HP Touchpad 16GB $99, 32GB $149, Active for .edu

Ordered from BN over 12 hours ago..

I got one email from them saying they received my order, and nothing confirming or cancelling yet.

My CC is also pending '342.47' for 3 units.

The BN website says, "In Process: Not Yet Shipped".

So, we will see.

I also have a pending order for 2 from Amazon>OnSale.

I want all 5 to resell and gift but I am afraid that I'll end up with 0! lol
or they could be putting them on a big truck to send back to HP

Not sure why Newegg would ever do that. They may be negotiating with HP about reimbursement before they price them but if they send them back, they make absolutely nothing on the deal and HP can just sell them to another reseller or sell them themselves.

Edit to add:

Upon refresh Newegg is back to OOS "auto-notify." It keeps flipping back and forth.
Newegg is all over the place. 5 minutes ago it showed clearly in stock, but clicking "add to cart" would immediately bring you to a "Removed from cart" page.
Upon refresh Newegg is back to OOS "auto-notify." It keeps flipping back and forth.

Yup and when I get in the shower they will price adjust..

Newegg Chat..

1:23:06 PM : Andre: about the HP Tablet, it keeps going in and out of stock. Is there an impending price drop or has newegg chosen to not play the lets see if the servers crash game

1:25:24 PM : Ivan: I apologize. Unfortunately, Newegg is currently not participating in the price drop of the HP TouchPads. We are currently investigating on this to see if we will be dropping the price as well, but we have not gotten a response on that yet. Also, please note that we are currently not offering any type of price protection on any of the items that we sell. At this point, my suggestion will be to use the Price Alert option from the product page. Using the Price Alert option, you can set a price on the item and if at any point the item goes down to the price set or lower, an automated email will be sent to you advising you about the price change.

1:26:25 PM : Andre: ok thank you for your time.

Fuck it I am going to go take a shower.
Newegg is all over the place. 5 minutes ago it showed clearly in stock, but clicking "add to cart" would immediately bring you to a "Removed from cart" page.

Just for taking so long, part of me hopes Newegg gets stuck holding the bag here. It would be a bitch if they had, say, 100,000 units and got stuck with them because they wouldn't relent and lower the price. I wonder if that is even possible or if they have a hard and fast contract with HP about their being able to return them. Either way, from this point forward, only the most ill informed people on the planet would ever pay $400 or $500 for a Touchpad. Newegg isn't going to sell very many at those prices.
No one was buying them even BEFORE the price drop; if Newegg doesn't drop their price, that's a pretty shitty move in my book, and would make me seriously consider other options for my parts going forward.
if i was newegg i would just send them back to hp and let them deal with it. if they did drop the price they are just asking for their servers to go offline losing who knows how much on purchases normally being made.
No one was buying them even BEFORE the price drop; if Newegg doesn't drop their price, that's a pretty shitty move in my book, and would make me seriously consider other options for my parts going forward.

Agreed. Not only shitty but stupid too.

Edit to add:

Actually, I would think that at this point Newegg either has to send them back or drop the price or their name will ultimately be mud in the tech community.
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yea, but they wont be price matching on these. they might for people like you and me with $10k+ into newegg for products, but not for most 90% of people who will buy them from them. it shows a 49% buy rate. even if that was only updated yesterday, almost half of people who bought over the weekend (probably after newegg got the paperwork from hp and just didnt put through the price change yet) will be screwed out of $300+ because they didnt wait. top that off, im sure newegg will still get reimbursed for those from hp, so taking their cost down to $95/ea or so on a $399 sale...

i wouldnt doubt that the buyers with higher dollar value to them will get the price match, but in the form of a newegg giftcard. the other buyer will be sol, but then, newegg never had them as buyers in the first place, so they dont care either way
Did anyone who ordered via the official HP site on Friday Night, get confirmation of shipment being delivered? my status is still 'being processed'

nope, still "Item being processed" my order time is in the first post
Well I was able to get a confirmation on 2 16GB units from CDW. We'll see if it's just that their site is disconnected from their actual inventory. I cancelled my Newegg 32GB unit.
PCConnection and Zones had some 32GB units available a few minutes ago. Zones' site is hammered right now.
Well I was able to get a confirmation on 2 16GB units from CDW. We'll see if it's just that their site is disconnected from their actual inventory. I cancelled my Newegg 32GB unit.

CDW ran out way earlier this morning. I got my order through then I live chatted with a rep and she told me they ran out of stock, and then sent me an email showing my order failing to be fulfilled.
lol, hp.com is now redirecting to its Colombian page. They must still be getting hammered.

To me this whole ordeal has been an interesting socioeconomic experiment.
Oh, I just thought of something else that might be a sticking point for Newegg - the return policy. As far as I can surmise, HP itself isn't taking returns on the "clearance item." Their site says something about honoring the warranty but not accepting returns. I wonder how much that is coming into play with regard to Newegg's decision making process? They would have to do the same thing I would imagine and make that CLEAR on their buy pages.
Oh, I just thought of something else that might be a sticking point for Newegg - the return policy. As far as I can surmise, HP itself isn't taking returns on the "clearance item." Their site says something about honoring the warranty but not accepting returns. I wonder how much that is coming into play with regard to Newegg's decision making process? They would have to do the same thing I would imagine and make that CLEAR on their buy pages.

Somehow every other retailer isn't having a problem managing it; if Newegg can't keep pace with B&M retailers, that's sad.
Somehow every other retailer isn't having a problem managing it; if Newegg can't keep pace with B&M retailers, that's sad.

True, I just meant that perhaps they are trying to work it out...work out how they are going to make it plain to people that there will be no returns. Cause you just know that some Newegg customers are going to want to do so. I meant they might be considering the hassle that is going to cause also. Perhaps not though.
Well my BN order still shows as shipping on the 24th. I ordered last night around 10pm PST, so I hope it went through.
True, I just meant that perhaps they are trying to work it out...work out how they are going to make it plain to people that there will be no returns. Cause you just know that some Newegg customers are going to want to do so. I meant they might be considering the hassle that is going to cause also. Perhaps not though.

i was thinking, they'd be smart just to let them all sell at the higher price point and adjust it all later, that way their servers don't ever get the SD rush and they can continue like no big deal...

at the same time they may lose out on some new customers

i know they've been selling a lot of them over the weekend, i bought a couple, and it's saying it's shipping, but i'm sure like most other people if they don't fix it they're going to have to jump through some hoops with customer service, because i'm sending these puppies back
UGh. Not sure about eCost or onSale. Both still say processing. eCost has definitely charged my account. Not sure what to make of that yet. Hopefully both ship since I pounced on both right when news broke of availability... but it's also possible I get the hard shaft and have to contest a charge or two on my CC...
Why would you have to contest a charge with your CC company. That is just nonsense.

If your order is canceled they will refund the money as soon as their sales system catches up.
CDW just called and said they had to cancel my order. None in stock... I placed my order this morning around 9am CST.
UGh. Not sure about eCost or onSale. Both still say processing. eCost has definitely charged my account. Not sure what to make of that yet. Hopefully both ship since I pounced on both right when news broke of availability... but it's also possible I get the hard shaft and have to contest a charge or two on my CC...

Yep, I posted a little while ago after talking to eCost (see above); their stock status and actually inventory don't have any coupling. The system estimates and so those of us who jumped on eCost might be screwed. He said they had 4,540 units in stock (not sure 16 or 32 GB), and I would imagine those went pretty quick once news broke out.

It stinks not knowing. Either I could go do stuff knowing my units are on the way or go balls-out trying to find one. But 'maybe' just sucks.
I placed an order for a 16GB but when I check my account I don't see it listed. I searched using the order number and the zip and the site did not return an order. I see no cancellation notices in my inbox, only the initial confirmation.
I wonder how much loss productivity this deal has caused?
I was able to push through a order on HP's small business site and I see the charge pending.

But I've received nada in the way of an e-mail confirmation and can't access the order on their website. Is this anyone else's experience?
has anyone called CDW to check availability. I tried but ran outta time being on hold.
No one was buying them even BEFORE the price drop; if Newegg doesn't drop their price, that's a pretty shitty move in my book, and would make me seriously consider other options for my parts going forward.

Meh.. if Newegg is dumb enough to sit on a pile of these things thats just them being retarded.. Its not like they are losing money on them, HP is the one taking the hit.. Newegg should be smart and bundle these with accessories and people would still buy them.

They may just be scared of the hoard bringing them down once they lower the price tho..