What have you given up for Oblivion?

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given up a shit load of time which i was supposed to spend on studying uni work.
Well im unemployed..soo about 9 hours of my day, on average, is playing Oblivion. The only reason im not playing right now is because the girlfriend wanted to talk, hence me posting here :p
Study, exercise, sleep... Going to have to cut back on gaming until the semester is over though.
Heh, LOSERS!!! lol, j/k, j/k! :p It's taken a few potty break and meals from me, but not much more. I have to go to work, something I can't quite miss as I just started a new job, and my buddies and I are working on a movie right now, so that will be taking up a large bulk of my time.
sakurakana1003 said:
I haven't really touched WoW since I got Oblivion, and that says something!

YA MAN!! This game has totally killed my wow addiction period.

I dont think I'll even renew my subscription now
desrin said:
YA MAN!! This game has totally killed my wow addiction period.

I dont think I'll even renew my subscription now

HAHA!! Gave up crack for smack ehhh? LOL
I guess I must have gone through my "hardcore gamer" phase, cause I don't see why you'd give up anything? :confused:

This isn't an MMO or anything, you can save at any point. Yeah, it's addictive and I've spent hours playing the game, but there are also several days in a row I had other things to do and I knew the game would be right there where I left off when I decided to go back. That's the beauty of it being a singleplayer only game in my book... ;)
wtburnette said:
I guess I must have gone through my "hardcore gamer" phase, cause I don't see why you'd give up anything? :confused:

This isn't an MMO or anything, you can save at any point. Yeah, it's addictive and I've spent hours playing the game, but there are also several days in a row I had other things to do and I knew the game would be right there where I left off when I decided to go back. That's the beauty of it being a singleplayer only game in my book... ;)
That and the lack of idiots and morons.
Bane said:
That and the lack of idiots and morons.

QFT. I game to get away from the idiots and morons I have to deal with on a daily basis as a support tech. going online is almost not worth it usually.
desrin said:
YA MAN!! This game has totally killed my wow addiction period.

I dont think I'll even renew my subscription now
Trading crack for meth...... :p

Oblivian might be one, after the 5th time through, you can ween yourself off of it.

(Then pick it up agin a year later)
I've given up far too many hours of sleep for this game. And my poor Siberian Husky is giving me dirty looks wondering why I'm not playing with her. :(

I was thinking the other day that if Bethesda releases expansion packs for this like they did with Morrowind, well ... I don't know that I want to consider the results!
My girlfriend wants to play it on her computer but only has an FX 5900xt so she is considering pawning her watch to buy a better video card. She has a $500 Citizen gold and diamond watch...
She'll only get a $100 if she pawns it

Best just be a gentleman and treat her ;)
I love this thread as both me and my fiancé have given up our social lives completely over the last few weeks. We've stopped watching TV, stopped going out to dinner, and generally just start playing whenever we have any free time. The only break we've taken was for the UFC last saturday.
The main thing I've given up is Burnout Revenge (360), though. I bought it a week and a half before Oblivion came out and I've only touched it once since (when my friends sent me a game invite).
At first all I played was Oblivion... then this girl came into my life. And now I've given up Oblivion itself. :(

NotSoSimple said:
Well im unemployed..soo about 9 hours of my day, on average, is playing Oblivion. The only reason im not playing right now is because the girlfriend wanted to talk, hence me posting here :p

What does your girlfriend have to do with you posting on a message board? Is this some sort of internet relationship? :p
Myself, i've wasted 2 vacation days from my reserve to play it, as a full-time worker :p
Iratus said:
She'll only get a $100 if she pawns it

Best just be a gentleman and treat her ;)

Well, ebay or whatever, not pawn. I would buy it for her but I am broke too lol.
i havnt touched oblivion realy since i got exams and projects to do :( will get straight back to oblivion no doubt after uni is FINALY FINISHED
i lost my job and then my wife left me. now im a worthless loser playing oblivion 24/7.

Krayzie135 said:
i lost my job and then my wife left me. now im a worthless loser playing oblivion 24/7.

You almost became a hero to a large number of people on the forum. :p
Kendrak said:
You almost became a hero to a large number of people on the forum. :p

Besides Sleep, Meals, and Social Events.

I gave up a night of sex
I'm serious...

Domingo said:
I love this thread as both me and my fiancé have given up our social lives completely over the last few weeks. We've stopped watching TV, stopped going out to dinner, and generally just start playing whenever we have any free time. The only break we've taken was for the UFC last saturday.
The main thing I've given up is Burnout Revenge (360), though. I bought it a week and a half before Oblivion came out and I've only touched it once since (when my friends sent me a game invite).

Wow, a girl who games and watches UFC? Cool!
NotSoSimple said:
Well im unemployed..soo about 9 hours of my day, on average, is playing Oblivion.
That was me too up until the beginning of this week when I got a new job. Now, by the time I get home I'm too tired to play. I haven't played in a week. :( I'm hoping to play this weekend.

But aside for that I've given up BF2 to play Oblivion.
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