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  1. F

    Best Buy Employee Fired For Tackling Shoplifter

    The same kind that tackles a running shoplifter.
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    Best Buy Employee Fired For Tackling Shoplifter

    Well unless he leaves the store with the merchandise, it's not actually stealing and it's not a crime.
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    Idea ‘Theft’ Rampant in Mobile Gaming

    You can't "own" an idea. That's stupid. Thus, you can't steal them either. The idea (!) that you can actually steal ideas (remember, stealing only occurs if you deprive the owner of something) doesn't make any sense. If someone copies (not steals, as that isn't possible) your idea, you still...
  4. F

    MPAA Shuts Down Another 29 File Sharing Sites

    fixed: Nothing about what those sites did was actually illegal. And those sites weren't just taken down, the domain names were seized and acquired, with no due process and with no illegal activity taking place, all by a private company. They basically got the site taken down because they didn't...
  5. F

    MPAA Shuts Down Another 29 File Sharing Sites

    Nothing about what those sites did was actually legal. And those sites weren't just taken down, the domain names were seized and acquired, with no due process and with no illegal activity taking place, all by a private company. They basically got the site taken down because they didn't...
  6. F

    MS Crossing the Line by Pushing Security Essentials?

    lol next thing we'll hear is that Microsoft had no business mandating Windows Firewall with XPSP2!! Comon' ppls, firewall/AV software should just be built into any OS worth it's salt. Of course, it should be able to be disabled or removed from initial OS install if you wish, but it should be...
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    80% of Television Viewed in SD

    According to Google, "most" is a quantifier meaning the greatest in number. In this case, those with HDTV's are greater that those without.
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    GameStop Pulls 'Medal Of Honor' From Stores On Base

    It really is insensitive, and many of my friends who I've asked (all armed forces) concur that it's a jackass move. For one, It's condescending to them because it makes them feel like they think they are little babies who need to have their hands held through life, who can't take the...
  9. F

    GameStop Pulls 'Medal Of Honor' From Stores On Base

    Astonishing? Really? Why, exactly, would it be "astonishing" to you? I would like it'd be expected. Really, your naivete is the only "astonishing" around here.
  10. F

    GameStop Pulls 'Medal Of Honor' From Stores On Base

    This is outrageous. This is incredibly insensitive of Gamestop (or whoever is making them do this). It's like they are trying to pretend that the Taliban don't exist or aren't real. This is downright insulting to the men and women who defend us from real terrorists every day.
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    Corsair Launches High Performance USB Headset for Gamers

    Why does it have to be USB? God forbid I want to use it for my mp3 player once in a while...
  12. F

    Why Big Companies Almost Never Notice Disruptive Innovation

    Or lack of profit. If a company is making bank, they have no incentive to innovate. And they don't. We see that all the time in real life. It's only when profits start to drop that they start to innovate. See record labels, newspapers, or just about any dying company. They didn't do a single...
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    Computer to TV video output

    Ok, I looked but I can't see anything in the CCC that enables component output... do the cables have to be connected first or something? Or maybe I'm just missing it somehow. I really find it hard to believe that the 5850 isn't able to do this, when previous cards can...
  14. F

    DiRT 2 Demo DX11 Performance and IQ Preview @ [H]

    I had a hard time finding it as well. Go to options, then scroll though the settings all the way down. It's the last setting.
  15. F

    DiRT 2 Demo DX11 Performance and IQ Preview @ [H]

    Not very exciting, really. I've been playing the full game and honestly DX11 v. DX9 in this game is moot. I can't really tell the difference when actually racing. Now if you analyze screenshots or are specifically looking for something, you'll the differences. However DX11 doesn't improve the...
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    Computer to TV video output

    Thanks for the info. I'll have to go over those threads. Hopefully the 5850 can output component signal.
  17. F

    Computer to TV video output

    I currently have an HD 5850, which has DVI, HDMI, and DisplayPort outputs. I would like to output my display to an older TV I have. It only has component, s-video and composite inputs. Is it possible to do this? What would be the cheapest combination of cables/converters to accomplish this...
  18. F 5850/5870 Pre-Order tracking thread

    Well I got my Sapphire 5850 from Amazon yesterday (ordered 10/29/09).
  19. F 5850/5870 Pre-Order tracking thread

    Well, I just got a notice from that my Sapphire 5850 has shipped. Ordered on 10/29/09. Got a tracking number, too, so everything looks to be in order.
  20. F 5850/5870 Pre-Order tracking thread

    As an update, my order for a Sapphire 5850 placed on 10/29 is currently in "Shipping Soon" mode. It says it can't be canceled, and they've placed a temporary authorization on my credit card. I assume this means it could ship today. Pretty excited. There's been a number of games that I have that...
  21. F 5850/5870 Pre-Order tracking thread

    Sorry, Amazon raised the price on all of it's 5800 models. You'll get the pre-order for whatever the current price is.
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    O 5800, 5800, Wherefor Art Thou 5800?

    Ok, I've got my tin foil hat on, but does anyone know if Amazon is obligated to fulfill their orders on a first come first serve basis? Do you think Amazon is giving priority to users who bought at the higher price? I say this because about a week ago I saw that the sapphire card was in stock...
  23. F 5850/5870 Pre-Order tracking thread

    model: sapphire 5850 date pre-ordered: Oct 29 shipping estimate: Nov 17 - Nov 30 date shipped: n/a price: $259.99
  24. F

    58 Series Availability

    I'm not sure what it may mean, but Amazon has been dropping the price of Sapphire card today. Yesterday it was at $329. This morning it was at $308, and now it's down to $277.05.