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  1. psy81

    Post Pics of your SLI or Crossfire Builds (I know its dead)

    Nice and super clean! I have the Haf-X too and still in use today. I replaced the stock side panel w/ one from the 932 which had the acrylic window. Haf-X keeps everything nice and cool but needs to be dusted regularly. I have fan controller so typically turn off the twoX200mm fans at the top...
  2. psy81

    Post Pics of your SLI or Crossfire Builds (I know its dead)

    Damn dual socket cpu in quad sli is ridiculous... this must have costed a small fortune even for 2012. I think PC building has become a lot more tamer in recent years. No SLI and I can't recall seeing any recent consumer grade motherboards that support dual socket cpus
  3. psy81

    Asus X670E-E BIOS 1003

    Update: system is stable when in Windows no BSODs and never had issues when turning off the PC and later back on. Issues arise whenever I "restart" my PC as the PC will sometimes turn off and then back on and then run the memory at the default 4800MHz instead DOCP settings. When I go back into...
  4. psy81

    Asus X670E-E BIOS 1003

    I spoke too soon. DOCP Profile does not appear to be working for me anymore. When I restart Windows the PC will "sometimes" turn off and then turn back on (not normal for the PC to turn off and on when restarting Windows 11). When I boot into Windows, the memory goes back to the stock speed of...
  5. psy81

    Help: memory speeds resets to stock speed after Windows restart

    I was thinking the same thing as well since this only happens the "PC turns off" when I restart Windows. It isn't normal behaviour for my PC to turn off when restarting Windows. If the PC doesn't turn off on Windows restart, I know I'm good and the DOCP profile is working. The PC isn't...
  6. psy81

    Help: memory speeds resets to stock speed after Windows restart

    Just the ram... when this happens the pc actually turns off and then back on again. Sometimes the ram speed wont reset to default speed on restart and in those instances the pc stays on during windows res Yes I updated to lastest bios. Was happening on previous bios as well.
  7. psy81

    Help: memory speeds resets to stock speed after Windows restart

    Just the ram... when this happens the pc actually turns off and then back on again. Sometimes the ram speed wont reset to default speed on restart and in those instances the pc stays on during windows restart
  8. psy81

    Help: memory speeds resets to stock speed after Windows restart

    Yes DOCP profile is enabled and F10 to save/exit bios
  9. psy81

    Help: memory speeds resets to stock speed after Windows restart

    For some reason my when I restart Windows 11, my memory speeds go back to the default speed of 4800MHz. It's rated to run at 5600Mhz on the MB QVL list and was running fine until recently. Normally when I restart Windows, it will restart without turning off but lately it turns off and then...
  10. psy81

    Asus X670E-E BIOS 1003

    Weird, I never got that warning when I updated to 2007. I can attest that 2007 appears to be stable and not experiencing any instability. Early on it was a challenge getting my memory running at the rated speed but it appears that Asus has got their act together.
  11. psy81

    Seeking input on adding a 16 port Sata expansion card

    Thanks guys! This was helpful. I was thinking of using it to add hard drives for storage as my older hard drives fill up. In all honestly, I don't need 20 hard drives in a PC but thought it would be a way to future proof and just keep adding hard drives. I'm on the fence of whether its worth...
  12. psy81

    Seeking input on adding a 16 port Sata expansion card

    Forgive my lack of knowledge but based on the description the card supports 6Gbps transfer speeds. Where are you getting 500MB/s? Is it because the limited bandwidth from the PCI lane? With my two GTX 670s installed I believe I would be using 32 (16x2) out of the available 38 lanes on my...
  13. psy81

    Seeking input on adding a 16 port Sata expansion card

    I have an older system and the parts are as follows: FX-8350 GA-990FXA-UD3 (revision 3) 16 GB DDR3 @1600MHz 250GB Samsung SSD 2 X GTX 670s 750 watt Corsair PSU Antec 1200 Question/Input: (I apologize if the answer to my question is obvious beforehand but I've never added a sata expansion card...
  14. psy81

    AI Accelerator Cards in Desktops?

    I may be overly cynical but I think AI will displace alot of white collar jobs just like automation displaced alot of blue collar jobs. Homelessness, mental health and drug use will increase as a result. I saw this happen to my home town which was traditionally blue collar town. Now there's a...
  15. psy81

    Samsung Galaxy S24 / S24+ / S24 Ultra

    My current work phone is an iPhone and I've used iPhones since iPhone 6 cause of work... The more I used it the more I'm open to the idea of if becoming my primary phone... Pretty disappointed in Samsung phones lately and I don't really see any other good options. Camera quality is especially...
  16. psy81

    Samsung Galaxy S24 / S24+ / S24 Ultra

    I'm feel exactly the same as you... My Note 20 Ultra still works flawlessly and love have the option of adding storage via SD card. I don't see any flagship phones using SD cards these days and I've been using only Galaxy phones since the S3. My screen is starting to show signs though as there...
  17. psy81

    Indiana Jones videogame teased by Bethesda

    You can find it on Steam... I already added to my Wishlist
  18. psy81

    New Mass Effect Game

    Fingers crossed they pull a rabbit out of the hat and make a good Mass Effect game. No game has come close to the original trilogy for me. Never been so immersed in a game... Anyone remember this amazing ME3 themed PC back in the day...
  19. psy81

    AI Accelerator Cards in Desktops?

    Based on recent developments and Microsoft's move to integrate AI into Windows it looks like in the near future we will have AI Accelerator Cards in our PCs or not, who knows. Maybe Nvidia will just buy up these startups and integrate this into their GPUs. What do you guys think of this...
  20. psy81

    Scary Games thread

    I'm surprised no one has mentioned Dead Space... I haven't played the remake but the original Dead Space had great sound effects, some good jump scares and tense moments.
  21. psy81

    Post Pics of your SLI or Crossfire Builds (I know its dead)

    Bad Company 2 was one of my favourite games... had a good campaign too and yes good SLI support!
  22. psy81

    Post Pics of your SLI or Crossfire Builds (I know its dead)

    Those would have been pretty high end systems for its time... I'm sure it was a great space heater too!
  23. psy81

    Post Pics of your SLI or Crossfire Builds (I know its dead)

    SLI is dead but ppl have been using some workarounds... article on using multiple GPUs (not SLI) to gain performance:
  24. psy81

    The Post Your Old/Retro Builds Thread

    I stopped overclocking as well. I had overclocked my FX-8350 and 6700K for several years w/ after market cooling. I even P95 tested the overclock for hours to ensure it was stable but after so many years they became unstable and now they run at stock. I had an older FX-8350 which died on me...
  25. psy81

    The Post Your Old/Retro Builds Thread

    If I recall correctly, I overclocked both 470s in SLI (with stock cooling) by around 130MHz... One of the 470s died when I was playing Far Cry 3. I remember the fans were running super loud so I had to turn the volume up on the game and had a feeling the cards were being pushed a bit too...
  26. psy81

    Post Pics of your SLI or Crossfire Builds (I know its dead)

    Wow, that's a lot of SLI builds! I thought I had a lot with four but I'm clearly out of your league lol Did you keep all ur PCs? I have way too many computers at the moment... 4 PCs at my current place (one PC is in parts and not built) and 4 PCs at my parents home. I don't have the heart to...
  27. psy81

    Post Pics of your SLI or Crossfire Builds (I know its dead)

    I remember wanting this card really bad, I can't believe that was 15 years ago... I had a BFG GTX 275 at that time and replaced with GTX 470s and gave the 275 away to a friend. Unrelated I saw this article on using multiple GPUs (not SLI) to gain performance...
  28. psy81

    Post Pics of your SLI or Crossfire Builds (I know its dead)

    Wow that's alot of high end sli builds! I read SLI had diminishing returns the more cards added but 4-way SLI looks pretty impressive! I always wondered how hot the cards would get being stacked so close together like that.
  29. psy81

    Post Pics of your SLI or Crossfire Builds (I know its dead)

    Yeah the microstutter was annoying in some games I remember disabling SLI in some cases it was too much... But to your point, when it worked and was optimized it was awesome! I think alot of us stopped running SLI after the 1000 series as there was a clear lack of SLI support in the newer games...
  30. psy81

    Post Pics of your SLI or Crossfire Builds (I know its dead)

    Those are some sweet setups! I would have been super envious back in the day if I saw your setup. My buddy (RS_Surge) gave me his old Ti 4400 when he bought the 6800 and the Ti4400 was actually my first card that got me into PC gaming. I remember seeing him run the 6800 and being blown away...
  31. psy81

    Post Pics of your SLI or Crossfire Builds (I know its dead)

    Super clean! I love the look of the two 980s together! Lol@the 3080s... SLI was pretty much dead when the 1000 series cards come out. I remember regretting buying two 1070s shortly after buying them after finding that most new games were no longer supporting SLI.
  32. psy81

    Post Pics of your SLI or Crossfire Builds (I know its dead)

    Those are some sweet builds! My friend had the 6800GT when I first got into PC gaming and I remember it was a beast! Being a poor student with no money during this time I was stuck gaming on a PS2 reading Maximum PC and hoping to build a gaming PC. I miss seeing cold cathode lighting from back...
  33. psy81

    The Post Your Old/Retro Builds Thread

    Yes I knew someone would point this out. This pic was taken many years ago and was using left over parts. It now has 2 sticks for a total of 8GB of DDR3.
  34. psy81

    Post Pics of your SLI or Crossfire Builds (I know its dead)

    Although SLI and Crossfire is from a bygone era lets play homage to the days where u could add 2, 3, 4, etc cards... Started my SLI journey with GTX 470s, 670s, 970s and 1070s. Note: GTX 970s were a recent purchase and didn't buy them on release. I miss this time... Although SLI was a hit and...
  35. psy81

    The Post Your Old/Retro Builds Thread

    Not sure if this counts as retro enough but according to the rules Phenom or older so I think I'm good. This PC is still running strong from 2010 (see sig: Phenom II 965 + GTX 580). The GTX 580 was added later but was originally paired with GTX 275; later replaced with GTX 470 and added another...
  36. psy81

    Will you jump on 40xx Super Video cards or would you rather wait for 50xx series to come out?

    I'm guessing NVIDIA will raise the price of RTX 5080 by $200 over the RTX 4080. Sadly this seems the trend. I don't think NVIDIA is worried if the ppl buy less gaming cards... they make a killing selling their A100 cards anyways. AMD is no threat. ATI was more competitive and based on this...
  37. psy81

    Will you jump on 40xx Super Video cards or would you rather wait for 50xx series to come out?

    8700K vs the 13700K is a significant bump. Being that 4080 Super hasn't released yet no one can tell you how well it will perform but based on specs it looks like it will be small bump over the 4080. RTX 3080 w/ 10GB vs RTX 4080 w/ 16GB is about double the performance thanks to DLSS 3.5 and...
  38. psy81

    Asus Hyperion

    I have a HAF-X and its not light. Weighs 31lbs (case alone) and the side panel and interior is all metal. Side panels alone are pretty heavy.
  39. psy81

    Your most played games?

    I typically beat a game and never go back to it so for me to go back to a game that I've already beaten it would have to be pretty extraordinary. Games below aren't necessarily my favourite games just games I played the most... MVP Baseball 2005 - played 5+ full seasons. I still play this game...