HELP: DNS issues with my network ... please help...


Mar 26, 2002
Ok, there are three wireless and two ethernet computers on my network. The wireless ones conntect through Super G enabled DLink wireless cards. Four of the 5 computers can get on the network and see each other (ie file/printer share) and can access the internet. However, a desktop running XP Pro SP1, can get on the network, interact with other computers, but cannot get emial or access the internet. I spoke to dlink and they told me that its not a wirless PCI card's fault, but something internally with XP is wrong and not letting the computer access internet.

For example, when I would do ping in the CMD prompt it would work, when I would ping I would get four responses without a problem. ( is When I ping I get an error.

This leads me to beleive that some file somwhere went corrupted or something and its not letting me use DNS services (if thats what they are called).

I should mention that hooking the computer via ethernet, and disableing the wireless yields same results.

I tried to use system restore, but it would not change anything despite restoring to a point four months ago.

So whats going on? How can I fix this ? Do I have to reinstall windows (again)?
If you need any additional information please ask.

Thank you...
Static or Dynamic IP? Some of the cheap routers will give the routers internal IP as a DNS server, other will just give the IP the router recieved via DHCP from your ISP as DNS server.

If it's static, use dynamic to see if it helps. Also, check the advanced TCP/IP settings to make sure everything is configured correctly.
MorfiusX said:
Static or Dynamic IP? Some of the cheap routers will give the routers internal IP as a DNS server, other will just give the IP the router recieved via DHCP from your ISP as DNS server.

If it's static, use dynamic to see if it helps. Also, check the advanced TCP/IP settings to make sure everything is configured correctly.

how can i check ?
im pretty sure its static .. i mean the internet worked on it for like two days before it went ape shizzle

everything is set correctyl in the TCP/IP

i doublechecked
and used the same addresses on another computer (changed the IP by one number) and it all worked

is there a way to reinstall TCPIP ?
microsoft knowledge base is crap, and it did not help me at all

ps: thanks on the reply
It does sound like a dns issue. Do you have a dns server running on your network or are they all connected to a router connected to the internet? Another question I would have is do you have a dhcp server setup or dhcp through a router? You may have an address conflict if you have dhcp enabled and then you assign a static ip to only one or two workstations. I would suggest you manually add in your dns server address in the tcp/ip properties on the problem computer.

Please tell me more about your network setup and I may be able to help further.
tyderium said:
It does sound like a dns issue. Do you have a dns server running on your network or are they all connected to a router connected to the internet? Another question I would have is do you have a dhcp server setup or dhcp through a router? You may have an address conflict if you have dhcp enabled and then you assign a static ip to only one or two workstations. I would suggest you manually add in your dns server address in the tcp/ip properties on the problem computer.

Please tell me more about your network setup and I may be able to help further.

all are connected to the router which is connected to the cable modem which is connected to the net

i have no idea how to check how my dhcp is set up
how can i find out ?

so a dhcp conflict ?...hmmm ....

well thats the thing
i did add the addresses into the tcp/ip settings

i used the following values* (came up automatically)
( I also used and before)

all ips are pingable thought the cmd

What exactly do you need to know about my setup? So far its
2 desktops and 1 laptop in one room
and a desktop and a latptop in the other room across the house
the two desktops in the first room are the only ones that are connected via the ethernet cable
every other computer is running a wireless super G card (PCMA, PCI, USB) to access the internet / network

the laptops running the PCMA card and USB card work flawlessly

the desktop with the wireless card is the one that is having the trouble
the ethernet cable that is temporarely connected to it has the same errors like the wireless card inside of it
hence its not a hardware issue, but an issue with windows or such

what else do you need to know?

*edit 1:22PM
Maybe the tcp stack/winsock is hosed...try running one of those TCP/Winsock repair utilities available out there.

And get SP2 on that box.
winsock2 and/or lsp fix download and run via a google search if your stack is corrupt.

The knowledge base is an excellent resource by the way. Doesn't answer every question you throw at it but it will address most windows issues if you know how to word your queries.

I also agree to put SP2 on your machine. Silly not to and it may actually solve your problem without any other action.
YeOldeStonecat said:
Maybe the tcp stack/winsock is hosed...try running one of those TCP/Winsock repair utilities available out there.

And get SP2 on that box.

2 questions for you:

where would i get this utility?

and how can I put SP2 on something that does not have internet? can I update through the cmd prompt? :rolleyes:
ktwebb said:
winsock2 and/or lsp fix download and run via a google search if your stack is corrupt.

The knowledge base is an excellent resource by the way. Doesn't answer every question you throw at it but it will address most windows issues if you know how to word your queries.

I also agree to put SP2 on your machine. Silly not to and it may actually solve your problem without any other action.

i looked at the knowledge base for a while last night before i gave up and went to see a movie

it had instructions how to reset the tcp/ip settings, however, nothing seemed to change
i believe the command was netsh or so netsh ip int reset log.txt or something

anyway i went through the F1 -> Network Utilies or whatever the help utilites on a computer are called

and I received failures with the DNS related fields

what is this winstock yall are talking about exactly ?
and the laptop, the one im running on right now, is SP1 and works like a charm
so why bother trying to get SP2 ... the firewall anal assult is has its rather annoying
(my computers run SP2 and i hate it, where as my father's computers are all SP1)

i would try to google this winstock thing but I have to go back to school ... have to prepare for the SEC championship
go Dawgs woooooooooooooooo
Hyper_Psycho said:
i used the following values (came up automatically)
Did you notice that your ip addresses are the same for your machine's IP and gateway? Those need to be different ip's or you will have ip conflicts. No 2 machines can have the same ip address. The router or gateway ip address is generally so change your computers ip to something else in the ip range. To me that looks to be the problem unless that's a typo.

The is normal, that is a standard subnet mask for the network range - so you can use any number in that range for your machine and it should work.

If that doesn't work post all your private ip's from all your machines and router and I will see what I can do. Please also post the type of router that you have.
tyderium said:
Did you notice that your ip addresses are the same for your machine's IP and gateway? Those need to be different ip's or you will have ip conflicts. No 2 machines can have the same ip address. The router or gateway ip address is generally so change your computers ip to something else in the ip range. To me that looks to be the problem unless that's a typo.

The is normal, that is a standard subnet mask for the network range - so you can use any number in that range for your machine and it should work.

If that doesn't work post all your private ip's from all your machines and router and I will see what I can do. Please also post the type of router that you have.

i miss wrote that ....
i fixed it now (in the post)
i did not read my notecard right
it should be 5 instead of 1

so its

the router is dlink
DI-634M Wireless 108G MIMO Router

the ip addresses are all different accross the computers since they can communicate with each other via windows networking
Hyper_Psycho said:
i miss wrote that ....
i fixed it now (in the post)
i did not read my notecard right
it should be 5 instead of 1

so its

the router is dlink
DI-634M Wireless 108G MIMO Router

the ip addresses are all different accross the computers since they can communicate with each other via windows networking

That sounds like a winsock problem.

Google a winsock repair utility. I'm confident that will fix your problem.

Do this, in order and post the results.....

Go to a command prompt. Start, Run--- cmd-OK

type ipconfig /all
note/post the results of IP address, gateway, dns servers

type ping or whatever your gateway is
if that works,

type nslookup
note/post the results of that event

in nslookup command (if working)
enter a known web address ( and hit enter
if a result is returned, then your DNS services are working properly, if not then we need to work on them

Also, is there some reason you are not on SP2 with this machine? If there is nothing preventing you from installing it, then get it and install it right now. Post results of that.
Definetely sounds like a winsock issue. Get WinsockFix, and that'll reset your stack, and clear your hosts file, which can be part of your problem if you are virus prone.
Hyper_Psycho said:
2 questions for you:

where would i get this utility?

and how can I put SP2 on something that does not have internet? can I update through the cmd prompt? :rolleyes:

2 Answers....

I've heard about this really cool new thing called Google...check out one of many results it spits out for ya...

For SP2..there are really neat new inventions too...CD burners, USB thumb drives...amongst other means. They allow you to download big files on one computer..and quickly transfer them to another computer.
I have to agree with all the others that it sounds similar to a winsock problem.

an XP winsock repair tool can be found on majorgeeks (among other places)

You may also want to run your flavor of anti-spyware such as spybot, adaware, etc...

and finaly no one has suggested flushing the DNS cache

from the command prompt :

ipconfig /flushdns

imediatly after attempt a ping test

You guys are going awfully far, but nobody YET has asked him to simply manually set a DNS server and see if DNS queries complete.

Hyper_Psycho, can you please manually set a DNS entry and see if DNS queries complete? Two entries you can try are (Earthlink) and (my own). Both of these are public and should work for you. Place this in the DNS area where you put your IP address information previously.

If this works, your router is misconfigured. RTFM for the solution (It may be with the "Relay DNS" feature in Home -> LAN, but maybe not since other PCs work), or get a different router. If it doesn't, it is a machine problem. Just because your other machines work doesn't mean that the router is liking this perticular machine, or your machine isn't liking it :)

Please people, troubleshoot in order of what is most likely to fix the problem, and show where the problem lies if it fails or succeeds :)

Another offtopic suggestion: Don't use a MIMO 2.4ghz router. They have more potential to be Part 15 offenders, and cause problems for your neighbors as well as yourself. Just a heads up. (Although, after reading about the product, I can't tell if it is a true MIMO product or just diversity advertised as MIMO (D-Link products traditionally have only had one external antenna, except for the earliest models). Reading the manual, it shows only one channel selection, so most likely you got duped and this isn't a true MIMO router - which is actually a good thing.)
True said:
You guys are going awfully far, but nobody YET has asked him to simply manually set a DNS server and see if DNS queries complete.

Because if you're using DHCP on a home router, there is no reason to set it manually. It should automatically get it from the router.

The machine that I had would not get an IP on either wired or wireless interfaces. I can WinsockXPFix and it worked like it should. WinsockXPFix does not harm anything if it is not needed, so why not try it.
It happened to me too with Comcast. Their DNS servers I was being assigned were hosed and I was not getting name resolution. I had to manually add different DNS servers, (Verizon's and instead of using Comcast's through DHCP. If you read his past post True you'd see he has already done that.

jasoncrowley said:
I have to agree with all the others that it sounds similar to a winsock problem.

an XP winsock repair tool can be found on majorgeeks (among other places)

You may also want to run your flavor of anti-spyware such as spybot, adaware, etc...

and finaly no one has suggested flushing the DNS cache

from the command prompt :

ipconfig /flushdns

imediatly after attempt a ping test


malingjc said:
Yes. I had this problem yesterday with a computer - Use WinsockXPFix.

i sent my father an email with the link to this
hopefully it will work