wd 1.5 green drive


Limp Gawd
Aug 31, 2009
I'm having a problem with my WHS and I'm almost sure it's because of the new hard drive western digital Green 1.5tb I installed in my whs because I was running out of space just have about 30% left before I install this drive. And now if I'm watching a movie in my htpc from the server I can't copy any file to it.

For example I was watching a blue ray (iso file) in my HTPC from my WHS and the HTPC start to record HD TV (directly to the server) and I have to stop watching the movie because it get pretty slow I don't know if the right word to this problem is HD sluttering someone please tell me if this is the wrong word.

is there anyway to fix this issue?

Hmm. Which model drive did you get? The WD Greens are supposed to be for low heat, storage solutions where speed isn't a major factor. I ordered two WD15EADS drives that will arrive on Wednesday. I hope I don't have similar issues.
The Green drives should be plenty fast enough for both of those operations - maybe a network issue if you are streaming both of those operations over the network?
The Green drives should be plenty fast enough for both of those operations - maybe a network issue if you are streaming both of those operations over the network?

Before I used to be able to play a mk file or bd-disk and copy files to the WHS withouth any problem the problem start after I installed this drive. my network is 1gps in all my pc's but the one in my bedroom.
Its probably the demigrator service kicking in. Watch perfmon for this when your streaming a movie. You can write a sceduled task to turn it on at midnight each day and off at 6am so it doesn't affect you.
Its probably the demigrator service kicking in. Watch perfmon for this when your streaming a movie. You can write a sceduled task to turn it on at midnight each day and off at 6am so it doesn't affect you.

how can perfmon affect in this? I really don't understand what do you mean by ( You can write a sceduled task to turn it on at midnight each day and off at 6am so it doesn't affect you)
I have the WD 2TB green model and I was surprised that it is actually faster than my Segate 7200.11 750GB drives in both random operations and at STR.
If that drive is the only one with free space then its getting used for both operations simultaneously you could have problems.

When you are reading and writing at the same time you IO is no longer sequential but is instead random because the heads are jumping all over the place trying to read from one part of the drive and write to the other.

What you are experiencing is called disk contention
If that drive is the only one with free space then its getting used for both operations simultaneously you could have problems.

When you are reading and writing at the same time you IO is no longer sequential but is instead random because the heads are jumping all over the place trying to read from one part of the drive and write to the other.

What you are experiencing is called disk contention

something like that came to my mind but not in that technical way, :mad: now I have to buy another drive what a pita
how can perfmon affect in this? I really don't understand what do you mean by ( You can write a sceduled task to turn it on at midnight each day and off at 6am so it doesn't affect you)

No, perfmon will show you what service is kicking in and thrashing your disk. In WHS, this is almost always the demigrator service which is responsible for balancing the disks for duplication. Even if duplication is turned off it will affect streaming. You can create a sheduled task to only enable it during certain hours so it wont affect streaming during the day.

Adding another disk wont help, demigrator will stick kick in.
No, perfmon will show you what service is kicking in and thrashing your disk. In WHS, this is almost always the demigrator service which is responsible for balancing the disks for duplication. Even if duplication is turned off it will affect streaming. You can create a sheduled task to only enable it during certain hours so it wont affect streaming during the day.

Adding another disk wont help, demigrator will stick kick in.

can you tell me how to do this shedule for demigrator, I have try to find in google how to do this but I just find discution about it and no how to solve the problem. I try to run demigrator in my server but it can't find the file.