Post Pics of your SLI or Crossfire Builds (I know its dead)

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This was my first and last SLI setup. Dual GTX1080ti on X99 platform and a i7 5960X. I figured this would be a good rig for VR, boy was I wrong. SLI was only worse in VR than a single GPU.

I ended up removing one of the cards and putting it in my HTPC rig. SLI was so disappointing with the micro-stutters or just simply not working at all.

The only positive outcomes were that I got to put a 1080ti in my HTPC and the enormous PSU I had to buy to power it (a 1200w Seasonic) is still going strong and has plenty of juice to power my current RTX4090 rig.

Edit: correction, this was my second SLI rig, my first being GTX980ti in the same rig.
You came to late to the party. The 1080ti was the last SLI setup I put together. Had been doing SLI systems for years. I dumped the second GPU and have been single card since.
You came to late to the party. The 1080ti was the last SLI setup I put together. Had been doing SLI systems for years. I dumped the second GPU and have been single card since.
Same. My GTX 1080 Ti's were the very last ones I bought and I had been doing them since the GeForce 6800 Ultra days. I also had the Voodoo 2 SLI 12MB SLI setup back in the day. When the RTX 2080 Ti came out, it wasn't as fast as my GTX 1080 Ti setup in all cases but it provided an overall smoother and more headache free gaming experience.

980ti strix sli, crap pic
^^ gorgeous ^^ I love me a good black and red theme. You should have painted the Nvidia logo on the SLI bridge heh.
I'm not sure I ever took any pics of mine. I've never been into the whole "pretty case" thing. I miss the old all aluminum Lian-Li cases with no window. At any rate I built a rig with 2xGTX 680 4GB and an i7-3820 in 2012-2013 to drive 3x1440p screens in surround. Running at that res was iffy and I often had to drop to one screen, but Skyrim was glorious at 7680x1440.
Wow.. blast from the past.. these were 7900gts with some aftermarket air cooling... DFI expert nforce4

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Water cooled 7800 GTX's same DFI expert nf4 board ... topless opteron cpu ..
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Man I loved watercooling these.. so much fun and looked so sweet.
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GTX470's overclocked within a limit of their life.. and performed flawlessly for years... the heat that came out of my Koolance external cooler when I launched a game was insane. lol! Intel x58 platform.
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I had SLI from 6800gt's up until my 980's.. then when I got a 1080 I gave it up. I could run TW3 at 4k on a single card well enough lol.

In related news I found this shirt TODAY! In a tote while cleaning the garage.. crazy timing on this thread.

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Edit. My old 3ghz topless opty..

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0550VPMW legendary for overclocking at the time.

DFI ns4 sli expert board (still have the board)
fsb @ 300
HTT multi @ 3x
CPU muli @ 10x (vcore @ 1.52 + 104% over VID ~=~ 1.52 actual vcore)
DDR @ 166/200 (vdim @ 2.75 w/ cas2.5-3-3-6 1t)
Fucking Peak O/Cing Fun right hear. Thanks for sharing. I briefly ran GTX 465's soft modded into 470's in SLI. Man the heat it generated
Like many others here, my first foray into mGPU was with dual 6800 GTs. My most ludicrous SLI rig was an x58 with Tri-SLI GTX 480s, or perhaps Crossfire 295x2s.

The ones I recall paying the most dividends in performance and literally in a sense were 8800 GTX SLI and Crossfire 5870s.

I may need to go back to my Photobucket account to dig up pics LOL
I wish I had pics. My one and only SLI rig were 2 Geforce 6800 Non-Ultras. The PCI Express re-released versions. I bought them on Ebay as Dell system pulls.
Paired with an socket 939 Athlon 64. 2 gigs of RAM for Battlefield 2.

It was cool. But, could also be a pain.
Fucking Peak O/Cing Fun right hear. Thanks for sharing. I briefly ran GTX 465's soft modded into 470's in SLI. Man the heat it generated
I just saw this lol. Yeah those were the days. I haven't enjoyed the PC hobby as much (not including gaming) nearly as much since those days...
SR-2 when it was running in 2012.
This was a cruncher but after RMA'ing two sets of 590s, I had enough and sold them and bought 6GB Titans and SLI'd those.
The dual 590 arrangement was actually quad SLI.

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good ol' memory lane.....

this was an i7-2600k, 8GB Crucial ballistix and CROSSFIRED HD6950's.
2-way and 3-way for a short while. dual cards ran great, however I wasn't happy with 3-way.
Seems like I didn't have the lanes on that setup to run more then 2 cards. Think cards 2 and 3 went to x4 lanes, if I recall correctly.

Got rid of the 6950s for two GTX 780s, when they dropped. Was ticked off when the GTX 780ti came out not long after :D


So for the next round, held off and picked up two GTX 980ti's. Always went founder edition cause blower cards were pretty solid for exhausting air out of the case.


I will have to dig around cause I know I have more pics.
I upgraded platforms while I had the GTX 980s, went to x99 during that time, and ran 1080ti's in SLI for a long time.
SR-2 when it was running in 2012.
This was a cruncher but after RMA'ing two sets of 590s, I had enough and sold them and bought 6GB Titans and SLI'd those.
The dual 590 arrangement was actually quad SLI.
Damn dual socket cpu in quad sli is ridiculous... this must have costed a small fortune even for 2012. I think PC building has become a lot more tamer in recent years. No SLI and I can't recall seeing any recent consumer grade motherboards that support dual socket cpus
good ol' memory lane.....

this was an i7-2600k, 8GB Crucial ballistix and CROSSFIRED HD6950's.
2-way and 3-way for a short while. dual cards ran great, however I wasn't happy with 3-way.
Seems like I didn't have the lanes on that setup to run more then 2 cards. Think cards 2 and 3 went to x4 lanes, if I recall correctly.

Got rid of the 6950s for two GTX 780s, when they dropped. Was ticked off when the GTX 780ti came out not long after :D

So for the next round, held off and picked up two GTX 980ti's. Always went founder edition cause blower cards were pretty solid for exhausting air out of the case.

I will have to dig around cause I know I have more pics.
I upgraded platforms while I had the GTX 980s, went to x99 during that time, and ran 1080ti's in SLI for a long time.
Nice and super clean!

I have the Haf-X too and still in use today. I replaced the stock side panel w/ one from the 932 which had the acrylic window. Haf-X keeps everything nice and cool but needs to be dusted regularly. I have fan controller so typically turn off the twoX200mm fans at the top which helps with the dust. Otherwise, it like a vacuum.
Damn dual socket cpu in quad sli is ridiculous... this must have costed a small fortune even for 2012. I think PC building has become a lot more tamer in recent years. No SLI and I can't recall seeing any recent consumer grade motherboards that support dual socket cpus
Yes and constantly replacing/upgrading blocks due to plating issues didn't help. Finally settled for EK bare copper CPU blocks and MIPS chipset/VRM blocks, also bare copper. EK and Bitspower blocks had nickel plating issues and downtime because of that wasn't acceptable. Box was running 24/7 at full load on CPU/GPU for years. Power draw from wall over 1.2kW. Cooling handled by four MORA pro fan coil rads (12 140mm fans each) with an Iwaki RD30 pump pushing it all. Coolant temperature same as ambient. CPU core temp 55C, GPU temp 40C. 48GB RAM was also a lot for 2011 when the system was designed/built. The laptop I'm typing this on has 128GB! Funny how that happens.

The SR-2 was epic indeed. SR-X was a disappointment chiefly due to the locked multis on those Xeons. Would love to see a new SR series based on two or four way EPYC but that's about as much of fantasy as having a pet dragon with EVGA circling the drain. Not to mention the power draw and cooling requirements.
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