HP Touchpad 16GB $99, 32GB $149, Active for .edu

Onsale is getting absolutely hammered in the Amazon customer reviews.

Never seen a beatdown like that actually.

Jesus.. B&N is gettin smeared too.. Some stupid grupal survey thing, which likely means nothing.. But I kinda feel sorry for all these retailers..

between what happened between Newegg, B&N, onSale, and others..
You are damned if you do, you are damned if you dont..

Interesting experiment has done.. Its like a migrating DDoS... Some crazy ass game of Hot Potato, bringing retailers hardware and feedback to its knees.. Pissing off a HUGE amount of people...

Too all the people complaining..
Stop it.. Yes it sucks you missed out, but itll come back again..
I had an order cancelled to, but you have to realize most EVERY site does NOT have a real time inventory as that would put a huge load on the servers, thus overselling is very possible.. Crazy sales like this can go smoothly but HP gave no warning for them to prepare.
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Heh..couldn't help myself, I had to send a gouging e-bay seller a message asking if for the $40 shipping he was charging, he would drive it to my house and hand it to me personally.
Jesus.. B&N is gettin smeared too.. Some stupid grupal survey thing, which likely means nothing.. But I kinda feel sorry for all these retailers..

between what happened between Newegg, B&N, onSale, and others..

You are damned if you do, you are damned if you dont..

I don't feel sorry for them. Especially not for those sellers who have charged peoples credit cards and then cancelled orders like B&N.

Have inventory software and a website that actually works and none of this would have happened.
I frankly dont think its Onsale's fault. I think the link b/t Amazon and Onsale is the disconnect.

As the person which originally posted the Onsale link, i take full responsibility.....lol not
I frankly dont think its Onsale's fault. I think the link b/t Amazon and Onsale is the disconnect.

As the person which originally posted the Onsale link, i take full responsibility.....lol not

It is there fault when they accept 100,000 orders knowing full well they don't have that kind of inventory on hand, and a staff of like 14 people...piss poor management imo...
Heh..couldn't help myself, I had to send a gouging e-bay seller a message asking if for the $40 shipping he was charging, he would drive it to my house and hand it to me personally.

Nice - and pick up a take and bake pizza along the way
Lol... I ordered a 16GB before you and mine got canceled. I ordered 1 16GB and 1 32GB at right before 4:30 PM central.... and the 32GB went through, and the 16GB got cancelled. Go figure. At least I got one of the 2, I guess.

Weird thing is that I ordered Sunday afternoon around 6-6:15PM. The only reason I can think of why I got mine and the rest of you guys got cancelled is that they had gone out of stock and came back in stock briefly around 6pm. Can't wait! I'm also a Prime member, not sure if it matters since its not Amazon that is selling.

Shipment 1 of 1
Delivery Estimate: August 25, 2011 - August 30, 2011
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Status: In transit
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Shipment received by carrier - August 24, 2011 11:08:00 AM
Text Trace: Your package is currently not eligible for Text Trace. Only Amazon fulfilled packages are currently eligible.
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FB454UT Smartbuy TouchPad QUALCOMM Snapdragon APQ8060 1.2 GHz 802.11 a/b/g/n Wireless 9.7" IPS TFT 1GB RAM 16GB
Sold by: onSale (seller profile)
It is there fault when they accept 100,000 orders knowing full well they don't have that kind of inventory on hand, and a staff of like 14 people...piss poor management imo...

I'd say it's 50% management and 50% website coding fault

PS. I got my OnSale email cancelation notice. oh well time to move on
If any of you other [H] members have some you are planning to distribute to other members here, put me down for one. Thanks!
I don't feel sorry for them. Especially not for those sellers who have charged peoples credit cards and then cancelled orders like B&N.

Have inventory software and a website that actually works and none of this would have happened.

I really don't think they deserve 1 star as a company for a stupid programming bug in their inventory system.

Some of you people need to find Jesus Christ, Buddha, or whoever the fuck to learn some patience and forgiveness lol.

BTW, I lost out from BN and OnSale, and I don't think either of them are a worse company for it. Could it have been a faster experience? You bet! But I've had other retailers hold my money for longer than 3 days.

IDk how important a star rating is to OnSale, but if I were them - I would sue HP or somebody. That's gotta be a business destroyer for some.
I really don't think they deserve 1 star as a company for a stupid programming bug in their inventory system.

Some of you people need to find Jesus Christ, Buddha, or whoever the fuck to learn some patience and forgiveness lol.

BTW, I lost out from BN and OnSale, and I don't think either of them are a worse company for it. Could it have been a faster experience? You bet! But I've had other retailers hold my money for longer than 3 days.

IDk how important a star rating is to OnSale, but if I were them - I would sue HP or somebody. That's gotta be a business destroyer for some.

This is the kind of bullshit response that pisses people off more. "You people?" I don;t need to find shit. You don't know shit about me. I didn't leave any feedback. All I did was point out that people were letting their feelings be known. So, you are willing to be used by incompetent and potentially unethical business interests. Bully for you. Doesn't mean everyone else is willing.
Ok update:

If your Onsale order is "stuck" on "shipping soon" then please call them and get your status.

I called them (waited for 25mins) and I asked the guy to check my amazon order and he guessed EXACTLY what I ordered lol...anyways he leaves for a minute and says I am only the fifth person out of forty to get a HP TouchPad confirmed shipped on his shift.

On another note, don't yell at the messenger . The poor guy doesn't make the rules and please people try to be respectful. He basically told me he was harassed all day by people looking for touchpads.
This is the kind of bullshit response that pisses people off more. "You people?" I don;t need to find shit. You don't know shit about me. I didn't leave any feedback. All I did was point out that people were letting their feelings be known. So, you are willing to be used by incompetent and potentially unethical business interests. Bully for you. Doesn't mean everyone else is willing.

You didn't leave feedback, so I guess I wasn't talking about you.

But if you're really pissed off by a comment posted by some forum internet stranger, yes.. you need to find something.
So how many of you, after getting all hyped up for getting a $99 tablet, and now are let down, are seriously considering getting a tablet anyway, damn the price point? Be honest now...I'll be the first to raise my hand.

I ordered one from HP SB on sunday morning about 7am EST so I'm still waiting to see if its going to ship or not. I was planning on buying an Asus Transformer anyway so if the HP gets cancelled I'll grab an Asus.
Due to the large volume of orders, we have sold out of the HP TouchPad.

Your order was placed on Monday/Tuesday after the Sold Out message was posted on our webstore; therefore, we cannot fulfill your request and will be cancelling your order in the next 24 hours.

You may have seen a reserve hold for the amount of your order on your credit card. No actual charges have been made and this reserve hold will be released as soon as the order is cancelled. We are sorry for any inconvenience.

Your HP Small & Medium Business Team
So how many of you, after getting all hyped up for getting a $99 tablet, and now are let down, are seriously considering getting a tablet anyway, damn the price point? Be honest now...I'll be the first to raise my hand.

I am conflicted about current tablets. Considering the price they are selling at and the process size ...they have insane room for rapid improvement over the next year. I do like the nook color and rumored amazon tablets... Asus transformer is nice as well, but normally priced over what I would pay.

Anyone else wish HP had priced the touchpad at lets say 300-350 at release... break even or lose a little per unit and try and make it up on the backend?
I am conflicted about current tablets. Considering the price they are selling at and the process size ...they have insane room for rapid improvement over the next year. I do like the nook color and rumored amazon tablets... Asus transformer is nice as well, but normally priced over what I would pay.

Anyone else wish HP had priced the touchpad at lets say 300-350 at release... break even or lose a little per unit and try and make it up on the backend?

You make a great point.

I worked for Verizon during the transition of shit-phones > android/iphone.

I bought the HTC Touch and people were WoWED by it, a year later the iPhone came out and rocked the world (lol), and then a year after that, everyone and there mom had an now has ultra-sick touch screen smart phones.

The same is happening with the pads, there are some good ones now with good features, and they will lead the way in the next 6 months to a year for some new killer specs and prices.

I can wait.
I read a bunch of those reviews..I gotta say, there are a lot of fucking cry babies on there...:D





Cry me a river.. tards
I am telling you guys, CALL ONSALE. If your order hasn't been cancelled by now, YOU MIGHT be in luck.
Got a 32 gig version from Best Buy on Sunday and it's out for delivery today... Saw one of the customer videos on Amazon and WebOS does look slick!
My eCost order is now delivered. Will be playing with it when I get home. :)

Really guys, best of luck to the rest of you. I barely squeaked in on this one!
Just had my order canceled by HP after I received an order confirmation earlier today. How hard is this to get their act together? If you didn't have any left, why the hell were you sending me a confirmation e-mail today?
Just had my order canceled by HP after I received an order confirmation earlier today. How hard is this to get their act together? If you didn't have any left, why the hell were you sending me a confirmation e-mail today?

what time did you get your confirmation? i got one at like midnight hawaii time last night, i hope i dont get a cancellation too... :/
6:51 I get an email from HP, "HP TouchPad's are sold out, your order will be cancelled" I had 3 orders, 2 b4 the supposed cut off time and 1 well after.
7:05 I get an email from HP "Confirmation of your order" it's the one ordered after the cut off, when I check it at HP SMB store the status has changed from "your not getting this" to "Your order is currently being processed by order management"
The other 2 orders still show "unable to retrieve the status of your order"
Let me look and see what I can find from my e-mail tracking orders....

It still registers as an active order. Not sure what's going on.

Edit: Sounds like it's still active, but will be canceled shortly.
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My story:
Barnes and Noble -1 x Touchpad 16gb: Cancelled
Amazon via OnSale - 1 x Touchpad 16gb: Cancelled
ErwinComp.com - 1 x Touchpad 16gb: Pending

I had one from Tigerdirect in my cart and at the submit order screen then as I hit "Submit" the site went down. If anyone out there has a spare and wants to help a fellow [H]ardMember let me know, ill make it worth it. I just want one 16gb! :(
Hey guys, anyone who ordered from HP website, if you check out with paypal, where do you put your address to be shipped? Or does it automatically ship to the address you have on paypal? Is there anywhere you can set up the address to be shipped? (like when you checkout with a credit card?)

Also, can anyone post some HP links? (like small business, personal, academy, etc). I've seen a few people talking about different HP branches, but I don't know them all.

I won the game. Was harder than beating Ninja Gaiden on "Fucking Impossible" setting.