XP Right clicking mp3 error?


Jun 6, 2002
Well, every time I right click on an mp3 in windows explorer my system locks up for a minute and then the eror reporting feature comes on and closes explorer.

I did some searching on this on microsuxs website and it said to download a fix. http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;311828&Product=winxp
I downloaded and ran the fix and it just runs in the back ground. No extraction, no installer, it just runs as a service in the background and I still can't right click mp3's with it running or even after a reboot.

Anyone have any ideas or similar experience??
well it says that the problem is related to MS Plus!

all i can think of is to remove it, unless you have some specific need for it. which i could not fathom, but some may have a use for it

other than that maybe someone else can help with more detail
i don't even think I have plus installed. Its not in the programs list or the windows components sections of add.remove programs. dunno, thanks for the reply though.

Anyone else have any ideas?
Trying to bring back an old thread. Anyone have any experience with this. I do not have MSPlus! installed
