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  1. S

    Hosting Feedback - Where can I get hosting...

    No news posts in over a year.. Any new recommendations for hosting? Need a host initially for web development and beta testing a page before promoted..
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    Hey... I need a webhost

    Oh geez, I was so excited to see you all I didn't even read the sticky.. Mod please delete, I'll report my own thread. Thanks!
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    Hey... I need a webhost

    Hello! I haven't posted here in ages.. I remember the days of general discussion reaching millions of posts time and time again.. we really partied. Anyways, I am working on a new business endeavor - am a serial entrepreneur wannabe. In the past I had greaat success with Arvixe, but holy cow...
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    HP Touchpad 16GB $99, 32GB $149, Active for .edu

    If anyone is interested in selling their touchpad for cost+shipping+small finders fee please PM me. I am a college student and would actually use this for my online music theory class. I work graveyards and don't have a laptop.
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    Need RAID 1 Help PLEASE!

    Yeah, actually.. to side-tail first, I gotta rant about that board. I literally had to push the reset button, monitor button, and power button in various orders and timings just to get into the BIOS! Literally, 20 different tries haha.. My machine just posted way too fast and was trying to...
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    Need RAID 1 Help PLEASE!

    Here's what's up. I'm doing an upgrade. Before I had 2 HDDs each independent drives. I am adding 2 more HDDs, and want these two to be in a Raid 1 setup as a 3rd non-boot drive (according to my OS). So, I installed everything onto my new mobo...
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    HP Touchpad 16GB $99, 32GB $149, Active for .edu

    Thursday morning. Both orders from Onsale (2 16gb) and BN (3 16gb) have showed up again on my credit card as pending. They did go away yesterday but now they are back?
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    HP Touchpad 16GB $99, 32GB $149, Active for .edu

    You make a great point. I worked for Verizon during the transition of shit-phones > android/iphone. I bought the HTC Touch and people were WoWED by it, a year later the iPhone came out and rocked the world (lol), and then a year after that, everyone and there mom had an now has ultra-sick...
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    HP Touchpad 16GB $99, 32GB $149, Active for .edu

    You didn't leave feedback, so I guess I wasn't talking about you. But if you're really pissed off by a comment posted by some forum internet stranger, yes.. you need to find something.
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    HP Touchpad 16GB $99, 32GB $149, Active for .edu

    I really don't think they deserve 1 star as a company for a stupid programming bug in their inventory system. Some of you people need to find Jesus Christ, Buddha, or whoever the fuck to learn some patience and forgiveness lol. BTW, I lost out from BN and OnSale, and I don't think either...
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    HP Touchpad 16GB $99, 32GB $149, Active for .edu

    OnSale just cancelled my order placed Sunday night. Ef this, I took the $500 I was gonna buy with these (myself, girlfriend, brothers, parents, xmas) and bought some silver at Scottsdale instead. Enough with these BS games.
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    HP Touchpad 16GB $99, 32GB $149, Active for .edu

    The pending transaction from onsale/amazon is gone. Still says "shipping soon", but I doubt I'm getting it. I ordered 5 and am getting none, lol. was stupid of me to pre-buy cases too. I'm so bummed now.
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    HP Touchpad 16GB $99, 32GB $149, Active for .edu

    So, I have a pending charge on my card. That means I should be receiving them, right?
  14. S

    HP Touchpad 16GB $99, 32GB $149, Active for .edu

    Two Day shipping for 2 devices, $226.17 Order Placed: August 21, 2011 Shipping estimate:August 22, 2011 - August 23, 2011 Delivery estimate:August 24, 2011 - August 25, 2011 Still says "SHIPPING SOON" in big letters though so idk? Would be sweet to get it tomorrow.. getting a new phone...
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    HP Touchpad 16GB $99, 32GB $149, Active for .edu

    My order on amazon/onsale says Shipping Soon: Delivery Estimate: August 24, 2011 - August 25, 2011 I know it's efn lying to me..
  16. S

    HP Touchpad 16GB $99, 32GB $149, Active for .edu

    I lost 3 from the same BN news, I just a cancellation email and I bought about 1am est Sunday night. I did however order 2 from OpenShop so those are still up in there. If I don't get these two I will be really let down.. I'm excited to play with WebOS, and of course Android seems to be...
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    HP Touchpad 16GB $99, 32GB $149, Active for .edu

  18. S

    Sid Meier's Civilization V - $16.98 just for 6 days!

    Sweet game. Not sure if I like it better than IV, but this is the one I play most. Worth $17 easy!! BTW - do not download this game illegally, I got caught.
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    HP Touchpad 16GB $99, 32GB $149, Active for .edu

    Ordered from BN over 12 hours ago.. I got one email from them saying they received my order, and nothing confirming or cancelling yet. My CC is also pending '342.47' for 3 units. The BN website says, "In Process: Not Yet Shipped". So, we will see. I also have a pending order for 2...
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    HP Touchpad 16GB $99, 32GB $149, Active for .edu order, contact support for a price match is a no go =( "We would like to inform you that we are unable to issue price match refund for the item price of SKU #222442030 since this order was placed from a Marketplace seller. Please note that Price matches are not valid for Marketplace...
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    HP Touchpad 16GB $99, 32GB $149, Active for .edu

    Took your word for it and bought a couple of those cases. They look good, thanks! Btw, everyone. I am in live chat with right now trying to get a pricematch on my order of 3 16gbs. Will keep you updated.
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    HP Touchpad 16GB $99, 32GB $149, Active for .edu

    Following, and that's beautiful news!!! This is going to be a great investment for everyone, no doubt. I might consider buying a couple more for Christmas re-sell if I can find any lol
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    HP Touchpad 16GB $99, 32GB $149, Active for .edu

    Anyone have any links or info about making this a droid?
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    HP Touchpad 16GB $99, 32GB $149, Active for .edu

    You guys all rock. Thank you! I don't visit the [H] more than 2-3 times a year now.. but saw someone talking about this deal on FB and knew where to come to get the info. I bought two 16GB. THANK YOU EVERYONE!
  25. S

    Lian Li PC-60 Case + Awesome Laptop

    Used and abused. Would be awesome for a mod case frame.. will take pics later if anyone has interest. The case is / was very awesome when I bought it, and it still has a slideable tray, sides, and faceplates for the ROMS - but it has no actual face plate and one of the lower front fans is...
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    Upgrade for z5500
  27. S

    Upgrade for z5500

    rock on man! Looks fantastic.. gives me some ideas, and I can even upgrade on some things.
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    Upgrade for z5500

    I've been a proud owner of the Logitech z-5500 for about 2 years now and the things have been amazing. When I first bought them, I was into gaming and enjoyed the surround sound, however - lately I've been doing mainly music only, and even some music editing. I'm moving now and taking the...
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    Looking for a go-to-guy...

    Rock on guys, thank you much. I fixed my problem with mootools - for some reason it just wasn't working, but it turned out to be a really lame reason (ie, loading the custom script before loading mootools). That rentacoder site looks good and usable in the future. I wish the [H] had a rep...
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    Looking for a go-to-guy...

    Great response! I appreciate your honesty, and trust me - I definitely know where you're coming from. I've been the victim of the same thing for much computer troubleshooting, html / photoshop work, and now in my new hobby of nutrition / workouts. I suppose you're right with the question -...
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    Looking for a go-to-guy...

    Wow.. this forums really turned to shit since the loss of General.. huh?
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    Looking for a go-to-guy...

    I'm working on a business web-page atm - My skills with css / html / photoshop used to be good, and they seem to have stuck enough to do what I want to get done - my problem lies in the unseen technical stuff that I want done, ie - php, javascript - web...
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    PSU? What else could my problem be?

    I plan on it.. but I'm just hoping someone comes up with something incredible otherwise to save me some money / waiting time =P haha.. /cry
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    PSU? What else could my problem be?

    So many many months ago.. my system stopped posting. It would turn on, the fans would run, everything just fine - but no video output. Tried different video cards, different ram, different monitors... I decided it was the mobo / cpu / whatever.. and bought a laptop.. =P Now, after some...
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    Laptop Sound

    What about this? I can't find any more info on that, but it looks nice.. - tK
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    Laptop Sound

    Hey thanks for the reply man, I do not have a pcmcia, it's a newer-ish laptop. So it's express =/
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    Laptop Sound

    So, I've had these z-5500's for about a year now and I love them. I bought them when I was still using my desktop and had a decent sound card in there. But about 6 months ago I bought a laptop and it is now my main rig (I don't do any gaming or anything anymore). I've finally gotten to a...
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    Music and Video Editing LAPTOP

    He does a lot of beat boxing... usually a few hours a day. He uses fruity loops and some recording software for that, and then does it through ventrillo with his friends. Not a big deal, but I know Fruity Loops is a resource hog if you get a lot of layers going...