Wolfenstein leaked Multiplayer footage, this does not look good

While I agree it doesn't look good, who knows what stage this is in, you know? It's leaked so it could easily be a rough mechanics copy.

That being said, I am holding out high hopes for this game. I am a big wolfenstein fan and I hope this really knocks it home.
Looks like work in progress to me. First two were early game play testing then the last one was where they were starting to implement the graphics.
Disapointed so far. RTCW multiplayer seems a lot better so far compared to this. I was always into the multiplayer the most. Seems consolized so far. The way the controls are moving looks very consolistic lol. Just hope it ends up good.
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hopefully this isnt true.. because all i really care about is the MP in this game.. but who ever tested that must have one shitastic computer or its an early beta test since theres no AA turned on at all in the first video.. and the second video just looks god awful.. but the 3rd video looks much better..
Looks like it's either really early footage or it's a RTCW mod trying to pass itself off as the new Wolfenstein IMO.
Correct me if I'm wrong.. but isn't that EXACTLY what ET:RTCW looks like? Been years since I played, but it looks exactly like it.
Other than the footage which obviously has incomplete graphics, I think it looks fine. Wolfenstein Enemy Territory but with a little more polish is all that's needed.
Will reserve judgement until I actually play it of course.
Correct me if I'm wrong.. but isn't that EXACTLY what ET:RTCW looks like? Been years since I played, but it looks exactly like it.

I think your memories may be slightly rose tinted.


Disapointed so far. RTCW multiplayer seems a lot better so far compared to this. I was always into the multiplayer the most. Seems consolized so far. The way the controls are moving looks very consolistic lol. Just hope it ends up good.

The fact that you compare a couple youtube vids of a incomplete game to ET:RTCW is quite frankly ridiculous .
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I'd assume that's an unpolished beta. I'm waiting for the release to actually judge the game, I've already got it paid off @ work in hopes that it's good. I'm sick of CoD4 and MW2 looks to be much of the same.

All of that said, TF2 has been entertaining more so than anything else at the moment. :D
Videos look like theres no lighting in place, all maps look really bad until lighting is done, it completely changes the tone of the textures, and if they're bump/relief mapped you dont see any of that detail without correct lighting.
You better learn the Hardforum rules FAST:
(15) Observe all COPYRIGHT LAWS, TOS's and NDA's when posting copyrighted material. If the material belongs to someone else, credit the original author. Do not post messages that violate Federal, State, or Local laws which include, but are not limited to, anything that violates a copyright, trademark, patent, trade secret, or is bound by NDA (Non-Disclosure Agreement).

Not linking or anything. Just sharing what it runs like and all that. Not even using it anymore. Just wanted to make a video lol. I don't really approve of piracy.
So you admit to piracy...reported.

Only reason i got it was to share with you guys information and not some crappy video that turns off people that was first posted. I am going to buy this game. I never said piracy was good. Every game i play is ones i own. I wouldn't assume anything just yet. Just wanted to help you guys get some insight. Its obvious some people just can't handle the truth.
Someone on the inside had to have released it. Maybe on purpose ?
Rumor on the forum is Activision is cockblocking promotion of the game because id was bought by zenimax and is now a competitior against Activision's COD:MW.
Someone on the inside had to have released it. Maybe on purpose ?
Rumor on the forum is Activision is cockblocking promotion of the game because id was bought by zenimax and is now a competitior against Activision's COD:MW.

Doesn't sound too far fetched given the complete lack of promotion for Quake Wars
A few years ago companies started using "Beta Testing" as a marketing tool. Now it seems to be turning to "Leaked Content" as the next big hype machine. It's worked well for Microsoft this past year.

'True' beta testing is done by selection rather than everyone who wants in, gets in. 'True' leaks are not visuals of near-finished products just waiting to hit the shelf.
It actually looks pretty good to me. I always enjoyed the infantry-centric objective based gameplay in the previous RTCW and ET games, then Quake Wars came out and had to mix in vehicle combat and large, open maps and cock the whole thing up. This looks like a return to form, even if the gameplay looks as if it has been spending a little too long in CoD4 land.
hopefully this isnt true.. because all i really care about is the MP in this game.. but who ever tested that must have one shitastic computer or its an early beta test since theres no AA turned on at all in the first video.. and the second video just looks god awful.. but the 3rd video looks much better..

God do you people not get it? The first video was an EARLY EARLY model. How obvious can it be? Can you not see the advancement in progress throughout all 3 videos? If you want to see the final product watch the fucking E3 video. Stop coming to whackass conclusions and not looking at things that are right in front of your faces. USE YOUR BRAINS!
Does the hardocp forum cover leaks?

NDAs apply to people, not just content, you can't violate an NDA you have not signed, so if somoene leaks something and that gets passed around the internet then someone re-posting it isn't violating anything, especially if they're just posting links to content and not hosting it themselves.

A lot of NDAs also explicitly state that the people who have signed the NDA aren't even allowed to admit the NDA exists to begin with, so asking people not to post material that is under at least some form of NDA protection is impossible to measure or enforce, I don't know if the beta is covered by NDA, how could I possibly know that?

Anyway the game looks pretty arcade run and gun style which might be fun for multiplayer like W:ET was but the singleplayer is probably going to suck.

And Converge is right, during beta models and design evolve slowly, sometimes stock models are used in place of unfinished ones, you can really use the old beta videos to comment on how good it looks.
Man Id, wtf? I have loved your games with the arcady, fast-paced style of gameplay for 15 years. Now you just copy COD. Yes, you aim down the sights and you can't sprint while you shoot in the MP, gg to all those that loved RtCW and W:ET.
It looks fine to me and those early videos on page 1 were just that early betas totally incomplete. These videos here on page 2 mirror the walkthrough from E3 that gamespot has on their site. Game looks good.
Why does the resistence have the same weapons as the axis ?

They don't have to be asymetrical like QW, they could have at least had the same gun with different sounds and textures for each team like ET's MP40 and Thompson.

The movement seems ok. Doesn't feel consolized. There are no graphics options in the beta so I don't know if it gets better, they are ok, nothing special. If this game turns out good I'd planned on upgrading, but I probably don't need to for MP.
I would have to agree, it doesn't look good to me. Gameplay seems very generic, and the whole veil/ special modes thing seems gimmicky, which will more than likely ruin multiplayer. I predict another flop from Raven/id. Not buying, not even remotely interested anymore. Shame, RtCW was a fantastic game.
Why the hell would you judge or even think the multiplayer would look anything like that? That's obviously a work in progress. There are hardly any textures in the whole thing and is incredibly incomplete.
Man Id, wtf? I have loved your games with the arcady, fast-paced style of gameplay for 15 years. Now you just copy COD. Yes, you aim down the sights and you can't sprint while you shoot in the MP, gg to all those that loved RtCW and W:ET.

looks like he was able to shoot while sprinting in the videos above ok. I didn't see the sights though....-_-
well i just got done playing the beta multiplayer for RTCW 2 and i have to say the game looks damn good.. there are a bunch of model glitches though.. for example if you see some one throw a gernade then start firing.. the gun just wobbles around as the person fires at you even though the character model is looking in a totally different direction.. its obvious that its still really early beta though so hopefully they improved on all the stuff with the final release of the game.. also the default key layout absolutely sucks..

i will definitely be buying this game when it comes out in stores.. not going to wait like i usually do for the game to drop under 30 bucks...

oh yeah.. in the beta it doesnt support binding controls to the extra buttons on your mouse yet.. thats another thing i hope they added to the final release.. and the respawn times are way to fast.. 1-2 seconds.. almost to fast to even press the crouch key so you dont respawn and your team medic can revive you..

some one said the game looked like CoD4 style playing.. the TDM is very much CoD4 like and also TF2 when it comes to the medic.. me and few friends only did the TDM though just to see what it was like.. we didnt try any of the other modes..
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well i just got done playing the beta multiplayer for RTCW 2 and i have to say the game looks damn good.. there are a bunch of model glitches though.. for example if you see some one throw a gernade then start firing.. the gun just wobbles around as the person fires at you even though the character model is looking in a totally different direction.. its obvious that its still really early beta though so hopefully they improved on all the stuff with the final release of the game.. also the default key layout absolutely sucks..

i will definitely be buying this game when it comes out in stores.. not going to wait like i usually do for the game to drop under 30 bucks...

oh yeah.. in the beta it doesnt support binding controls to the extra buttons on your mouse yet.. thats another thing i hope they added to the final release.. and the respawn times are way to fast.. 1-2 seconds.. almost to fast to even press the crouch key so you dont respawn and your team medic can revive you..

some one said the game looked like CoD4 style playing.. the TDM is very much CoD4 like and also TF2 when it comes to the medic.. me and few friends only did the TDM though just to see what it was like.. we didnt try any of the other modes..

How does the game sound? I personally love in Return to Castle Wolfenstein the sound of the Flame Thrower (*had that deep bass roar to it), and the explosions of grenades, and also the sound of the thompson and reloading all sounded awesome in Return to castle wolfenstein.
its obvious that its still really early beta though so hopefully they improved on all the stuff with the final release of the game...


It's got to be gold soon. Hopefully it sells well enough on the direct-x box, so that PC gets patches too. :rolleyes:
If the multiplayer is the same as the multiplayer in Return to Wolfenstein, I may have to buy this game. It was my favorite xbox game back in the day. I played it everyday for a whole summer.