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Supreme [H]ardness
Jun 18, 2004
So long story short, I bought all this stuff for my bro's computer I'm building him - AMD64 3500+, ASUS A8V Deluxe Mobo, Ballistix Ram, 6800GT, the works. Problem is when I hook it all up out of the case and plug in the monitor, turn on the juice I don't get a post screen, I get nothing but a signal error from the monitor "signal not found" like it's not seeing the video card, but the cables are snug and so is the card in the slot. I think the AGP on the mobo is defective. Any other ideas? I got it from newegg, how long would an RMA take? Thanks guys.
I would ask you a couple of questions, the most important of which is are the fans spinning up and/or are the led's on the mobo lighting up? (assuming your mobo has led's...) If so, are you getting any beeps and, if so, how many? Assuming you do get beeps, do you have another video card to try? (preferrably an AGP and a PCI card to test separately). Those would be the first things I would ask/check. Without answers to these it would be hard to answer with any authority, I think.

Edit: you don't/didn't have this stuff sitting out on the carpet and/or on anything conductive, did you?
There were no beeps, and I only have another agp to test, which I used, same result, even with a different working monitor and known working video card. All of the fans were spinning and the one light was on (which is correct). And no, it was not on a carpet, it was done in my kitchen, tile flooring and wood table. I've done this quite a few times, not with such difficulty though. It wouldn't be the cpu right?
With no beeps, it very well might be. Without a beep, I would definately say the mobo is your primary suspect. As I'm not familiar with that particular mobo, I can't say for sure, but try moving the ram into different slots and/or using one stick at a time (supposing you have more than one). Other than that, I have received a mobo (and other equipment) new in the box with the same problems you describe and it did turn out to be a defective mobo. I know, shit like that shouldn't happen these days but it does. Personally, I'd RMA the mobo and just sit tight until it comes so you can test everything out again. I know you said you've done this many times (as have I), but make sure you properly ground yourself before taking the mobo out, etc. Static electricity does f**k up equipment pretty easily with a good charge and you'd never know it. Just my 2cents. Hope everything works out for ya!
Before you run off to replace the CPU and RMA everything be sure you plugged in that little 4-pin power connector that is usually near the CPU. Only reason I mention this is I see that your own rig (KT400 chipset) does not require that connector, and you may have missed it on the A64 board. If that is plugged in, who knows. Maybe try putting it all in a case and trying it would help. If you indeed are a master builder you claim, that should be no big deal. Boards go in and out of cases with ease.
yes I saw the 4-pin connector. I am no "master" builder but I know what I'm doing. I think I may have found the problem. I'm only using 1 ram chip and it may require 2 considering it's dual channel. But the manual said if you're using 1 to start in DIMM A1 which I did, but I checked the asus site and it said if you only have one chip use DIMM B1 which I'm going to try now.
Dallows said:
yes I saw the 4-pin connector. I am no "master" builder but I know what I'm doing. I think I may have found the problem. I'm only using 1 ram chip and it may require 2 considering it's dual channel. But the manual said if you're using 1 to start in DIMM A1 which I did, but I checked the asus site and it said if you only have one chip use DIMM B1 which I'm going to try now.

I've read about this kind of thing with DIMM slots, but never actually experienced it. I've probably been lucky though. But in fact, it shouldn't make any difference when only using one DIMM if the board is built to spec. I've purposely put a single DIMM in the wrong place in my MSI boards here and they all work regardless of where I put them. I'm suprized that this Asus board is being a booger. They are usually pretty well thought out. You might have exactly the problems you suspected in the first place.

Although my earlier comment about the case could easily be taken the wrong way, your board might just need a better ground plane. Also that message on your monitor could only mean the cable is disconnected. And that is odd. Why? Because that message will go away on my monitor by just plugging into a AGP card that isn't in a slot at all. I just tried it holding the AGP card in my hand. Strange things indeed.

Good luck you've got a tough one. Maybe the RMA route is your best bet after a day of troubleshooting.
Same shit happened when I hooked up my stuff. I just took out the battery for about 10 seconds, put it back in ,rebooted , and it all worked just fine.
Almost forgot, Clear the CMOS.
"yes I saw the 4-pin connector. I am no "master" builder but I know what I'm doing. I think I may have found the problem. I'm only using 1 ram chip and it may require 2 considering it's dual channel. But the manual said if you're using 1 to start in DIMM A1 which I did, but I checked the asus site and it said if you only have one chip use DIMM B1 which I'm going to try now."

Hmmm, where did your manual say to start with DIMM_A1?

I just looked at my A8V manual and on page 2-12 in Table 1 it shows for single channel you need to use DIMM_B1.

You may want to contact ASUS if there is a possible error in the manual.
nevermind that, I might've overlooked where it said use "DIMM B1" in the manual and misread where it said "start with the blue." But anyway, I fixed that. Now I have a new problem. I bought a serial ATA drive for it, but it's not being recognized by that mobo. How can I get windows on that? Do I have to use a reg ATA and ghost it?
Dallows said:
nevermind that, ...

I bought a serial ATA drive for it, but it's not being recognized by that mobo. How can I get windows on that? Do I have to use a reg ATA and ghost it?

OK, now I'm confused. A minute ago you said you knew what you were doing? Bask in your knowledge, oh enlightened one...
Dallows said:
nevermind that, I might've overlooked where it said use "DIMM B1" in the manual and misread where it said "start with the blue." But anyway, I fixed that. Now I have a new problem. I bought a serial ATA drive for it, but it's not being recognized by that mobo. How can I get windows on that? Do I have to use a reg ATA and ghost it?

Which SATA connector are you plugged into?

I don't know what you mean by "using a reg ATA and ghost". If the MB doesn't recognize the drive you won't be able to ghost. Gotta get that drive to show up or you won't be able to do squat with it.

Oh, just a little tip. You may not want to come in and give the impression that you know what you are doing and ask questions like the one above. You won't get much help that way. It comes across as being cocky. If you don't know how to do something or don't understand just say so, leave out the "I'm no master, but I know what I'm doing" stuff. Especially when one of your next questions is one that shows you may not "know what you are doing."

Hope you get everything worked out with the new rig. Sounds like a pretty sweet setup.
forget it, I fixed it, everything is working fine now except the front two lights. And how does knowing what I'm doing mean I'm cocky? I just didn't realize my mobo didn't support hot plugging (I think that's what the manual called it) where I can hook up a single SATA drive. I have to do it in raid. Apparently only the nforce boards have that feature right now, native SATA support or something. And installing the operating system on a normal ATA drive might not have worked, but it might've. Doesn't matter now. And you even if you know 99% of how to do something that 1% doesn't mean you don't know what you're doing. I'm too tired now. Just benched on the 3DMark05 build 1.0.0 scoring 4500, not bad I guess.
Dallows said:
I just didn't realize my mobo didn't support hot plugging (I think that's what the manual called it) where I can hook up a single SATA drive.


From this statement it is very evident that you don't know much at all concerning computer hardware etc... If you think that hot plugging has anything to do with just hooking up a single drive, LOL.

OK, now I am with elderdog. "Bask in your knowledge, oh enlightened one..."

It's not a problem IF you know what you are doing. BUT, you sound cocky because you say you know what you are doing but as evidenced here that is not the case. That is why it sounds cocky.

You go on with your bad self.
Oh come on, let's just stop flaming everyone here, however true some of the comments may be. He needed help, he thinks he knows more than he does, so what? I'm pretty sure it doesn't say "ELITE MODERATOR HAXXOR MAXIMUM 1,000,000" under his name or anything (although that would be awesome), so let's just leave it at this:

If you ask for help, be honest about what you do/ don't know and don't get all offended if it turns out you know less than you thought. :D
uvi said:
Because you dont know what you are doing.
insanarchist said:
Oh come on, let's just stop flaming everyone here, however true some of the comments may be. He needed help, he thinks he knows more than he does, so what? I'm pretty sure it doesn't say "ELITE MODERATOR HAXXOR MAXIMUM 1,000,000" under his name or anything (although that would be awesome), so let's just leave it at this:

If you ask for help, be honest about what you do/ don't know and don't get all offended if it turns out you know less than you thought. :D
and true, but to add on to that...when you are wrong about something, just admit to it. It's not hard
Ugh, I'm done with this. Apparently hot swapping is now called hot plugging, whatever. I still don't understand why I wouldn't be able to just hook up a drive and go, that would be too easy, even though my board has the appropriate connections. Nonetheless you can say all you want, I don't give a shit. I'll leave you to your lives or lack there of.
Dallows said:
Ugh, I'm done with this. Apparently hot swapping is now called hot plugging, whatever. I still don't understand why I wouldn't be able to just hook up a drive and go, that would be too easy, even though my board has the appropriate connections. Nonetheless you can say all you want, I don't give a shit. I'll leave you to your lives or lack there of.

Uh, computer whiz, hot swapping/hot plugging just means you can plug and unplug the component while the computer is running.

Now go back and read all of your posts and try to learn how not to act.
yeah, I know what it is jackass. Don't bother replying, I don't care.
Rest in peace, cause everytime it's proved you know less than you think, 1 sec later you know more...... :D So as time passes.... :D
Hey all Ive got a samsung lcd screen that will not display any info at startup. Not even the winxp hello before the welcome screen. When i bought the monitor it all worked fine but just the other day it stopped. the monitor displays out of range until the system is booted. Now everything works fine i just cant access the bios unless using my tv out. Needless to say this is a pointless pain in the ass. Ive tried using different video drivers and changing a plethora of settings on the video card and have even tried changing the monitor settings but still have not figured this out. As I said once booted everything is peachy but dont get squat on boot. Hoping one of you wizkids could help me figure this out. Has to be a simple problem, but its beyond my capabilities.

thanks to any replies
Your amswer must be in the BIOS either with a setting, or by upgrading it. Have you tried pulling out the CMOS battery to reset it ?
BIOS uses a standard vga display that has existed since the beginning of time. No bios setting is gonna prevent him from entering bios. But just to make absolutely clear, your system runs xp fine and you have no display problems once windows has loaded? Your problem is specifically not being able to enter bios? Odd indeed.

1)What kind of video card and motherboard do you have?
2)Have you tried spamming the f1/f2/del keys to enter bios upon startup? Maybe the splash screens are just nonexistent.
3)Are you using a proprietary custom built pc, a la dell/gateway/compaq?
4)It wouldnt hurt to pull the cmos jumper/battery, at least then you dont have to worry about some mysterious phantom bios setting causing unusable display, which i contest as being nonexistent.
5)What interface are you using to connect from your videocard to monitor? DVI-DVI cable/Analog-DVI