Search results

  1. L

    Post your pc screen shots!

    some great desktops in here
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    wallpaper websites

    nice list of sites
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    New Android Trojan Records Phone Calls

    I'm switching back to my nokia brick with the snake game on it.
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    iPad Head Girl

  5. L

    Perhaps the Most Important Piece of Hardware.

    if you're going to sit in it a lot or for extended periods, I would suggest something mesh. I sit in my work chair 10 hrs a day 4 days a week. it being mesh helps stay cool.
  6. L

    Pictures Of Your Dually Rigs!

    all these pics make me sad I don't have any extra spending money
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    Cyborg R.A.T. Mouse

    seems to be a lot of good feedback about this mouse here. I've read other places that the drivers don't always work with win7. anyone experiencing that?
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    Fireworks 2011 - Photos

    nice pics :)
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    The official "clean desktop" club.

    nice desktops
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    Angry Birds on Chrome!

    NICE i will be waisting all sorts of time at work
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    Battlefield 3 - Official Thread

    can't wait for the release :)
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    Eyefinity or One Big display?

    2 projectors + 3 monitors :eek::eek::eek: holy monitor overload if i had the money, i'd do 3 monitors in portrait.
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    Just Won a Asetek a 570 LX!

    sweet! congrats
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    Heres my updated loops

    holy crap :eek: looks good
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    Wait or buy?

    if you wait for something to come out, news of something newer/better will soon come along. if you don't bite the bullet and just buy something, you never will. if you're waiting for something specific to release (ie: sata 6g/s), sure wait.
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    Recommend a case

    the only complaint I have about the HAF932 is the red led fan. otherwise, its quiet and cool.
  17. L

    reccommend a cooler!

    my vote is for the H80 or 100