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  1. P

    DarthBeavis Project: Away Team

    I've been following your progress on your project and you have the best original mod I've seen to date. The work is so clean and I'm surprised at every update, keep up the great work! Thanks for sharing!
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    I got my LianLi PC-A05B ! it's Small!

    Looks great! Post more when you get the window.
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    NASA Working on Ion-Propulsion System

    Great Thread and Posts, got my laughing, (Star wars) I think a totally different type of propulsion needs to be created, some that works to reverse gravity, like 2 magnets. The ion is a start but its like spitting and speed only comes after spitting a few million billion times (to put it in...
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    Why Customer Service Is So Bad

    So many different opinions on the same topic that are all true, we all have one or more stories of crappy customer service. Yesterday I went through being helped by The Geek Squad and I have to give them a 8.5 for my television repair. They ended up replacing my 3 yr old TV with a new one. Yes...
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    I got my LianLi PC-A05B ! it's Small!

    These cases are great! I Love mine as well and I've been contemplating what to do with mine as well, I have never had and anodizing done before so I'm learning from your project.. Looking forward to seeing more, Thanks for sharing!
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    Project CheckMate by E.E.L. Ambiense

    That looked Freakin Sweet! Great Work!
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    No More DRM From EA!!!

    They did it so boneheads can play it at work and not alert the IT Guys (my Buddies) right away....
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    This may be weird, but I like Vista more than Win 7

    It's nice to hear from the other side about Win 7 and security upgrades is always an issue to upgrade. (lol) I guess Vista still has it uses for a while after all. Thanks for the input, I never did like to jump in and follow the up-graders until I heard from both sides of the users, I'm sure...
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    iPhone Catches Car Seat On Fire?

    I'm wondering if it was a 3rd gen, My 2nd gen has never even gotten warm charging or just in use. Man that sucks when your phone frys your car, thats a double tea bagger! I bet his friends are gonna be baggin on him for years...
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    I got my LianLi PC-A05B ! it's Small!

    What the estimated turn around time for Anodizing to be completed? Just wondering compared to power coating.
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    I got my LianLi PC-A05B ! it's Small!

    Looks good, real good, Those top grills look flush and factory and that Motherboard Rocks! Keep them coming need to see how everything fits with that video card!
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    I got my LianLi PC-A05B ! it's Small!

    Reading and watching this thread can really have an adverse effect you.... I didn't realize how light they were? Also how quicky my wallet lightened as well? Amazing
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    EAX in Vista with Realtek???

    I learned a lot today about Realtec and why I should just disable it and buy a 8.1 sound card. Whoa! What an Excellent Setup, great screen! Everything! I see you got the best advise and wasn't going to comment but Wow your set up quite well! Thanks for all the great info!
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    PSU recommendation needed for i7 build.

    I went with the Silverstone 1000NV for the 100% modular cable system to give the case a clean look and not have to hide all of those cables that I'm not going to use. Also because it's 80Plus and SLI rated. The i7 is 130 watts right off the bat so do go lower than 750watts depending on how much...
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    Gigabyte EX58-UD3R Motherboard Review @ [H]

    I've normally always purchased Gigabyte Mobos but I went for graphics this time around with the i7. I really like the layout and this is my 2nd place winner. I went with the Evga X58 for the triple SLI on the last build. I'm still running a 6 yr old Gigabyte board with Dual Bios and a P4 w/...
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    12gb vs 6gb how "bad" does it affect the OC?

    Dumb question I know but I have to ask? Did you 1st go into the bios with just 1 stick of Memory and set your Memory Voltage? I did it on mine and I heard if you don't it will stick? PM if I can help, I have 6 gig running right now in mine.. Just to bounce X58 questions if you like.. I have a...
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    How do you think I'll do with this setup?

    Looks great! I love big coolers and for over clocking it would rule! Just be careful if your case has a blow hole, I bought the Cooler Master Scout for the 140mm fan in the top and when I mounted a Cooler Master CPU cooler it just barely rubbed on the fan in the top making it unusable, I was...
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    Best case for my new iPhone 3GS?

    I use the black DLO Jamjacket with the Zagg skin working for over 1 year now on 2 gen no problems
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    Cannot Install Vista 64-bit

    I didn't read it right either I guess, I have never used raid for booting and OS only storage? You may have to get a 3rd drive and use one for OS. Thats the only way I know of fixing it, it's really hard to give general fixing instructions without seeing screens and I hate throwing money at a...
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    Reverse mounting powersupply

    Thats a very nice power supply and it shouldn't run hot, I would just reverse mount it in the bottom and see if that works better for you. Thats how I mounted mine in my Cooler Master Scout case. It would run cooler than the CM designed way with it drawing through the bottom. (Poor design in my...
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    Win7 Is it worth finally giving up XP?

    I wasn't much of a fan of Vista for a long time but now I'm ready to move on to Vista 64 for my gaming rigs for the Direct X 10 features.Win 7 I'll give a little time for MS to work out the bugs and move into soon I'm sure as well (few more Mo.s). MS looks to be changing direction with unpacking...
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    Cannot Install Vista 64-bit

    I would unplug the Maxtor, unplug the Raid Aray and have only the CD/DVD and your 40gig connected in the system. Reformat and try another install. I find if I disconnect everything back to the basics I have better luck trouble shooting my install problems.
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    I got my LianLi PC-A05B ! it's Small!

    I've been searching for a new project, now I'm sure what I want to start my next build in. The A05 is perfect for me, I'm going to start searching the For Sale threads/web to find a case to start with. Thanks for all the great ideas, I look forward to sharing and getting all your input on my new...
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    Hi, I'm new to HardForum and have lots of experience in computers and gaming. Looking forward to...

    Hi, I'm new to HardForum and have lots of experience in computers and gaming. Looking forward to building and interacting soon. Just joined the "I got no friends" Social Group : (