GameStop Pulls 'Medal Of Honor' From Stores On Base

Why can't they just let the soldiers decide for their own? If they are offended by that theme, then they will just stay away from the game, but at least they have a choice.

Same goes for those politicians who complain about the game. They are acting as if everyone is forced to play the game.
I'm pissed that we allow GameStop, the Taliban of video game retailers, to price gouge on our severely underpaid troops.
I'm pissed that we allow GameStop, the Taliban of video game retailers, to price gouge on our severely underpaid troops.

Odds are the prices aren't the same, have you ever shopped on base? My Marine reservist buddies supply the booze for parties, WAY cheaper on base.
The class six is cheaper because there is no federal and state sales taxes thats 30% of the price anyway...

As for the game... I dont give a got damn... Politics in play here... 10 years in the service and I sure the hell am not offended by a fucking silly game.
First off, no one buys games from the PX/BX anymore, unless your restricted and stuck on post lol. You can always find it cheaper, even at some gamestops. As for gamestops, most larger posts I've been stationed have them. Much more common than subways for whoever said that by the way lol. The MG madwe the call regarding PX/BX only it seems, and Gamestop is just following suit.

As for things being cheaper, not always. 2 good things about buying on post tho, no taxes and price matching. It used to be the PX was much cheaper than the competitors, but now not always so. The good part is that you can bring in a coupon or print ad and they'll match, and then no tax, so it is cheaper. Movies are always overpriced tho, and most electronics are too, price matching is a necesity some times. As for class 6, $8 and change for a large bottle of everclear FTW!! Also, cigs are much cheaper, no federal tax. State minimums still apply tho. I got a carton of PM Menthol's for 23$ in TN, but out in NJ they were over 50 fucking dollars. Fucking Ft. Dix...

Anyways, coming up on my 5 year here soon (Army, best damn choice of my life so far), I hate when pussies and politics call the shots for us but thats part of the job. I just think it's bullshit that we take our top orders from a fucking limp dick that has never served in the military and has no idea what he's doing, but that's for gen may another day...
Odds are the prices aren't the same, have you ever shopped on base? My Marine reservist buddies supply the booze for parties, WAY cheaper on base.

Gamestops on bases still sell games for 59.99 and used games are 55 for newer releases just like off base. I'm pretty sure they still take taxes out too just like Burger King. I'm not even sure why they allowed Gamefail to even be on bases they steal basically all sales from the Powerzone's game sales.

I wish I could retire and be in charge of that division of AAFES. I'd stock the stuff people want and not crap.

Care to post any poll(s) indicating that? The brass are trying to stop the possibility of this stirring up trouble and are sadly doing exactly that by pulling the game. I am a vet and honestly don't disagree, although I think the decision is a bit hasty and should have probably gone on a store-by-store basis or at least have gotten some input from the troops themselves.

Well with all of my troops and people in my unit they are more pissed at them more than anything. They have to pay sales tax now, when if AAFES had had it in the PX they wouldn't have.

The main demographic of people they are saying this could effect are combat arms and that's just stupid. Actually thinking about it they probably did this for the families of soldiers injured/killed more than anything.

It would be interesting to see the sales numbers from the Powerzone over the past 8 years or so, because war games probably top the list.
but are optimistic that they will understand the sensitivity to the life and death scenarios this product presents as entertainment. As a military command with a retail mission, we serve a very unique customer base that has, or possibly will, witness combat in real life.

I'm one o the people affected by this and even I think it's patently stupid. This is only going to make sense if the pull every last game that depicts "life and death scenarios".

On the other hand, you don't want to undermine your troops' confidence by pointing out weaknesses in their armor. If they see themselves in the role of the troops getting killed (dumb premise, I know), then in theory they could see themselves as fallible. I suppose that's the reasoning they're using in justifying the ban.
I'm one o the people affected by this and even I think it's patently stupid. This is only going to make sense if the pull every last game that depicts "life and death scenarios".

On the other hand, you don't want to undermine your troops' confidence by pointing out weaknesses in their armor. If they see themselves in the role of the troops getting killed (dumb premise, I know), then in theory they could see themselves as fallible. I suppose that's the reasoning they're using in justifying the ban.

Oh no, a few Marines might stop and think about what they are doing before they gung-ho a door. I guess you know more about it than me Bob. I have never served in the armed forces. My wife was in the ARMY for a long time. She says a video game can't possibly affect her after having seen the things she has seen. She doesn't even care what the name of the enemy is. She never shot at any Taliban that I know of. She was in Baghdad for eight months as a medic.
No. And what exactly does that have to do with anything? Taliban isn't invading America now either, I don't even think they could if they wanted to. Both games still depict American soldiers dying, which is ultimately the core of it. I think it's hypocritical, especially when you can play as the "terrorist" side and kill american soldiers in multiplayer.

It's all petty is the point I'm making, I doubt most soldiers even care.

Also WOW is the same as this. As long as there are two sides each has to fall on one or the other.
I do most of my PC game shopping on Steam.

QFT. I'd rather buy it on steam in the first place with the satisfaction of knowing shit is going to work properly the first time around. No monkeying with installations that for some reason blow up for no reason. Plus I don't have to worry about discs and shit, I Can just redownload a game if needed, which I only do once because I create backups of games in a games folder on my computer anyways. I can uninstall and reinstall MW2 on a whim.

Also this is just military bases, big fucking deal. How many GameStop's are there in battlezones over in the middle east? To be honest I think it's kind of cool that they even have stores over there :p At least they're considerate and respectful enough to do this for those who DO actually have traumatic problems when serving our country. I mean, as always, it only takes a small amount of people to ruin things for the majority (boy that sounds ignorant).

ps- how bad of a retarded gamer do I sound with my use of the word "battlezones"? lol
On the other hand, you don't want to undermine your troops' confidence by pointing out weaknesses in their armor. If they see themselves in the role of the troops getting killed (dumb premise, I know), then in theory they could see themselves as fallible. I suppose that's the reasoning they're using in justifying the ban.

You're probably right, and the last thing GameStop wants to do is give troops the idea of the taliban having success in killing off soldiers.
I am all for the free speech/expression of the designers of MoH for putting the playable Taliban in their game.

I am also all for the freedom of anyone not to carry a game that offends them morally or ethically.

I am also also all for the freedom for consumers not to support the people who decide not to carry a certain game by shopping elsewhere.
On the other hand, you don't want to undermine your troops' confidence by pointing out weaknesses in their armor. If they see themselves in the role of the troops getting killed (dumb premise, I know), then in theory they could see themselves as fallible. I suppose that's the reasoning they're using in justifying the ban.
Something people haven't mentioned yet is that, in addition to Americans being killed by Taliban in the game, Taliban-looking dudes are killed without much thought by Americans. Our guys are already dealing with a lot of stress following strict rules of engagement in life or death situations. A little bit of desensitization in the right person at the right place and time could have very bad results.

Yes, it's just a game, and it's likely it would never have any actual effect. But any effects it would have wouldn't be detectable. The officers who made the decision, whether it's a good one or a bad one, are making it with the nation's best interest in mind. Hopefully people can at last appreciate that.

And, remember, it's just a game. If some soldiers or marines don't end up getting to play it because the command structure doesn't want them to, it's not the end of the world. Because it's just a game.
Currently serving over in Afghanistan right now. And I got to say the level of ignorance of you arm chair generals is pretty astonishing:(
Being able to see things from the Taliban's side can only help Coalition troops in Afghanistan.

Those in the military won't be offended by being able to play as Taliban in a videogame.

This is nothing more than a PR stunt for the civilian public.
Currently serving over in Afghanistan right now. And I got to say the level of ignorance of you arm chair generals is pretty astonishing:(
I don't doubt it at all. Please share any insight you have. Seriously.
Instead of pulling the game off the shelf, I suggest the following. Instead of allowing any random person to play as the Taliban. We limit the role to the most despicable and vile people that live amongst us in this great nation. Unfortunately there wouldn't be enough Politicians playing the game to fill the servers.
Instead of pulling the game off the shelf, I suggest the following. Instead of allowing any random person to play as the Taliban. We limit the role to the most despicable and vile people that live amongst us in this great nation. Unfortunately there wouldn't be enough Politicians playing the game to fill the servers.

Wouldn't be that hard to do. But games usually takes years to be ported to the mac.
What the hell does this have to do with anything? Games are not real, so what does it matter? I suppose you believe the plants in your yard are currently defending you from zombies too?

They're working so far.
It won't mean a thing to US based troops. I never shopped in the BX when I could get the same thing for a better price off base. And the BX is not all encompassing; there are plenty of things you HAVE to go off base to buy.
This is outrageous. This is incredibly insensitive of Gamestop (or whoever is making them do this). It's like they are trying to pretend that the Taliban don't exist or aren't real. This is downright insulting to the men and women who defend us from real terrorists every day.
Currently serving over in Afghanistan right now. And I got to say the level of ignorance of you arm chair generals is pretty astonishing:(

Astonishing? Really? Why, exactly, would it be "astonishing" to you? I would like it'd be expected. Really, your naivete is the only "astonishing" around here.
holy shit that game would be uber-popular with the military. or did they forget the parts where you can SHOOT THE TALBAN?
Posted via [H] Mobile Device
Currently serving over in Afghanistan right now. And I got to say the level of ignorance of you arm chair generals is pretty astonishing:(

I don't doubt it at all. Please share any insight you have. Seriously.

Share it up. But you have to remember that the only shit we hear about is what the government and news stations report. It's easy to be an "arm chair general" when we don't have half the info, or see any of the issues. You should be more astonished that we were allowed to get this way due to what is reported to us.
This is outrageous. This is incredibly insensitive of Gamestop (or whoever is making them do this). It's like they are trying to pretend that the Taliban don't exist or aren't real. This is downright insulting to the men and women who defend us from real terrorists every day.
Astonishing? Really? Why, exactly, would it be "astonishing" to you? I would like it'd be expected. Really, your naivete is the only "astonishing" around here.

I think you're using a lot of basic words in which you don't understand their meaning. I'm going to gear up for the warning I get when I call you a completely fucking ignorant jackass. If your life was actually on the line would you want thoughts passing through your mind thinking that, you know, you might just lose and get shitstomped by camel jockey scum? Yea they're real insensitive :rolleyes:
Germans are our allies, now. Taliban aren't.

So there are Russians troops invading America, now?

Guns kill people. Lets stop selling shooting games too. Running people over with cars and buying the service of a prostitution is illegal. Let's pull these games off the shelf too. You know what? Games distract people from school and work and socializing. So fuck it, lets ban games period.

(Don't go apeshit on me, gun supporters. This is pure sarcasm).

I don't see Gamestop supporting troop ideals at all, but rather insult their intelligence. If they truly believe that playing the Taliban was offensive, they'd remove the game from shelves, period. This is just a cheap publicity stunt.
It's confirmed. Medal Of Honor:Attack on Dick Cheney.
All Taliban members have been replaced w/ Mr. Cheney's head. Now we can classify these pixelated shootings as an accident.

Now we can all be rest assured that we won't hurt any feelings. Well.. except Mr. Cheney's maybe....
I think you're using a lot of basic words in which you don't understand their meaning. I'm going to gear up for the warning I get when I call you a completely fucking ignorant jackass. If your life was actually on the line would you want thoughts passing through your mind thinking that, you know, you might just lose and get shitstomped by camel jockey scum? Yea they're real insensitive :rolleyes:

It really is insensitive, and many of my friends who I've asked (all armed forces) concur that it's a jackass move.

For one, It's condescending to them because it makes them feel like they think they are little babies who need to have their hands held through life, who can't take the slightest offensive thing. These are people who literally kill for a living, and they are going to be offended by a little game? Yeah, it's insulting to think these soldiers need that kind of coddling.

And yes, it is ridiculous to think that "armchair generals" know what they are talking about. Hence the "armchair" designation. Therefore, to actually be surprised at their ignorance is, if nothing else, odd.
Wouldn't be that hard to do. But games usually takes years to be ported to the mac.

I fell out of my chair hahaha.

So what if the retail stores on the base don't want to stock it, not like you can order things online these days. :rolleyes:

Not to mention shouldn't the people defending our country and killing men and women on the far side of the world be hardened enough to handle a fuckin video game lmao?
I'm sure if it were up to Gamestop, they would sell the game at all of their locations, however when on military bases, they must conform to what AAFES wishes. And if some General in charge of AAFES wants to tell them they cannot sell the game at military installations, then their hands are tied. Seriously, do you think they would willingly give up potential sales if they weren't being forced to?
Something people haven't mentioned yet is that, in addition to Americans being killed by Taliban in the game, Taliban-looking dudes are killed without much thought by Americans. Our guys are already dealing with a lot of stress following strict rules of engagement in life or death situations. A little bit of desensitization in the right person at the right place and time could have very bad results.

Yes, it's just a game, and it's likely it would never have any actual effect. But any effects it would have wouldn't be detectable. The officers who made the decision, whether it's a good one or a bad one, are making it with the nation's best interest in mind. Hopefully people can at last appreciate that.

And, remember, it's just a game. If some soldiers or marines don't end up getting to play it because the command structure doesn't want them to, it's not the end of the world. Because it's just a game.

And there's the real problem I have with it. If they really don't want them playing it then outright ban them from doing so. Banning it's sale from base is stupid because they can still pick it up on the drive home. It's a fool's errand. Some General didn't like "those games" being sold on "his base" or in "his military" and put his stamp on a memo just because. That's really what's going on behind the scenes. Happens quite often when a new commander comes to a unit. Often changes a bunch of shit just to change it so it's their way and they can take credit for changing things, never mind the fact the way things were could have been working perfectly fine. High level officers have egos you wouldn't believe, and many have eyes on the prize, so changing shit and making command decisions for the hell of it looks good on their record.