Asus X670E-E BIOS 1003

No issues thus far. Installed this yesterday and made all my normal BIOS value changes with no problems. It's worth noting that this one warns you that you can't go back to older BIOS versions when you install it. I don't think I've seen that warning for previous versions. It also reboots the system once during the BIOS update and continues updating. I don't think I've noticed that before, either.
Any idea why?
Weird, I never got that warning when I updated to 2007.

I can attest that 2007 appears to be stable and not experiencing any instability. Early on it was a challenge getting my memory running at the rated speed but it appears that Asus has got their act together.
I spoke too soon. DOCP Profile does not appear to be working for me anymore.

When I restart Windows the PC will "sometimes" turn off and then turn back on (not normal for the PC to turn off and on when restarting Windows 11). When I boot into Windows, the memory goes back to the stock speed of 4800MHz.

This was happening here and there (not all the time) and normally the PC will stay on when restarting Windows in which case the memory runs at the rated speed via DOCP profile.

I was previously on 1516 which was stable on DOCP for many months and all of a sudden this started happening. Updated to 2007 and the issue appeared to go away only to come back later...

Currently setting the memory speed to 5600MHz manually and everything else set to automatic with looser timings and it appears stable for now...
Update: system is stable when in Windows no BSODs and never had issues when turning off the PC and later back on.

Issues arise whenever I "restart" my PC as the PC will sometimes turn off and then back on and then run the memory at the default 4800MHz instead DOCP settings. When I go back into my bios, the bios will show its on DOCP settings.

It happens maybe once ever 5-7 "restarts". I decided to load the optimized default settings to see if it would run stable and the same off and on when restarting occurred periodically which is new. The RAM is rated for 5600MHz and on the QVL list. This off and on when restarting is a new phenomenon and only started maybe 2-3 months ago.

Bios is currently latest 2007 and prior it was on 1516. 1516 was stable and no issues for many months but it was 1516 this issue started happening and carried over to 2007.

I purchased another set memory kit on the QVL list (48GB@6000Mhz) thinking maybe the issue is with the memory. Q-codes on the motherboard was always 15 with the orange light followed by C5 which based on my internet search pointed to memory issues.

Well same thing happened after testing PC with the new memory kit on the 7th restart so now I know its not the memory. I tried reseating my CPU, GPU, memory (pushed in for both clicks top and bottom), memory is the correct slots (2nd and 4th from the CPU) and I'm at the end of my rope.

I contacted Asus who offered to RMA the MB since my warranty is good until October of 2025. I'm on the fence whether I shoud RMA the MB as I'm hoping the next bios update will resolve this issue.

Anyone have any thoughts on what I should do.... I think I've done about everything I could do with respect to troubleshooting except swapping the CPU...
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