Upgrade now or wait a few months?


Jun 6, 2002
I really want to upgrade my PC and I'm looking for some answers about what do do. As you can see in my sig my main rig is pretty behind as far as technology is at now. I built that 2 years ago and it has done a very good job for me, but it just isn't cutting it anymore. I don't make ass loads of money yet and I just bought a house 6 months ago so a lot of extra money is going into the house. I want to make the best choices with my money so that I won't be pissed off a year from now with what I have.

I like to get something that has a decent upgrade path and won't become completely absolete in 2 years like my vidcard has.

Currently looking at what is out now and on the horizon, I will likely get a 6600GT for a vid card replacement. From looking around, it appears this is only in the PCIX flavor and not AGP. This bothers me as I would love to buy one today but somehow the upgrade path seems limited if it is in AGP soon. This also leads me to another question : "Will the new PCIX mobo's also have an AGP port or will they all just have the PCIX or dual with SLI?" If there is no AGP port, I guess I'll be waiting to upgrade the mobo and processor as well.

To be said that the 1700+ did a kick ass job on overclocking is an understatement. A 400mhz overclock with stock air cooling is absolutely incredible!!!. I mean I just got around a 30% overclock, it was the best $50 I ever spent for anything!!! Alas, it is to be retired to my new htpc I will be building with parts leftover from this upgrade. I would love to get another processor with this type of overclockability, but somehow I don't think it is possible.

I would love to just get a 2500+ barton and overclock it, but somehow I don't think that will satisfy me for long. Socket A has gone the way of the dodo bird and is truly dead. This leads me to think that an A64 system should be what I want, new technology, good upgrade path. etc. But the problems I see now are the sockets:754 and 939. I guess the best approach would be to get the 939, as this would be the upgrade to the future. The question I have now is
"How long unitl the socket changes again?"
I also would like to know
"How do 754 A64's compare to 939 A64's as far as overclock and upgrade?"
"Which processors are the best to buy right now in terms of overclock?"


From what I've read here and there, Nforce 4 boards are likened to the second coming so I think that will be where I go. These I guess will have PCIX and SLI which I think is helping me make up my mind on the vidcard. If it has Gigabit lan or wireless lan built in I'm sold, but my question on this is
"How long is it going to be until NF4 comes out?"
"Which socket, unless you will not have a choice"

The other part that is bothering me is RAM, what type of RAM should I get. Will the new boards support DDR or will I have to get a new type of RAM. This is one I have not seen much on but I have noticed that DDR2 is selling on newegg and want to know if this will be another hurdle for an upgrade.

I know I wrote a lot on this, I didn't think it would be this long, but I hope some of you will be able to answer some of my questions. What would you do in this situation? Thanks in advance to any of you who can help.
i didn't really read your whole post (it's kinda long ;))

basically ... if you wait to upgrade ... you'll always be behind, and you'll be waiting forever :D

the advice i would give ... maybe go with a refurb ati 9700 pro or something. It'll cost a little around $130 ... and give outstanding performance per cost. I'm not the kinda person that could drop over $500 on a video card ;)

and the 2500+ bartons are real cheap. they overclock nicely. that's what I did, and i'm running my 2500+ @ 3200+, and my pc2700 ram @ pc3200 :D
There is no reason to choose AXP anymore unless you're in a seriously tight budget and are willing to compromise quite a bit of performance. A64 offers something for everyone, from budget to high end. The 3000+ socket939 Winchester core A64s are a great deal. I believe they are good OCers as well. I don't see a reason to go with socket 764 at all anymore.

Indeed the NF4 seems to be nice, but performance-wise, it's the same as the NF3. It just has plenty of great features added to it (such as SLI, PCI-Express, etc). They were launched today, but should be hitting shelves any day now I guess... As for the RAM, DDR will be fine for these boards. There should be no need to worry about that.

Video card:
I see no need to go with AGP with the availability of PCI-Express cards and with an option to have them on either platform (AMD or Intel). I'd just pair it with an NF4 board when they start showing up.

There are benchmarks and reviews of both NF4 boards and A64 processors on the front page if you wanna read up some more on these things.
im an intel guy, but im not too confident about where intels future is going. currently the only platform i personally feel confident about is the amd s939. id say wait a little bit for s939 systems to come down in price. maybe by that time intel lga775 platform will be a little more established also.

you still got a good system, i upgraded from a celeron 1.3 on a 440bx to my p4 system...the longer you wait, the bigger the upgrade, the greater the "holy shit this computer is fast as hell" factor :D
acascianelli said:
...the longer you wait, the bigger the upgrade, the greater the "holy shit this computer is fast as hell" factor :D
lol. I here ya on that. I upgraded from an old compaq presario with a 266mhz AMD K6 and a voodoo2 to what I have in my sig now with a 1.2ghz duron. I could not believe how fast it was.
basically ... if you wait to upgrade ... you'll always be behind, and you'll be waiting forever :D
I never wait for an upgrade, I plan for one. Case in point, If 2.5years ago I went and got a main board that supported only SDRAM, with DDR around the corner, I would be kicking myself right now. I don't want this to happen to me.

Kinda like a guy that goes out and gets an AXP 3200+ setup today who wants it to last for 2 years. Will it last 2 years, sure, but he won't be able to reap the benefits of newer technology like PCIX and SLI
acascianelli said:
whats the max processor that board can support?
When I bought it, it was rated to go to 2800+, but the 3200+ wasn't out yet. The FSB only goes up to 333. So I guess it can only handle a 2800+ barton 333 FSB and not a 3200+ 400FSB.