lol. I here ya on that. I upgraded from an old compaq presario with a 266mhz AMD K6 and a voodoo2 to what I have in my sig now with a 1.2ghz duron. I could not believe how fast it was.
  18. T

    High power usage, are computers the problem?

    Dude, you are getting screwed royally!! I'm in Charlotte, NC, so I don't know the standard kw/h rate in Cali but I average $.08 kw/h. My last bill was $77 for 944kw/hours. My house is just shy of 2000sq/ft, the AC was on all the time, 2 computers running 24/7, one TV is almost always on, washer...
  19. T

    Upgrade now or wait a few months?

    I really want to upgrade my PC and I'm looking for some answers about what do do. As you can see in my sig my main rig is pretty behind as far as technology is at now. I built that 2 years ago and it has done a very good job for me, but it just isn't cutting it anymore. I don't make ass loads...
  20. T

    Scorching Hot if it's true; WD Caviar 80G $25

    linky no worky!! Looks like this is dead now, can't find the drive anywhere on their site. I did a search for western digital and it was the first one listed, I clicked on the lnk and got the "We're sorry, we could not find the page you are looking for" Looks like someone saw that page...
  21. T

    HardOCP front page

    For me it just loads the the top title banner, side menus and the top 3 articles. No posts of the day or anything else.
  22. T

    Organizing/Checking Favorites Links Software

    Does anyone know of a free program out there that you can use to check links on your favorites? I used to have a program that would do this but I can't find it anywhere. Any ideas? Thanks.
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    DirectTV receiver to PC connection

    I have a Ti4200 with an S-video VIVO connection. Would I be able to connect this up to my standard DirectTV receiver? I have directTV being installed on Friday and I want to know if there is any particular model I should ask for. I would really like to setup my computer to record shows...
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    We can only hope...

    Wow, I needed that the other night. Would've got the job done a lot quicker!!
  25. T

    Fantasy football Team Logo's

    Sorry I haven't replied sooner, been drafting my team and sanding down a dresser. What size does the logo need to be in (pixels and KB). I have some good ideas, just let me know.
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    Fantasy football Team Logo's

    About 2 weeks ago I decided to start playing with photoshop again. I haven't used this program since way before the current Bush took office. At the same time my fantasy league was getting back into the swing of things and the one thing I noticed was that no one had a logo for their team. On...
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    Everyone Welcome Tim Dinh our newest News Guy!!!

    welcome aboard man!! Them some demanding shoes to fill with this crowd!! Best of luck, look forward to seeing your posts!!
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    Free one year subscription to PC Magazine

    I've been getting mine for the last 2 months from another link posted in here a few months back. Anyone get there's as well?
  29. T

    Free 1TB email.

    I wouldn't work to hard to fill it up, sign up for some free stuff and the spammers will take care of the rest!!! You should be at 1TB in about a week!! :eek:
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    Would be nice to be able to search sigs...

    I wish I could find that proverb, if I only could use search to find that sig. I wonder where it is.....hmmm :D
  31. T

    Post Count = Title?

    Aaaaah!! Like the whole byte measurement!! I'll be picking my own title soon enough, just got a few more posts to go!!! :D
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    How do you become an Admin or Forum Moderator?

    So it's kind of a respect/power type of responsibility?? I think that it's cool that you love this place so much that you volunteer your time to make sure it doesn't go to . To bad you don't get some green for doing something you enjoy though, course I'm sure you enjoy doing this when someone...
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    how do i post pics

    Ahhh, host was bad!! Thanks!!
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    how do i post pics

    I see your pic, but I just see my link to my pic. Any help?
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    How do you become an Admin or Forum Moderator?

    Do you actually get paid $$ to moderate the forums?? Is it like a part time gig or full time?? Sorry to be seeming nosey, it's just something I've been curious about for a while.
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    How do you become an Admin or Forum Moderator?

    I see there are a bunch of forum mods and admins, how does one become one? :confused:
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    how do i post pics

    Okay, here's another question on this same subject. I have posted pics this same exact way so why does everyone else's pic posts show the picture in their post but my post only shows the link? Is it just my personal view or does everyone else just see the link and not the pic? Like here is...