O 5800, 5800, Wherefor Art Thou 5800?


Just Plain Mean
Staff member
May 18, 1997
O 5800, 5800, Wherefor Art Thou 5800? - Rumors are rampant and the BS is deep when it comes to AMD and its 5800 series GPU being able to be actually purchased on a video card. HardOCP aims to get some straight answers to let our readers know what this should mean to you and how it could impact your 5800 series video card purchase.
I know I've said this in a few posts but I'll say it again. Damn you TSMC! I'm looking to upgrade by December and was hoping for lower prices on the 5850, but I'd be happy if they just kept at MSRP
Thanks for putting this out Kyle.

Good to know that the [H] is looking out for its readers. This has been a fiasco over at the forums.
Kyle, what about the availability of dual GPU 5XXX series card? 5900 or 5780 X2 or whatever they are to be called. Do you "think" we'll see them before years end?
Kyle, what about the availability of dual GPU 5XXX series card? 5900 or 5780 X2 or whatever they are to be called. Do you "think" we'll see them before years end?

Yes, assuredly.
so i guess the 5800 video card will be the wii this christmas. a ton of hype, but cant be found anywhere. i am not getting one till the price drops.
so i guess the 5800 video card will be the wii this christmas. a ton of hype, but cant be found anywhere. i am not getting one till the price drops.
you might be waiting quite a while. I think alot of folks are expecting same price situation as when the 4800's got released. There won't be any serious price decreases until there is a need for it, and that is when there is competition. Even when supplies are satisfactory, you'll probably just see the price go back down to msrp, give or take 5%
Has anyone seen an Amazon pre-order become fulfilled? I've had my 5850 pre-ordered for nearly a month. Is there any indication that the pre-orders are shipping?
I already know where my 5870 is... it's sitting nice and comfy in my new i7 build. Got it at Fry's Eletronics for 399, was feeling a bit annoyed then for paying premium +tax, however now with the shortage, not so annoyed.
This is pretty crazy stuff.........
I got mine by simply being in the right place at the right time.......
Got a restock message from newegg one afternoon and hurried over and placed the order.......they were gone within 5 minutes......and have not seen any for sale since.:eek:

In fact, I haven't seen a 5870 card in stock on newegg for almost two weeks.......where are these "tens of thousands" of cards????

For once, jumping in head first on a new product was a good idea.

Thanks, Kyle for the update.
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I know I'm a jerk for saying this but I'm sure glad I didn't hesitate on ordering my 5850 the day they launched. XFX for MSRP = win, apparently. It's a shame that TSMC's shortcomings are holding an otherwise awesome product launch back. Wonder how long it will be before the 5800 series street prices come back down to the original MSRPs? :(
Thank god I jumped on one when I did! Ordered mine from newegg on 10/1 and had a little bit of buyers remorse for paying $259, but not anymore! I'm just glad I got my hands on one when I did and for MSRP.
After this, I'm hoping ATi and nVidia consider looking elsewhere for their next gen of cards. Global Foundries is taking orders for 32nm chips for early next year, so that is promising.

I think a large part of the problem is that TSMC decided to jump off the ITRS roadmap in an attempt to have the smallest process on the market. Ok well it worked in that they are doing 40nm when basically everyone else is doing 45nm, but there's a reason for this node setup: You don't make chips in a vacuum, there are lots of companies that make different products needed to do this. As such, it is useful for them to all work towards a common goal. When one fab decides they want something different, especially smaller than has been done before, well that can lead to things maybe not working so well as they should.

That would seem to be what happened here. I'm not annoyed for TSMC trying to bring on a better technology, but I am annoyed at them not testing it properly and/or overselling it. I'd much rather have 45nm graphics cards that I could get than 40nm graphics cards that seem to be as much theory as reality to me (I keep hearing about them, but I've never seen one, or seen one I could buy).

I are annoyed :p
Thx for the info! :) I really want to upgrade this 9800 GTX, but if I have to wait I just have to wait. At least we have some reliable information about what's going on. I think I'll just wait on my Amazon preorder. No point in checking 15 websites every 10 mins for imaginary stock. :D

In fact, I haven't seen a 5870 card in stock on newegg for almost two weeks.......where are these "tens of thousands" of cards????

Then look elsewhere. Newegg is hardly the be all and end all of component shopping. Especially with their pricing and shipping.
Judging by this thread, ATi is definitely in a poor spot, volume-wise, but a good spot from the perspective of average-market-prices. How often (in any market) does one hear the words "I'm glad I paid MSRP for mine while I could!".
Judging by this thread, ATi is definitely in a poor spot, volume-wise, but a good spot from the perspective of average-market-prices. How often (in any market) does one hear the words "I'm glad I paid MSRP for mine while I could!".

Judging by this thread, ATi is definitely in a poor spot, volume-wise, but a good spot from the perspective of average-market-prices. How often (in any market) does one hear the words "I'm glad I paid MSRP for mine while I could!".

It's not such a great argument when you're selling zero boards at 40 dollars over MSRP and selling 10,000 boards a week at MSRP. ;)

Meanwhile you just gave Nvidia some "artificial breathing room" to delay their tech.
I'm experiencing a bit of deja' vu over the old vapor-ware "releases" of days of yore. Kyle, can we read into this excellent article an OEM bidding war for available product, combined with the retailers that get their hands on a few taking advantage of the demand and hitting the end-user with higher-than-MSRP prices, or are the retailers paying a few dollars more from the mfg. for the few cards they do get on allocation?
I'm experiencing a bit of deja' vu over the old vapor-ware "releases" of days of yore. Kyle, can we read into this excellent article an OEM bidding war for available product, combined with the retailers that get their hands on a few taking advantage of the demand and hitting the end-user with higher-than-MSRP prices, or are the retailers paying a few dollars more from the mfg. for the few cards they do get on allocation?

The sword of capitalism cuts both ways, right?
I'm glad I jumped on my pair of 5870s when the Egg had them.
Thanks for nothing AMD! Atleast I'm happily gaming on the 5770, even though it was my SECOND choice. Maybe I'll upgrade again later when the 5850's are abundant - mid 2010 I presume?
Thanks for nothing AMD! Atleast I'm happily gaming on the 5770, even though it was my SECOND choice. Maybe I'll upgrade again later when the 5850's are abundant - mid 2010 I presume?

CrossFire time for you?
Then look elsewhere. Newegg is hardly the be all and end all of component shopping. Especially with their pricing and shipping.

mwave.com-none,Tiger-direct-none,Fry's-by mail-none,Amazon-none,NCIX-US-none, there is ONE on ebay........................;)

newegg was an example.:eek:

I got one of mine from Fry's for full MSRP, the other was from the egg at 10 dollars less, both are XFX.

I don't have much in the way of electronics retail where I live, that isn't over 100 miles away.......so for me, e-tail is it.
It's too bad that such an excellent product is nearly non-existant............hopefully the next two weeks see more product.

If you have other sources that I can look at to order product for the future, feel free.
(yes I occasionally use Directron and Provantage)
Great article Kyle, this kind of communication directly from quality company reps simply cannot be beat.

Any kind of hint on when we normals can get our hands on those 9.12 betas?!!?
Although you could probably argue the usage, I don't think your "quote" of Shakespeare is appropriate. I think your intent and the implication is to be asking literally "where are all the 5800 cards?", but it's a common misconception that that's what "wherefore" means. It actually is more of a synonym for "why".

In Shakespeare, Juliet's asking why Romeo has to be a Montague and as such, a familial enemy. She is asking him to disassociate himself from his father and lineage, to literally "refuse his name" of Montague. Or, if not, then just swear to be Juliet's love and she'll relieve herself of the Capulet surname.

While I appreciate the article and information, I don't think the quote is particularly apt - especially espousing that you'll no longer be a gamer - whereas Juliet was trying to bring herself and Romeo together.
I'm glad I jumped on my pair of 5870s when the Egg had them.

I'm glad I decided to wait until both Nvidia and Intel have released their next-gen parts, and TSMC's have gotten their act together. ;) Then I'll be ready to pick up my 5850 for <$199 where it should have been in the first place (just like the 4850 when it launched).
In a similar article on Anandtech the AMD guy told them the MSRP is officially going up on the 5850. (it isn't just retailers charging more than MSRP)

Here's the link and quote:
"After our latest round of price checks, we talked with AMD about the situation and asked them if there was any truth to the rumor of an official price hike. The news is not good: 5850 prices are officially going up. AMD is citing supply issues of components (including memory) amidst the heavy demand for the 5850, and ultimately deciding to pass the cost on to the consumer."
kyle you probably has like 4 of each one by now even some of that have not even released yet ;)
Has anyone seen an Amazon pre-order become fulfilled? I've had my 5850 pre-ordered for nearly a month. Is there any indication that the pre-orders are shipping?

Ok, I've got my tin foil hat on, but does anyone know if Amazon is obligated to fulfill their orders on a first come first serve basis? Do you think Amazon is giving priority to users who bought at the higher price? I say this because about a week ago I saw that the sapphire card was in stock for a few mins. But why would Amazon ever have any available for order like that if they have a huge backlog of orders to go through?

Take a look here http://www.hardforum.com/showthread.php?t=1467271. Every unfulfilled order here is at the msrp. My theory is that when it became obvious that the price was gonna jump, Amazon stockpiled and then shipped what they could to the people who bought at the inflated price.
Across the sea, far north...

The prices have declined.

And the stock...
Well, i checked the 4 biggest, none stock. all unknown delivery, there was once i thought about ordering( was at work) a damn user came in and had then to fix a damn issue.
15 minutes later those 100+ was gone.

Now ive been waiting roughly 3 weeks(or more), i have ordered tho at all 4 places, and i cancel all except the first to give me one or two.!
The problem, i want TWO!.
I'm glad I decided to wait until both Nvidia and Intel have released their next-gen parts, and TSMC's have gotten their act together. ;) Then I'll be ready to pick up my 5850 for <$199 where it should have been in the first place (just like the 4850 when it launched).

I like to live on the edge. When the NV parts come out I'll sell my 5870s and buy two NV cards for SLI.
I like to live on the edge. When the NV parts come out I'll sell my 5870s and buy two NV cards for SLI.

I agree.
If the "Fermi" is badass, then I'll do the same.

I did that with my 4870 X2s........traded 'em for GTX 285s.....also some other reasons.

I am very pleased with the drivers so far for my 5870s.......much smoother than the X2s.:D
At this rate, I may get a Fermi. In general I'm an nV fan, I've just had better luck with them overall. However I'm not opposed to ATi. Well I decided I'd like a 5870, they look good to me since they not only give me better performance but seem to do so at about the same thermal amount, which is nice. My system puts out enough heat as is.

However, it is just impossible to buy one. So we'll see. If Fermi launches before I can find the 5870 I want, I'll probably get a Fermi. I'm not willing to play the game of having to check multiple sites multiple times a day and hop I can get in the 5 minute window when you can buy something.
Sorry guys, but "wherefore" doesn't mean "where" and it never has.

Wherefore = why

Seriously, this is a schoolboy error. I'm not being picky, but how can you NOT realise this? I mean, it's pretty obvious given the context anyway if you re-read Shakespeare's works.

Maybe this will help you out in the future before you misquote some more:

Thanks for the update. You guys always have the pulse on the enthusiast.

My real frustration has been etailers showing and stating they have stock when they in fact don't, all while charging you. I can sympathize with AMD to an extent for being at the whim of a single foundry; I can't sympathize with etailers who take you're money knowing they can't provide goods in return.

As for the semantic misstep, I'd argue that the connotation of the phrase "wherefore" has come to mean "where" in the modern lexicon. The problem is similar to the understood meaning of the phrase "it begs the question" when opposed to its historical meaning. I suppose it comes down to whether you have a prescriptive or descriptive perspective on language...