Battlefield 3 - Official Thread

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This day 1 dlc is bullshit. Just include it in the fucking game to begin with.

AFAIK, it isn't day 1 but rather, free when it is released if you pre-order. That's how I've been interpreting it anyway. Either way, I'm pre-ordering so doesn't matter to me.
§·H·ï·Z·N·ï·L·T·ï;1037583252 said:
I already had a EA Gun Club login, I logged in and saw nothing about a 25% off coupon for BF3 so I created a new gmail account and signup up to EA Gun Club using that.

So far no 25% email yet, but it's only been 30 minutes. I will let you guys know if I get the 25% email.

I did the same thing. We'll see how it goes.
If i use a different email address and make a new origin account for a 25% off coupon, i can use that coupon on my regular first origin account right? Btw has this (make new account to get coupon, buy BF3 for 25% off) worked for anyone?
This day 1 dlc is bullshit. Just include it in the fucking game to begin with.

the weapons pack is in the game from day 1, you just unlock it early BC2 style, anyone can get them.

the maps aren't going to be available at launch, you just get it for free when it does become available.
Remember when, to encourage sales, developers would promise maps to be added at a later date in a "patch" instead of DLC?
I got the Gun Club code about a week ago but it didn't work.

Contacted EA and they said that they've been having issues with the 25% codes. If you contact them, they'll give you a 20% off code but not a 25% code.
So correct me if im wrong here but, there is a closed beta in august and then an open beta in september? Is there any way to get into the closed beta besides buying MOH?
So correct me if im wrong here but, there is a closed beta in august and then an open beta in september? Is there any way to get into the closed beta besides buying MOH?

Closed alpha in August, closed beta in September.

To get into the closed beta, you can either buy Medal of Honor, pre-order Battlefield 3 from Origin, or there will likely be key giveaways at places like Fileplanet.
I got into the first alpha. Does that mean I will get into the closed alpha in august? How does it work?
This means that after the initial releases are filled which means launch day buyers, pre-order pick-ups, etc ,the game will be available on the Steam download service. The representative didn't go into details regarding how long this period would be, but EA has worked out multiple deals with every other digital distribution channel to secure launch day availability. If you must have it on Steam, and you don't mind waiting, it appears that you may be in luck.

Pay attention to the part I pasted fromt he article. Who here isn't going to pre order this game and calls themselves a BF fan? Who here is NOT going to want to play this the second we can possibly do so ON DAY 1 of launch? Who here is such a steam fanboy that they just can't bear to buy the any game any other way that they would cut off their nose to spite their face? Steam is nice but it doesn't dictate my wallet or how/where/when I buy or play games. Getting the game after it launches does me no good. Pass.

Edit: I just want to say if Steam were to have it much cheaper than anyone else then they may have something. If not then LOL whatever too late.

Oh I understood perfectly well what he is saying. My only question is: how long until it goes onto Steam? A week? A month? That will be the deciding factor if I will wait to buy it on Steam or if I get it day one. If it's a week, I can wait (probably will be busy doing other stuff at that time) a week and that will give plenty of time for all of the initial problems to go away or get fixed (remember when BC2 came out the first week and the server listings were hardly working etc). But if I am looking at a month, fuck it, I am getting BF3 as soon as it comes out.
What do you mean "clarify"? The closed alpha trial has ended, it was last month. Now there's the beta in September.

Thanks...It was sounding like there was something going on this month. Just wanted to know how I could get in. Guess I'll pre order from orogin so I can get into the beta in sept.
The beta for MOH people will come before the regular beta for pre order people. That is pretty much all we know. The timeline for these things to take place hasn't been set in any stone, except for the fact we know there will be a beta in september. Does that mean beta for moh and pre order people? Does it mean just MOH people then later origin people and everyone else? Will there be a week between moh beta and origin beta? No idea brother but when someone here finds out please let us know. I want to make sure I don't get fucked over since I bought MOH for full price the week it came out. Yes I like the game and yes I didn't mind paying full price until I saw they dropped the price to like 20 bucks a month later because it didn't sell worth shit. Whatever another argument for another day on that one. So my point is I hope I get in the beta at least a week before regular pre order people do. That's my point.
Demize99 Alan Kertz
Yes ladies and gents, the Alpha Trial is over. Thats why Battlelog is closed. Lots of feedback, working on all of it. (3D spotting cough)
5 hours ago

So can anyone tell me if I pre-order with Origin does it charge me the full amount immediately or when the game releases?
I want to make sure I don't get fucked over since I bought MOH for full price.

I see what your saying but, I bought old moh games back in the day and every BF game that ever existed. I think they should make it an open beta for anyone.
I see what your saying but, I bought old moh games back in the day and every BF game that ever existed. I think they should make it an open beta for anyone.

Difference is you didnt buy all those with assurances you would get access to BF3 Beta, where as the MOH 2011 purchasers did, and i know part of the reason i bought it pre-sale was for that BF3 beta. Brand/IP loyalty like your describing should be rewarded in much more substantial ways than access to a beta. More like "if you have every BF game linked to your EA account all the DLC BF3 will get will be free". But that will never happen.
I got the Gun Club code about a week ago but it didn't work.

Contacted EA and they said that they've been having issues with the 25% codes. If you contact them, they'll give you a 20% off code but not a 25% code.

I got a 25% replacement code. I wouldn't take anything less if they admitted there's an issue.
Difference is you didnt buy all those with assurances you would get access to BF3 Beta, where as the MOH 2011 purchasers did, and i know part of the reason i bought it pre-sale was for that BF3 beta. Brand/IP loyalty like your describing should be rewarded in much more substantial ways than access to a beta. More like "if you have every BF game linked to your EA account all the DLC BF3 will get will be free". But that will never happen.

ic...well, you have a point there but, with bad logic. TY EA again...
LOL! Dont worry Demize99 will take a giant shit on the PC community and their suggestions just as he did with BC2

if changing nearly everything people complained about in alpha equates to taking a shit on them, then i suppose so
Would you guys be happy if they still had 3D spotting but it was like BF2, where if you spammed Q it would put up a bunch of "?" marks where you were pointing when you hit Q? I dont remember Q spamming in BF2, if anything i was super careful about it, and even used the "?" marks to specifically tell my squad/team i think someone is there but wasnt sure.
The alpha spoiled me. BC2 just plain sucks now.

Haha, Im with you, day after alpha ended i hopped on bc2 to see the difference, and exited within 10 minutes.


I honestly hope they do, just so they get the fuck bombed out of them by jets.
We could prolly get in EA support chat and get one but I guess I'm lazy.

Still not sure how I want to buy BF3. Steam would be a no-brainer for me but with Origin out I'm sure it'll be a cold day in hell before we see BF3 show up on Steam. I sorta want a physical copy mostly because I realized that all my BF games are on disc except for BC2. But in the end I'll prolly settle with Origin's digital copy. Anyone know more about buying a physical copy off Origin?

I am also curious if the physical copy ships same day for cheap like amazon, and if you get all the Origin pre-order bonuses like you get with the digital copy. Also im curious (this question is for Origin and Steam) when you DL a digital copy, can you burn it onto a DVD like say, when you download a digital copy of Windows 7 you can burn it to have a backup.

I dont have anything against digital download, especially not Steam (or Origin, their FAQ seems to have them in the same boat as Steam, ie unlimited downloads/installs etc) but im still not swimming in the deep end with digital copies.
its funny, all this junk about the beta. I didnt buy moh, but because they just randomly sent me an alpha invite, im almost positive ill be in the beta as well
The alpha spoiled me. BC2 just plain sucks now.

Not for me. The Alpha was a nice little taste but BC2 still holds game play value for me.

Now when the Beta comes out I'll probably stop playing BC2 for a long time.

Also the beta is an open beta ...
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