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    Demonoid registration is now open!!!

    Thanks... Working Now :D
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    Demonoid registration is now open!!!

    sent you a pm cbliss1000, problems with the code. thanks
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    Demonoid registration is now open!!!

    can I get an invite too please?
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    My HTPC :D cajita chiquita!

    I did bought ultimate but at half price in ebay, and I do enjoy the build, it's fast enought to keep me happy I hate lags.
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    ripping blue-ray to mp4

    There is reason I want to reencode it's because when I use handbrake I almost the full size of the BD, that's why I want to reencode it to .mp4 or mkv it's fine as long I can cut the size of the movie to 10gb the most.
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    ripping blue-ray to mp4

    because I think when u want constat quality level the output of the file is the same as the source ?:confused:
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    ripping blue-ray to mp4

    I have about 60 BD movies I want to rip to .mp4 to save them in my WHS I would like to know the best setting to save them keeping 5.1 audio and a nice video quality with and final output file of 10gb at the most, right now I'm gonna use anydvd for the security of the bd's (if needed) but...
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    Good ripping software

    is there any way I can rip my BlueRay Disc into MP4 with 5.1 audio I want to rip my collection into MP4 but I want to keep the audio original to sound just like the real BD.
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    New Hive Logx mini-ITX HTPC/NAS/PB Case!

    nice little case but I think it cost too much $$:p
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    My HTPC :D cajita chiquita!

    Prime for about 6 hours
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    My HTPC :D cajita chiquita!

    like lowteckh just said it is enought for everything I do tv, blue-ray play, the system just draw 54 to 57wats while playing blue-ray.
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    My HTPC :D cajita chiquita!

    yes I do have WHS with 4tb so far and it works great wired with cat6 :)
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    Do any video cards do audio over 2 outputs?

    yes I used to use my pc as htpc as well in my bedroom and my monitor have build in speakers just like the tv, and the audio comes out of both the tv and my monitor.
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    Do any video cards do audio over 2 outputs?

    My Nvidia 9400 gt does that just fine.
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    Wireless through HD

    cool thanks
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    Wireless through HD

    I do have 2 linsys wrt300n both with dd-wrt the same conf. you have one client one bridge the client is in my bedroom with my htpc but still can't play 1080p 720p play so so but not great. perhaps you want to give me some more clear ways to tune the client bridge setup.
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    wd 1.5 green drive

    can you tell me how to do this shedule for demigrator, I have try to find in google how to do this but I just find discution about it and no how to solve the problem. I try to run demigrator in my server but it can't find the file.
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    Nvidia 9400gt TO Ati 5670

    I don't game the only thing I have interest is in picture quality while watching tv and blue-rays, I saw the spects and it have the ones I mention above that what I ment so say. right now I'm seen 2 cards one says Effective Memory Clock: 667x2MHz and the other one Effective Memory Clock...
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    Nvidia 9400gt TO Ati 5670

    I try to cancel the order, if it goes throught I'll get the 5450 and it looks like it have the same features as teh 5670 :eek:
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    Nvidia 9400gt TO Ati 5670

    I guess I'll have to return it I place the order early, now I wonder what do they mean by this terms since they are what make me think I will get better picture quality. ATI Avivo HD Video & Display technology7 UVD 2 dedicated video playback accelerator Integrated HDMI 1.3 output with...
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    Nvidia 9400gt TO Ati 5670

    Thanks for your reply I have some questions what is IGP? when you say ATI is suggested because of their features are you talking about this features? ATI Avivo HD Video & Display technology7 UVD 2 dedicated video playback accelerator Advanced post-processing and scaling8 Dynamic...
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    wd 1.5 green drive

    something like that came to my mind but not in that technical way, :mad: now I have to buy another drive what a pita
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    Wireless through HD

    I just bought one of the MoCA devices from the bay for $40 shipped now I'm wating to see if I can get another good deal.
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    wd 1.5 green drive

    how can perfmon affect in this? I really don't understand what do you mean by ( You can write a sceduled task to turn it on at midnight each day and off at 6am so it doesn't affect you)
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    Nvidia 9400gt TO Ati 5670

    I'm looking for improve quality while watching blue ray in my livingroom htpc I have a 50' samsung plasma. Right now I have a Nvidia 9400gt 512mb video card connected to my tv throught HDMI, I was thinking in buy this 5670. I use PowerDVD9. to play Blue-Ray what do you guys think.
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    wd 1.5 green drive

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    wd 1.5 green drive

    Before I used to be able to play a mk file or bd-disk and copy files to the WHS withouth any problem the problem start after I installed this drive. my network is 1gps in all my pc's but the one in my bedroom.
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    wd 1.5 green drive

    This is the one I have Anyone here can help me out please?
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    wd 1.5 green drive

    I'm having a problem with my WHS and I'm almost sure it's because of the new hard drive western digital Green 1.5tb I installed in my whs because I was running out of space just have about 30% left before I install this drive. And now if I'm watching a movie in my htpc from the server I can't...
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    Wireless through HD

    I been reading about MoCA and I like the idea, criccio is gonna help me out with this. I will let you know how it goes.
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    Wireless through HD

    How do u set the buffer in a video player?
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    Wireless through HD

    I have all my BD backedup as ISO's in my WHS I use MEDIABROWSER FOR THEM now the tv-series I watch some of them are in blue-ray MKV rips.
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    Wireless through HD

    Yes I'm sorry for my spelling and grammatical errors I just move to USA about 2 years ago
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    Wireless through HD

    is there any solution to transfer HD throught wireless? I have a WHS and a livingroom htpc connected with cat6 everything works fine my HD movies and everything is in my WHS but now I have a htpc in my room and there is no way I can get it hardwire four a couple of reasons (I rent an...
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    How to Uninstall Intel INF drivers?

    thanks, I went to device mananger click onto of the ssd and when I saw the drivers it says Microsoft. :confused:
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    Ripping Blu Rays

    can you please explaing how do you accomplish this? what software do you use? settings?
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    How to Uninstall Intel INF drivers?

    I install the Intel INF drivers and I am using an Intel 80gb ssd G2 I just red that if you install those drivers TRIM won't work. I would like to know how to uninstallthem since I reinstalled windows last week and I don't want to do it again. thanks
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    Best stereo bluetooth headset?

    water proof? Can I swim with this S9 HD on? I always one a pair of headset to listen to music while swimming.
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    ZOTAC GF9300-I-E GPU Problem!

    M350 Universal Mini-ITX enclosure