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  1. H

    xbox one in stock @ amazon

    Thanks a bunch paffinity!
  2. H

    xbox one in stock @ amazon

    Which Austin location South, central or Cedar Park?
  3. H

    xbox one in stock @ amazon

    I get that. I am just asking for specific details that give these store locations. I keep reading these reports but no one gives store numbers/locations. To not give locations for those who want to purchase an item seems disingenuous to the spirit of the original post.
  4. H

    xbox one in stock @ amazon

    So are you going to answer or what???? What is the store number/location. I really am curious to know where these stores are that have "had them in stock since launch."
  5. H

    xbox one in stock @ amazon

    Just curious as I keep seeing this. Which store number/location?
  6. H

    Skyrim for $30 on GMG

    You mean ahead, not behind. When it is 12 EST it is 5PM in the UK. It appears these deals stop at around 4pm or so GMT.
  7. H

    Samsung S27A750D and eyefinity with radeon 7970

    Hey thanks for the suggested reading, quite a setup Vega has going on there. Haven't had a chance to read it all but will later today. One more thing, what if I were to use a Crossfire setup and 3 monitors? Could I then use 2 DP's on one card and 1 DP on the other? I can't seem to find any good...
  8. H

    Samsung S27A750D and eyefinity with radeon 7970

    Maybe I should plan on buying one 950d and 2 750d's. The 950 has DVI input.
  9. H

    Samsung S27A750D and eyefinity with radeon 7970

    Actually this monitor doesn't even have a d-DVI input.
  10. H

    Samsung S27A750D and eyefinity with radeon 7970

    Maybe a stupid question but here goes. If I were to purchase 3 Samsung S27A750D monitors how would I connect the monitors to a radeon 7970 for eyefinity? Since the monitor only has HDMI and DP inputs and the 7970 has 2 DP's, 1 HDMI and 1 DVI how would I accomplish this to keep full...
  11. H

    Thin Bezel Monitors?

    Yes please I would like to know where to find it for that price also.
  12. H

    I need some help with Pix multiple site-to-site VPN setup configs.

    Could anyone one point me in the direction of How To or some sample Pix configs for setting up multiple site to site VPN's using a 506 as the "hub?" I am familiar with cisco pix site to site when concerning 1 device to another but not when dealing with 1 Pix to multiple Pix's to form a...
  13. H

    What have you given up for Oblivion?

    HAHA!! Gave up crack for smack ehhh? LOL
  14. H

    XBox 360 launch: success or failure thus far?

    My point has apparently escaped you.
  15. H

    XBox 360 launch: success or failure thus far?

    So what major INVENTIONS have those companies provided the rest of us? The radio? TV? Automobiles? Computers?
  16. H

    BFG tech support-anybody there?

    BFG ROCKS in my book. My 6800 GT fan died and they were "johny on the spot."
  17. H

    Playstation Portable (PSP) $219 - Brandsmart

    yeah, but yours hasn't doubled in price in the last several months. Not even comparable.
  18. H

    Performance-oriented Windows tweaking debunked

    This is absolutely correct. The issue is there are those those who believe in disabling these services for the purpose of performance gains.
  19. H

    Performance-oriented Windows tweaking debunked

    You still have not accounted for your original statements. You are a genious. LOL!! The further we get into the conversation the less you make sense. It is amazing. :D
  20. H

    Performance-oriented Windows tweaking debunked

    Once again you open your mouth and remove all doubt. Once again you take clips from the net and end up making NO sense. I thought we were talking about WORKSTATIONS not PDC's BDC's ADDC's whatever. And once again you resort to name calling and posting stuff that has NOTHING to do with your...
  21. H

    Performance-oriented Windows tweaking debunked

    zone_86 - "disable net logon if no remote admin is to be done" This statement proves you know NOTHING about "professional" networks, or even basic principles for that matter. This jumped out as I was scan reading your ignorant response. I didn't even continue looking at your response after...
  22. H

    Performance-oriented Windows tweaking debunked

    Thanks a bunch Fresh. It's been ages.. :D
  23. H

    Performance-oriented Windows tweaking debunked

    You speak a lot like me… when I was say, 15, LOL. A55clown, LOL!!!! You made a VERY specific statement. Let me remind you of your statement: "Such as a professional networks where tweaks are absolutely necesarry." You made the statement, we called you on it. No “straw man” shit here...
  24. H

    Performance-oriented Windows tweaking debunked

    What?? You really aren't, or never have been a sys admin have you? LOL
  25. H

    Performance-oriented Windows tweaking debunked

    Do your own research. Don't act like an @ss next time and you may get a more obliging response.
  26. H

    Performance-oriented Windows tweaking debunked

    The problem is that Safe Mode doesn't JUST disable services. Apples, Oranges
  27. H

    Help Help Help!

    Uh, computer whiz, hot swapping/hot plugging just means you can plug and unplug the component while the computer is running. Now go back and read all of your posts and try to learn how not to act.
  28. H

    Help Help Help!

    What?!?! From this statement it is very evident that you don't know much at all concerning computer hardware etc... If you think that hot plugging has anything to do with just hooking up a single drive, LOL. OK, now I am with elderdog. "Bask in your knowledge, oh enlightened one..."...
  29. H

    Help Help Help!

    Which SATA connector are you plugged into? I don't know what you mean by "using a reg ATA and ghost". If the MB doesn't recognize the drive you won't be able to ghost. Gotta get that drive to show up or you won't be able to do squat with it. Oh, just a little tip. You may not want to come...
  30. H

    Help Help Help!

    "yes I saw the 4-pin connector. I am no "master" builder but I know what I'm doing. I think I may have found the problem. I'm only using 1 ram chip and it may require 2 considering it's dual channel. But the manual said if you're using 1 to start in DIMM A1 which I did, but I checked the asus...
  31. H

    I gave up on Linux

    Skritch You evidently have much higher standards as to what you "need" to know to operate anything. A little while back you used the car analogy so we will stick with that. You said the operator "needs" to know certain things. You are very mistaken. The average auto operator has NO idea...