BFG tech support-anybody there?


Jul 8, 2004
Well i've been on hold now over an hour now listening to the worst "musak" i've ever heard.
Does anyone know if they work on Friday's? I thought they were 24/7.
Is there a BFG rep on these forums?
CardiacKid said:
Well i've been on hold now over an hour now listening to the worst "musak" i've ever heard.
Does anyone know if they work on Friday's? I thought they were 24/7.
Is there a BFG rep on these forums?

they should I called em last time @ like 1am (if i recall) someone picked right up. I wasnt expecting someone to answer so he caught me off guard and i was like uhhhhh. lol :D
Yep they finally picked up. Tech said they had some people call off and hold times were about an hour and half with 18 people still on hold after me. Looks like Friday's not the day to call.
But 10 min. on the phone and problem solved!
Thanks Jasonx82
Have to love tech support from BFG. I swear there is no feeling like speaking to a tech or customer service rep that both speaks fluent english and is American.
Z(+)DIAC said:
Have to love tech support from BFG. I swear there is no feeling like speaking to a tech or customer service rep that both speaks fluent english and is American.


Now Dell on the other hand.. :eek:
Z(+)DIAC said:
Have to love tech support from BFG. I swear there is no feeling like speaking to a tech or customer service rep that both speaks fluent english and is American.

++ and they reside in illinois :cool:

last rma i had, the dude said he used to live in my area, honestly i love their support.
I called BFG tech at like 4am the other night.... Tech didn't help much confirm that it was a bad DVI on the card.... anyways, thats my little BFG tech support experiance... ;)
Jasonx82 said:

Now Dell on the other hand.. :eek:
OMG! I had a hdd stuck in compatibility mode and had to get burly with some Indian woman who kept insisting. "No that right, should say that! Computer fine!"