Cannot Install Vista 64-bit

Apr 15, 2008
Hey guys!

Here is what I did...

I got tired of my Raid 0 constantly fucking up using my purple GSATA ports on my UD3P board. So, I put my 2 HDs into the 2 yellow ports.

Deleted the raid array and formatted prior to doing this, created new Raid 0 array with the intel ports.

Installed Vista just fine, 40gb for the OS and a 2nd partition for my data etc. Found out that 40gb wasn't enough after windows updates leaving me with about 10gb free. So, I use unetbootin to run gparted off my flash drive. I unallocate some space from my 2nd partition, and stick 20gb into the OS drive.

2 hours later, I reboot and my BOOT MGMR is gone! So, I'm like..okay whatever..I'll just reinstall Vista.

However, Vista cannot find a volume that meets its installation criteria. I have formatted, re-partitioned, made a new raid array, tried without raid.....nothing will get Vista to install now.

I have had a maxtor one touch 80gb USB HD plugged in during all of this, and have not tried without it yet...but any ideas? :-(
I would unplug the Maxtor, unplug the Raid Aray and have only the CD/DVD and your 40gig connected in the system. Reformat and try another install. I find if I disconnect everything back to the basics I have better luck trouble shooting my install problems.
Hmm, should have been more clear..sorry!

It's 2 HDs...both are 250gb, so I've got them in Raid 0...could I unplug one, install Vista and then put them in raid AFTER the install? Or, would that hose everything? lol
do you have any other HDD's aside from the raid-0 array?
i stepped on the same landmine with my UD3P board and was only able to proceed once unplugging all other drives and making sure my raid-0 array was first boot HDD in BIOS.
Would anyone have any theories as to why my boot loader got hosed by using gparted? Did it change the boot loader to grub or something?
I didn't read it right either I guess, I have never used raid for booting and OS only storage? You may have to get a 3rd drive and use one for OS. Thats the only way I know of fixing it, it's really hard to give general fixing instructions without seeing screens and I hate throwing money at a problem.... Good Luck and hope you can make it work ASAP! I'll follow to see if anyone helps as I would like to learn as well.