HP Touchpad 16GB $99, 32GB $149, Active for .edu

My order just got canceled from HP yesterday and now I just got the confirmation for my order said it will be shipped on the 28th, anybody got this?
Originally Posted by iTravis
My order just got canceled from HP yesterday and now I just got the confirmation for my order said it will be shipped on the 28th, anybody got this?

Same thing happened to me.

Same thing happened to me too..

Estimated Ship Date: 08/28/2011
Estimated Delivery Date: 08/28/2011

Configuration: No Ship Via: ECON VALUE FRT
Express Config: No Carrier Info:
Ship Complete : No

Sale Amount: $99.00
Tax Amount: $8.17
Total Amount: $129.04
Credit Terms: CREDIT CARD
Credit Status: Credit Approved
Same here. Got the cancellation, then confirmation. I think it must be a quirk in their sytem, but it's been confirmed you re not getting one if you ordered after Sunday.
Wow, I just got my shipping confirmation email from hpsb, but yesterday they said they cancelled my order...huh?
Yesterday BEFORE I even got the cancellation email, I checked on the status page & it said order cancelled. Now on the status page it shows the order went through.
I guess I shall wait until the 28th to see what happens.
Same here. Got the cancellation, then confirmation. I think it must be a quirk in their sytem, but it's been confirmed you re not getting one if you ordered after Sunday.

If one shows up at the house, i will be like OK.. if one does not show up, it will be like MEH.. so what... the initial OMG This is too awesome thrill has subsided. ;)
I'm in the same boat as most of you all with getting cancelled then getting the confirmation. I checked my credit card and the money is still pending so who knows. I do know it takes up to 5 business days for the pending status to go away.

Crosses fingers.
Odd, my eCost shipment SHOULD be here today or tomorrow going by USPS tracking, however the temporary card authorization has dropped off my visa card (as well as the other two pending ones), here is to hoping I got a free touch pad, and they don't catch up and back charge my card. =P

Also my local Best Buy said their truck gets in today at 5pm or so, going to try out them to see about getting another one.
Same thing happened to me too..

Estimated Ship Date: 08/28/2011
Estimated Delivery Date: 08/28/2011

Configuration: No Ship Via: ECON VALUE FRT
Express Config: No Carrier Info:
Ship Complete : No

Sale Amount: $99.00
Tax Amount: $8.17
Total Amount: $129.04
Credit Terms: CREDIT CARD
Credit Status: Credit Approved

Same info as mine, however, it shows FedEX is the shipping carrier.:confused:
Order Date/Time: 08/24/2011 12:57:07 AM

Customer # Estimated Ship Date: 08/28/2011

Customer PO #: Estimated Delivery Date: 08/28/2011

Associated Order #: 000000000 Credit Approval Date: 08/24/2011

Invoice#(s) :


Configuration: No Ship Via: ECON VALUE FRT
Express Config: No Carrier Info:
Ship Complete : No

Sale Amount: $495.00
Tax Amount: $47.03
Total Amount: $614.61
Credit Terms: CREDIT CARD
Credit Status: Credit Approved
Yep. Another confirmation-after-cancellation here...no way were getting these...
Ordered 3 of them on that rogue cart link from HP. Never got an email.. Been following the twitter lady for 3 days and she never said there was stock...

This morning I received a conf email as well. Funny thing is when I ordered it Monday it said my shipping date was the 28th. The comf today says the same thing but has the order placed date as today.

Credit approval says today too.

Hopefully the stock they got is being used to fill orders that people actually placed.

Bestbuy opened 15 minutes early to sell the TP's they had. /mad

Lady on phone said they never got them. Remembered why I don't populate BB.
Update #2:

Just checked my order status with HP SMB and my TP will be shipped on Sept 2nd and I will receive it on the 6th. So I guess the confirmation email sent after my cancellation wasn't a fluke.


I used this link https://h20497.www2.hp.com/os/public to check my status.
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Best Buy are a bunch of lying bitches. I was told yesterday by the one closest to me that they weren't ever getting any again. Then I called later and was told they had a truck coming in and they might have some. Then I was told later that they got them in and they were in the back and they couldn't sell them until Sunday as part of the ad sale. Then later last night I was told they didn't actually get them, but they're supposed to, and they're going to hand out tickets to people asking for them for when they come in.

I wish SOMEONE would tell these fucking employees to just be truthful with their customers, this is getting out of hand. If you don't have any, just tell me. If you have them and will sell me one, go get me one. If you can't sell them until Sunday, that's fine but make sure everyone knows. This different answer every time you call or talk to someone thing is getting really old.

Is it life or death that I get one? No. But I'd like one and would appreciate a truthful answer about your store's stock and your expectations of receiving them.
Every single shipment my Best Buy has gotten, the employees were loading them into their cars after closing. You can go out there 15 minutes after closing and see guys walking out with Touchpads every other day when shipments come in.
Every single shipment my Best Buy has gotten, the employees were loading them into their cars after closing. You can go out there 15 minutes after closing and see guys walking out with Touchpads every other day when shipments come in.

This is a great country.
I also got one of those confirmation after cancellation emails. If you call HP they are still playing the message stating that any orders after 4am monday are going to be canceled. So dispute this odd fluke I am not getting my hopes up of getting my hands on any of these damn touchpads.
Thursday morning.

Both orders from Onsale (2 16gb) and BN (3 16gb) have showed up again on my credit card as pending.

They did go away yesterday but now they are back?
He could also go get a job at Best Buy if a cheap touchpad was causing him that much grief. Is it against Best Buy rules for employees to buy stuff?

Actually yes, it is. During large inventory shortages the employees aren't supposed to be buying the product, especially in mass numbers. Normally they either implement an item limit such as the 1 per customer limit or not allow them to buy it at all. Apparently someone didn't get the memo at a majority of these BB's.
He could also go get a job at Best Buy if a cheap touchpad was causing him that much grief. Is it against Best Buy rules for employees to buy stuff?

They're not supposed to hoard products and buy it themselves after hours. That's bullshit. If they want it they need to buy on their off-time.
i got the same thing, canceled last nite. Now i get a Order from the 8/23 email is this:

Order Date:8/25/2011
1501905 FB454UT#ABA 1 99.00 99.00
HP TouchPad US 16G wifi Smart Buy

Sub Total: 99.00
Freight: 21.87
Estimated Tax: 5.94
Order Total: 126.81
But shipped date and Delivery date is 8/28? same day seems very odd.

update: now delivery date shows 9/02 on public link. Hp changed info this afternoon.
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Congrats to those who got some.

When this deal first went live:

-HP site NEVER listed the correct price (i tried every trick listed...)
-Ordered through HP Business (never went through)
-Ordered from PC Richards (back ordered)
-Ordered from B&N (back ordered and canceled)
-Ordered from Insight (back ordered)
-Stopped by Staples, Best Buy. Employees probably hid the stock (I got there at opening, they had stock the night before)
-Ordered from a few other misc online stores, all back ordered/canceled

Now just waiting for HP Home to get more stock in.

Do I really care if I get one? Nope. Its just going to be an inexpensive toy/ media player for my kid for the car. My time is worth a heluva more than sitting around waiting for the next online store to go "live" with the reduced price.

To those who got one, congrats. To those who got several for resale, go rot in hell. ;-)
Probably stating the obvious but you can get a deal on eBay if your quick, I literally just snagged a TouchPad 16GB for 119.00 +shipping from eBay. I was just hanging out refreshing the newly listed items (buy it now) and someone happened to post one cheap. About an hour ago I was a second too slow and missed a 149.99 Buy it now. I guess if it's your only option and you have time to waste then do it up.
My guess is that HP might have thousands of units coming back from some vendors as there was rumor flying around SD that they'll restock in the early AM. Now for the people that ordered after Monday this week will get the cancellation, they will be filled with those restock units perhaps? That might explain why the Touchpad did show as Coming Soon on HP for awhile before it went back to Out of Stock as all the orders have been processed for those who ordered on Tuesday and so forth?
Sounds like a few of us are in the same boat:

1. Placed order with allegedly "rogue" link at HP SMB on Monday or Tuesday.
2. HP SMB put a $1 CC hold on the account.
3. Received generic cancellation notice email yesterday containing no account details. Title of email: "HP TouchPad's are sold out, your order will be cancelled"
4. Received new email this morning from HP DIRECT ORDERS that confirms the HP order.
5. Checking the online status, the new order was placed today and the ship date is 8/28. We received far more detail with this order, giving hope.
6. There is no six.
7. A new CC hold for the amount of the TP plus tax and your selected shipping method was placed on CC from HP Direct SMB.

I just talked to my Best Buy location (again, for about the 30th time), and yesterday I received about 5 different answers on what they were doing with their stock... so today I'm informed that yesterday they DID get some in (I was told they didn't, then they weren't going to, then they might, then they did but they can't sell them until Sunday, etc) and they're all sold out now and will not be receiving another shipment. I can't stand being lied to and fed misinformation. So, I believe as a result of this, Best Buy and Barnes & Noble will no longer get any of my business.

Really pisses me off that these companies can't get their shit together and give people the right information.
Sounds like a few of us are in the same boat:

1. Placed order with allegedly "rogue" link at HP SMB on Monday or Tuesday.
2. HP SMB put a $1 CC hold on the account.
3. Received generic cancellation notice email yesterday containing no account details. Title of email: "HP TouchPad's are sold out, your order will be cancelled"
4. Received new email this morning from HP DIRECT ORDERS that confirms the HP order.
5. Checking the online status, the new order was placed today and the ship date is 8/28. We received far more detail with this order, giving hope.
6. There is no six.
7. A new CC hold for the amount of the TP plus tax and your selected shipping method was placed on CC from HP Direct SMB.


Same situation here. however, with the link I posted above, it did say at first "Date Will Follow" for shipping. Now it gives me a ship and received date.
Every single shipment my Best Buy has gotten, the employees were loading them into their cars after closing. You can go out there 15 minutes after closing and see guys walking out with Touchpads every other day when shipments come in.

Best Buy employees can afford Touchpads?!?! Since when?!?:p
I just talked to my Best Buy location (again, for about the 30th time), and yesterday I received about 5 different answers on what they were doing with their stock... so today I'm informed that yesterday they DID get some in (I was told they didn't, then they weren't going to, then they might, then they did but they can't sell them until Sunday, etc) and they're all sold out now and will not be receiving another shipment. I can't stand being lied to and fed misinformation. So, I believe as a result of this, Best Buy and Barnes & Noble will no longer get any of my business.

Really pisses me off that these companies can't get their shit together and give people the right information.

I haven't given Best Buy my business at all in about 5 years. Reps who think they know it all but are completely misinformed and do not know the technology. I have never had one good time that I walked in and asked for assistance and someone wasn't BSing on a plaform. To top it off I bought a samsung TV around the same time and it was a nightmare getting Best Buy to figure out they do not handle the warranties on most of the high end electronics that I needed to work with the manufacture..oh, but they'll sell you that high $$ warranty plan in a heartbeat. oh what a joy Best Buy used to be...
Sounds like a few of us are in the same boat:

1. Placed order with allegedly "rogue" link at HP SMB on Monday or Tuesday.
2. HP SMB put a $1 CC hold on the account.
3. Received generic cancellation notice email yesterday containing no account details. Title of email: "HP TouchPad's are sold out, your order will be cancelled"
4. Received new email this morning from HP DIRECT ORDERS that confirms the HP order.
5. Checking the online status, the new order was placed today and the ship date is 8/28. We received far more detail with this order, giving hope.
6. There is no six.
7. A new CC hold for the amount of the TP plus tax and your selected shipping method was placed on CC from HP Direct SMB.


I ordered Monday night with the rogue link and I believe my order has been cancelled for good. I did finally get that same cancellation email you did, but nothing since.
I had the same experience as Terry Olaes.

Except I ordered like Monday, got a cancellation late Wednesday and a few hours later an "order confirmation" that had no mention of it being cancelled.

I'm just hoping the secondary market craters, I'm thinking sometime next week, once all the buzz dies down. There are so many resellers out there, eBay has consistently had 700-800 listings every day, and Craigslist is on fire.

That being said, $200 - $250 still seems like a hot price point, below that $250 they still go pretty quick. I think if Amazon's tablet comes out with decently functionality for say, $200 or $225, it will sell like crazy.
Called HP and confirmed I am receiving one. :)

See that kinda pisses me off. Do you remember when on Monday you ordered? Why would yours go through if we both used the same link? I even choose faster shipping.
See that kinda pisses me off. Do you remember when on Monday you ordered? Why would yours go through if we both used the same link? I even choose faster shipping.

hp saw your bitching and said no TP for you